William Shakespeare: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 214:
{{Main|Masalah kepenulisan Shakespeare}}
Image:ShakespeareCandidates1.jpg|thumb|alt=Portraits of Shakespeare and four proposed alternative authors|Oxford, Bacon, Derby, dan Marlowe (searah jarum jam dari kiri atas, Shakespeare di tengah) diperkirakan sebagai penulis sesungguhnya. <small>''(ClickableFoto image—usebisa cursordiklik, togunakan identifykursor untuk mengidentifikasi.)''</small>
poly 1 1 105 1 107 103 68 104 68 142 1 142 [[Edward de Vere]]
poly 107 1 214 1 214 143 145 142 145 104 107 104 [[Francis Bacon]]
Baris 235:
{{Main|Potret Shakespeare}}
Tidak ada deskripsi kontemporer tertulis mengenai penampilan fisik Shakespeare yang bertahan, dan tidak ada bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa ia pernah memesan lukisan [[potret]], sehingga [[ukiran Droeshout]], yang menurut Ben Jonson sangat mirip dengan Shakespeare,{{sfn|Cooper|2006|pp=48, 57}} serta [[Monumen penguburan Shakespeare|monumen Stratford]], disepakati sebagai bukti terbaik mengenai keberadaannya. Dari abad ke-18, keinginan untuk menciptakan potret Shakespeare yang autentik memunculkan klaim dari berbagai pihak mengenai lukisan yang menggambarkan dirinya saat masih hidup. Hal tersebut menyebabkan munculnya beberapa potret palsu, serta kesalahan penggambaran, pelukisan ulang, dan pelabelan ulang potret orang lain.{{sfn|Schoenbaum|1981|p=190}}
== Kehidupan ==
Shakespeare lahir di [[Stratford-upon-Avon]], [[Inggris]], pada bulan April 1564, sebagai putra John Shakespeare dan Mary Arden. Ayah William cukup kaya ketika ia lahir dan memiliki bisnis pembuatan sarung tangan namun kemudian ia menjadi agak miskin setelah menjual [[wol]] secara [[ilegal]]. Shakespeare tidak mengikuti jejak ayahnya.
Pada zaman itu, sekolah umum baru dimulai di Inggris. Sebelumnya, hampir semua anak tidak tahu cara membaca dan menulis, mereka hanya belajar suatu keterampilan atau bertani. Shakespeare pergi ke salah satu sekolah umum yang baru ini. Ia belajar [[Bahasa Latin|Latin]], yang merupakan bahasa semua kaum terpelajar, tidak peduli dari negara mana mereka berasal. Dari [[London]] ke [[Lisbon]], dari [[Aleksandria]] ke [[Konstantinopel]], dari [[Tunis]] ke [[Yerusalem]], semua orang terpelajar berbicara Latin dan bahasa ibu mereka. Semua dokumen penting, baik dokumen negara, gereja, atau perdagangan, ditulis menggunakan Latin.
==Lihat juga==
Shakespeare juga mempelajari karya-karya para penulis dan filosofer dari Yunani Kuno dan Romawi. Lebih dari 100 tahun berlalu sejak [[Johannes Gutenberg]] memperkenalkan percetakan ke Eropa pada tahun [[1452]]. Shakespeare dan orang Inggris lain yang dapat membaca ─ dan mampu membeli ─ buku-buku menjadi akrab dengan kisah-kisah dari berbagai tempat seperti [[Italia]], [[Prancis]], [[Asia Minor]], dan [[Afrika Utara]]. Beberapa kisah-kisah ini menjadi dasar cerita-cerita terbesar Shakespeare. Contohnya, ''[[The Golden Ass]]'' karya [[Apuleius]], sebuah kisah kuno dari [[Afrika Utara]], kemungkinan merupakan kisah yang menginspirasikan [[Impian di Tengah Musim]]. Shakespeare meminjam cerita untuk [[Romeo dan Juliet]] dari seorang penulis Inggris lain, yang mendapatkannya dari seorang penulis Prancis, yang menerjemahkannya dari kisah abad ke-16 oleh [[Luigi da Porta]] dari [[Italia]] yang bersumpah bahwa cerita tersebut adalah berdasarkan cerita nyata.
