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Tag: Suntingan visualeditor-wikitext
Baris 34:
Letusan yang menghasilkan kaldera ini pertama kali dikenali pada tahun 2003. Pada tahun 2004, sebuah penelitian menaksir bahwa volume letusan ini mencapai {{convert|10|km3}}.{{sfn|Vidal|Komorowski|Métrich|Pratomo|2015|p=3}} Riset mula-mula memperkirakan bahwa letusan pembentuk kaldera ini terjadi antara tahun 1210 dan 1300. Pada tahun 2013, Lavigne mengusulkan bahwa letusan ini terjadi antara bulan Mei dan Oktober 1257, dan menyebabkan [[perubahan iklim]] pada tahun 1258.{{sfn|Rachmat|Rosana|Wirakusumah|Jabbar|2016|p=109}} Beberapa desa di Lombok dibangung di atas timbunan aliran piroklastik sisa kejadian tahun 1257.<ref name="Lavigne2017"/>
== ResearchSejarah historykajian ==
AAdanya majorletusan volcanicvulkanis eventbesar inpada tahun 1257–1258 waspertama firstkali discovereddiketahui frommelalui data inyang icedidapat coresdari [[inti es]];<ref name="Science2013"/>{{sfn|Lavigne|Degeai|Komorowski|Guillet|2013|p=16742}} specificallykhususnya increasedpenemuan sulfatepeningkatan concentrationskonsentrasi were foundsulfat{{sfn|Hamilton|2013|p=39}} inpada tahun 1980 withindi thedalam Crêteinti [[icees core]]Crête{{sfn|Oppenheimer|2003|p=417}} (dari [[Greenland]], drilleddiambil inpada tahun 1974<ref name="Langway2008"/>) associatedyang withdihubungkan adengan deposittimbunan ofabu [[rhyolitic]] ash.{{sfn|Oppenheimer|2003|p=418}} The 1257-1258 layer is the third largest sulfate signal at Crête;{{sfn|Hammer|Clausen|Langway|1988|p=103}} at first a source in a volcano near Greenland had been considered{{sfn|Hamilton|2013|p=39}} but [[Iceland]]ic records made no mention of eruptions around 1250 and it was found in 1988 that ice cores in [[Antarctica]] – at [[Byrd Station]] and the [[South Pole]] – also contained sulfate signals.{{sfn|Hammer|Clausen|Langway|1988|p=104}} Sulfate spikes were also found in ice cores from [[Ellesmere Island]], Canada,{{sfn|Hammer|Clausen|Langway|1988|p=106}} and the Samalas sulfate spikes were used as [[stratigraphic]] markers for ice cores even before the volcano that caused them was known.<ref name="OsipovaShibaev2014" />
The ice cores indicated a large sulfate spike, accompanied by tephra deposition,{{sfn|Narcisi|Petit|Delmonte|Batanova|2019|p=165}} around 1257<ref name="Auchmann2015"/> - 1259,{{sfn|Narcisi|Petit|Delmonte|Batanova|2019|p=165}} the largest{{efn|Sulfate spikes around 44 BC and 426 BC, discovered later, rival its size.<ref name="Sigl2015"/>}} in 7,000 years and twice the size of the spike due to the [[1815 eruption of Mount Tambora|1815 eruption of Tambora]].<ref name="Auchmann2015"/> In 2003, a dense rock equivalent volume of {{convert|200|-|800|km3}} was estimated for this eruption,{{sfn|Oppenheimer|2003|p=419}} but it was also proposed that the eruption might have been somewhat smaller and richer in sulfur.{{sfn|Oppenheimer|2003|p=420}} The volcano responsible was thought to be located in the [[Ring of Fire]]{{sfn|Campbell|2017|p=113}} but could not be identified at first;<ref name="Science2013"/> [[Tofua]] volcano in Tonga was proposed at first but dismissed, as the Tofua eruption was too small to generate the 1257 sulfate spikes.<ref name="Caulfield2011"/> A volcanic eruption in 1256 at [[Harrat Rahat|Harrat al-Rahat]] near [[Medina]] was also too small to trigger these events.{{sfn|Stothers|2000|p=361}} Other proposals included several simultaneous eruptions.{{sfn|Brovkin|Lorenz|Jungclaus|Raddatz|2010|p=675}} Estimated diameters and positions of the calderas left by the eruption ranged from {{convert|10|-|30|km}},{{sfn|Oppenheimer|2003|p=424}} close to the [[equator]] and probably north of it.{{sfn|Hammer|Clausen|Langway|1988|p=107}}