* [[Garis besar William Shakespeare]]
* [[Teater Renaisans Inggris]]
[[Berkas:First Folio.jpg|ka|jmpl|Sampul muka [[Folio Pertama]], 1623. Gambar Shakespeare oleh Martin Droeshut]]
* [[Pengejaan nama Shakespeare]]
Di dalam dunia Shakespeare, terdapat susunan-susunan yang telah diterima secara umum. Hampir semua orang di Inggris adalah [[Kristen]]. Di hierarki terbawah terdapat kaum pekerja, di atasnya para petani dan pedagang, lalu para pendeta dan pengawal, lalu naik lagi para kesatria, tuan tanah, uskup agung, dan para adipati. Sang monarki bertakhta di puncak tatanan sosial. Di Inggris, monarki tersebut adalah [[Ratu Elizabeth I]] (yang dilanjutkan dengan kemenakannya, [[James I]]).
* ''[[World Shakespeare Bibliography]]''
Elizabeth I memerintah Inggris hampir selama hidup Shakespeare. Pada zaman tersebut tidak ada peperangan. Diplomasi sang ratu membuat kedua seterunya [[Prancis]] dan [[Spanyol]] terjaga seimbang. Perdagangan berkembang. London menjadi kota yang padat, ramai, dan penuh dengan peluang. Rumah-rumah sandiwara dibangun di London; teater-teater tersebut adalah tempat yang populer dikunjungi masyarakat.
Sistem kelas pada zaman Shakespeare dapat saja sudah memiliki susunan-susunan, tetapi hal tersebut tidak statis. Orang-orang mulai berpikir tentang mereka sendiri. Shakespeare hidup di zaman [[Renaisans]] yang berarti "kelahiran kembali" yang terjadi pada [[abad ke-15]] hingga [[abad ke-17]] di Eropa.
Renaisans Eropa menghidupkan kembali pembelajaran klasik. Pada zaman tersebut terdapat gerakan kebangkitan minat terhadap seni, musik, dan arsitektur. Suatu dunia yang tua dan stagnan tiba-tiba berubah menjadi hidup dan vibran. Meskipun hampir semua orang percaya bahwa susunan matahari, bulan, bintang, dan planet memengaruhi nasib mereka, beberapa orang mulai mengubah cara berpikir mereka tentang diri mereka dan dunia yang mereka tinggali. Mereka mulai memahami kekuasaan dan posisi pemerintahan diciptakan oleh manusia, bukan ditentukan oleh Tuhan sejak lahirnya. Mereka menyadari bahwa kekristenan bukanlah satu-satunya agama di dunia. Dan karena banyak di antara mereka mulai dapat membaca, maka banyak juga yang tidak ingin tinggal di kelas sosial tempat mereka dilahirkan. Banyak petualang Renaisans menggunakan cara mereka sendiri-sendiri untuk mencari rezeki dan mengembangkan kehidupan mereka. Shakespeare adalah salah satu dari orang-orang tersebut.
{{pquote|''Ada orang yang dilahirkan besar, beberapa mencapai kebesaran, dan beberapa memiliki dorongan kebesaran atas mereka''|[[Twelfth Night]]}}
Pada awal 1590-an, William Shakepseare mengokohkan dirinya sebagai seorang penulis sandiwara dan aktor di London. Selain itu, ia juga memiliki bagian dari rumah sandiwara tempat ia dan teman-temannya bermain. Itu mungkin adalah sumber penghasilannya. Shakespeare menikahi Anne Hathaway, yang delapan tahun lebih tua darinya, pada tanggal [[28 November]] [[1582]] di Temple Grafton, dekat Stratford. Anne kala itu hamil tiga bulan. Bersama-sama mereka dikaruniai tiga anak: Susanna, dan si kembar Hamnet dan Judith. Istri dan ketiga anaknya tinggal di Stratford, dan kemungkinan besar Shakespeare pergi mengunjungi mereka setahun sekali. Pada tahun [[1596]] Hamnet meninggal dunia. Karena kemiripan nama, banyak orang berpikir bahwa hal ini mengilhaminya untuk menulis ''The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark''.
Shakespeare menjadi orang teater yang sangat terkenal, sangat populer, dan sangat kaya. Ratu Elizabeth I sangat menyukai karya-karyanya; begitu pula dengan Raja James I, penerusnya. Pada pemerintahan James I, Shakespeare dan kawan-kawan terkenal dengan sebutan "Orang-orang Raja" karena Raja James I adalah pengunjung mereka yang spesial. Shakespeare dan Orang-orang Raja bermain di istana kerajaan, di teater Globe dan di rumah sandiwara mereka, dan teater Blackfriars. Untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak uang, mereka juga mengadakan tur keliling Inggris, terutama pada saat-saat wabah penyakit menjangkit Inggris.
{{pquote|''Seluruh dunia adalah panggung ...''|[[As You Like It]]}}
Orang-orang zaman Elizabeth tidak memandang pemain atau penulis sandiwara adalah pekerjaan yang terhormat. Pergi ke teater pada zaman tersebut tidak sama seperti pergi ke teater pada saat ini, hal itu lebih seperti pergi menonton pertandingan sepak bola!
Teater-teater zaman Elizabeth merupakan bangunan kayu yang bertingkat-tingkat. Para penonton duduk di ketiga sisi atau berdiri di tengah-tengah lantai. Bagian tengah teater terbuka atapnya karena pada zaman itu belum ada penerangan buatan. Ribuan orang berjejalan di teater untuk pertunjukan sore hari. Para penonton berteriak-teriak di belakang para aktor. Teater Globe adalah tempat yang padat pengunjung, bising, dan berjejal-jejalan.
{{pquote|''Siapa yang bisa mengontrol nasibnya?''|[[Othello]]}}
Puluhan ribu orang yang memadati untuk melihat sandiwara Shakespeare akan dapat mendengar 1700 kata yang diciptakan oleh Shakespeare. Banyak kata-kata ciptannya yang saat ini masih digunakan. Contohnya: "''deafening''" (menulikan), "'' hush''", "'' hurry''" (lekas), "'' downstairs''" (di bawah), "'' gloomy''" (sedih), "'' lonely''" (sendirian), "'' embrace''" (pelukan), "'' dawn''" (senja). Ejaan yang digunakan Shakespeare pun berbeda dari zamannya. Orang-orang zaman Elizabeth mengeja kata-kata seperti yang tertulis, seperti Latin dan Indonesia. Tidak ada cara "yang benar" untuk mengeja. Orang-orang menulis suatu kata seperti ejaan yang mereka inginkan. Jika ingin menulis "''me''" (saya) tapi ingin memberikan penekanan pada kata tersebut, maka kata tersebut akan dituliskan "''mee''". Jika sang penulis ingin kata tersebut dibaca seperti orang berteriak dari atap rumah, maka kata tersebut akan dituliskan "''Meee''".
Dalam teks Shakespeare akan dijumpai kata "''stayed''" (tinggal) dieja "''stay'd''", karena Shakespeare ingin mengucapkan kata tersebut sebagai satu suku kata (baca: 'steid') seperti ejaan bahasa Inggris sekarang, bukan dua suku kata (baca: 'stei-ed'). Bahasa Inggris modern banyak menggunakan penulisan dari zaman dahulu namun dengan menggunakan ejaan yang baru. Contohnya kata "''knight''" (kesatria) dulunya dieja sama seperti tulisannya (baca: 'k-ni-gh-t' 4 suku kata). Di dalam budaya oral seperti zaman Shakespeare, orang-orang memedulikan detail intonasi, nada suara, dan bunyi yang ditimbulkan pada waktu mereka berbicara sehingga bahasa lisan yang digunakan lebih kaya pada zaman dahulu daripada zaman sekarang.
{{pquote|''Untuk menjadi, atau tidak menjadi, itu adalah pertanyaan''|[[Hamlet]]}}
William Shakespeare menulis selama dua puluh lima tahun, menciptakan tiga puluh enam hingga tiga puluh sembilan karya yang diketahui hingga saat ini. Topik yang dicakup beragam mulai dari roman komik hingga perang saudara, dari permainan domestik hingga kejadian politis yang menggegerkan dunia. Namun tiga hal yang mendasari seluruh karyanya adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan: Apa artinya untuk hidup? Bagaimana cara kita hidup? Apa yang harus kita lakukan?
Sandiwara Shakespeare menawarkan pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut. Itulah sebabnya mengapa ahli-ahli literatur mempelajari karyanya, politikus-politikus mengutipnya, filosofer-filosofer menemukan cara berpikir yang baru dari membaca dan membaca ulang karyanya. Mempelajari Shakespeare adalah seperti mempelajari hidup dari berbagai sudut pandang: psikologis, politis, filosofis, sosial, spiritual. Ritme yang digunakannya dalam kata-katanya terefleksi dalam ritme tubuh kita. Memainkan peranan sandiwara Shakespeare di panggung membuat seseorang menyadari seberapa dalam seseorang harus menarik napas supaya suaranya dapat terdengar sampai ujung ruangan.
Shakespeare berhenti menulis pada tahun [[1611]] dan meninggal dunia beberapa tahun kemudian pada [[1616]]. Sampai wafatnya ia tetap menikah dengan Anne. Pada batu nisannya tertulis: "''Blest be the man who cast these stones, and cursed be he that moves my bones.''" ([[bahasa Indonesia]]: "Terbekatilah ia yang menaruh batu-batu ini, dan terkutuklah ia yang memindahkan tulang-tulangku.")
<!--http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-english-words-invented-by-shakespeare, dari wikipedia, tapi sudah diganti
List of Words first used by Shakespeare
Given the difficulty of tracing a word's true origin, it is probable that not all these words were invented by Shakespeare. Although Shakespeare may have not invented all these following words, most of the earliest citations for them in the OED are from Shakespeare. This fact means little about their origin, as stated above.
* Academe
* accessible
* accommodation
* addiction (Shakespeare meant “tendency”)
* admirable
* aerial (Shakespeare meant “of the air”)
* airless
* amazement
* anchovy
* arch-villain
* to arouse
* assassination
* auspicious
* bachelorship (“bachelorhood”)
* to barber
* barefaced
* baseless
* batty (Shakespeare meant “bat-like”)
* beachy (“beach-covered”)
* to bedabble
* to bedazzle
* bedroom (Shakespeare meant “room in bed”)
* to belly (“to swell”)
* belongings
* to besmirch
* to bet
* to bethump
* birthplace
* black-faced
* to blanket
* bloodstained
* bloodsucking
* blusterer
* bodikins (“little bodies”)
* bold-faced
* braggartism
* brisky
* broomstaff (“broom-handle”)
* bubble
* budger (“one who budges”)
* bump (as a noun)
* buzzer (Shakespeare meant “tattle-tale”)
* to cake
* candle holder
* to canopy
* to cater (as “to bring food”)
* to castigate
* catlike
* to champion
* characterless
* cheap (in pejorative sense of “vulgar”)
* chimney-top
* chopped (Shakespeare meant “chapped”)
* churchlike
* circumstantial
* clutch
* cold-blooded
* coldhearted
* colourful
* compact (as noun “agreement”)
* to comply
* to compromise (Shakespeare meant “to agree”)
* consanguineous (related by blood)
* control (as a noun)
* coppernose (“a kind of acne”)
* countless
* courtship
* to cow (as “intimidate”)
* critical
* cruelhearted
* to cudgel
* Dalmatian
* to dapple
* dauntless
* dawn (as a noun)
* day’s work
* deaths-head
* defeat (the noun)
* to denote
* depositary (as “trustee”)
* dewdrop
* dexterously (Shakespeare spelled it “dexteriously”)
* disgraceful (Shakespeare meant “unbecoming”)
* to dishearten
* to dislocate
* distasteful (Shakespeare meant “showing disgust”)
* distrustful
* dog-weary
* doit (a Dutch coin: “a pittance”)
* domineering
* downstairs
* East Indies
* to educate
* to elbow
* embrace (as a noun)
* employer
* employment
* enfranchisement
* engagement
* to enmesh
* enrapt
* to enthrone
* epileptic
* equivocal
* eventful
* excitement (Shakespeare meant “incitement”)
* expedience
* expertness
* exposure
* eyeball
* eyedrop (Shakespeare meant as a “tear”)
* eyewink
* face (meaning the dial of a clock)
* fair-faced
* fairyland
* fanged
* fap (“intoxicated”)
* farmhouse
* far-off
* fashionable
* fashionmonger
* fathomless (Shakespeare meant “too huge to be encircled by one’s arms”)
* fat-witted
* featureless (Shakespeare meant “ugly”)
* fiendlike
* to fishify (“turn into fish”)
* fitful
* fixture (Shakespeare meant “fixing” or setting “firmly in place”)
* fleshment (“the excitement of first success”)
* flirt-gill (a “floozy”)
* flowery (“full of florid expressions”)
* fly-bitten
* footfall
* foppish
* foregone
* fortune-teller
* foul mouthed
* Franciscan
* freezing (as an adjective)
* fretful
* frugal
* full-grown
* fullhearted
* futurity
* gallantry (Shakespeare meant “gallant people”)
* garden house
* generous (Shakespeare meant “gentle,” “noble”)
* gentlefolk
* glow (as a noun)
* to glutton
* to gnarl
* go-between
* to gossip (Shakespeare meant “to make oneself at home like a gossip—that is, a kindred spirit or a fast friend”)
* grass plot
* gravel-blind
* gray-eyed
* green-eyed
* grief-shot (as “sorrow-stricken”)
* grime (as a noun)
* to grovel
* gust (as a “wind-blast”)
* half-blooded
* to happy (“to gladden”)
* heartsore
* hedge-pig
* hell-born
* to hinge
* hint (as a noun)
* hobnail (as a noun)
* homely (sense “ugly”)
* honey-tongued
* hornbook (an “alphabet tablet”)
* hostile
* hot-blooded
* howl (as a noun)
* to humor
* hunchbacked
* hurly (as a “commotion”)
* to hurry
* idle-headed
* ill-tempered
* ill-used
* impartial
* to impede
* imploratory (“solicitor”)
* import (the noun: “importance” or “significance”)
* inaudible
* inauspicious
* incarnadine (verb: "to make red with blood"; used in Macbeth)
* indirection
* indistinguishable
* inducement
* informal (Shakespeare meant “unformed” or “irresolute”)
* to inhearse (to “load into a hearse”)
* to inlay
* to instate (Shakespeare, who spelled it “enstate,” meant “to endow”)
* inventorially (“in detail”)
* investment (Shakespeare meant as “a piece of clothing”)
* invitation
* invulnerable
* jaded (Shakespeare seems to have meant “contemptible”)
* juiced (“juicy”)
* keech (“solidified fat”)
* kickie-wickie (a derogatory term for a wife)
* kitchen-wench
* lackluster
* ladybird
* lament
* land-rat
* to lapse
* laughable
* leaky
* leapfrog
* lewdster
* loggerhead (Shakespeare meant “blockhead”)
* lonely (Shakespeare meant “lone”)
* long-legged
* love letter
* lustihood
* lustrous
* madcap
* madwoman
* majestic
* malignancy (Shakespeare meant “malign tendency”)
* manager
* marketable
* marriage bed
* militarist (Shakespeare meant “soldier”)
* mimic (as a noun)
* misgiving (sense “uneasiness”)
* misquote
* mockable (as “deserving ridicule”)
* money’s worth (“money-worth” dates from the 14th century)
* monumental
* moonbeam
* mortifying (as an adjective)
* motionless
* mountaineer (Shakespeare meant as “mountain-dweller”)
* to muddy
* neglect (as a noun)
* to negotiate
* never-ending
* newsmonger
* nimble-footed
* noiseless
* nook-shotten (“full of corners or angles”)
* to numb
* obscene (Shakespeare meant “revolting”)
* ode
* to offcap (to “doff one’s cap”)
* offenseful (meaning “sinful”)
* offenseless (“unoffending”)
* Olympian (Shakespeare meant “Olympic”)
* to operate
* oppugnancy (“antagonism”)
* outbreak
* to outdare
* to outfrown
* to out-Herod
* to outscold
* to outsell (Shakespeare meant “to exceed in value”)
* to out-talk
* to out-villain
* to outweigh
* overblown (Shakespeare meant “blown over”)
* overcredulous
* overgrowth
* to overpay
* to overpower
* to overrate
* overview (Shakespeare meant as “supervision”)
* pageantry
* to palate (Shakespeare meant “to relish”)
* pale-faced
* to pander
* passado (a kind of sword-thrust)
* paternal
* pebbled
* pedant (Shakespeare meant a schoolmaster)
* pedantical
* pendulous (Shakespeare meant “hanging over”)
* to perplex
* to petition
* pignut (a type of tuber)
* pious
* please-man (a “yes-man”)
* plumpy (“plump”)
* posture (Shakespeare seems to have meant “position” or “positioning”)
* prayerbook
* priceless
* profitless
* Promethean
* protester (Shakespeare meant “one who affirms”)
* published (Shakespeare meant “commonly recognized”)
* to puke
* puppy-dog
* pushpin (Shakespeare was referring to a children’s game)
* on purpose
* quarrelsome
* in question (as in “the … in question”)
* radiance
* to rant
* rascally
* rawboned (meaning “very gaunt”)
* reclusive
* refractory
* reinforcement (Shakespeare meant “renewed force”)
* reliance
* remorseless
* reprieve (as a noun)
* resolve (as a noun)
* restoration
* restraint (as “reserve”)
* retirement
* to reverb (“to re-echo”)
* revokement (“revocation”)
* revolting (Shakespeare meant as “rebellious”)
* to reword (Shakespeare meant “repeat”)
* ring carrier (a “go-between”)
* to rival (meaning to “compete”).
* roadway
* roguery
* rose-cheeked
* rose-lipped
* rumination
* ruttish (horny)
* one's Salad Days
* sanctimonious
* to sate
* satisfying (as an adjective)
* savage (as “uncivilized”)
* savagery
* schoolboy
* scrimer (“a fence”)
* scrubbed (Shakespeare meant “stunted”)
* scuffle
* seamy (“seamed”) and seamy-side (Shakespeare meant “under-side of a garment”)
* to secure (Shakespeare meant “to obtain security”)
* self-abuse (Shakespeare meant “self-deception”)
* shipwrecked (Shakespeare spelled it “shipwrackt”)
* shooting star
* shudder (as a noun)
* silk stocking
* silliness
* to sire
* skimble-skamble (“senseless”)
* skim milk (in quarto; “skim’d milk” in the Folio)
* slugabed (one who sleeps in)
* to sneak
* soft-hearted
* spectacled
* spilth (“something spilled”)
* spleenful
* sportive
* to squabble
* stealthy
* stillborn
* to subcontract (Shakespeare meant “to remarry”)
* successful
* suffocating (as an adjective)
* to sully
* to supervise (Shakespeare meant “to peruse”)
* to swagger
* tanling (someone with a tan)
* tardiness
* time-honored
* title page
* tortive (“twisted”)
* to torture
* traditional (Shakespeare meant “tradition-bound”)
* tranquil
* transcendence
* trippingly
* unaccommodated
* unappeased
* to unbosom
* unchanging
* unclaimed
* uncomfortable (sense “disquieting”)
* to uncurl
* to undervalue (Shakespeare meant “to judge as of lesser value”)
* to undress
* unearthy
* uneducated
* to unfool
* unfrequented
* ungoverned
* ungrown
* to unhappy
* unhelpful
* unhidden
* unlicensed
* unmitigated
* unmusical
* to un muzzle
* unpolluted
* unpremeditated
* unpublished (Shakespeare meant “undisclosed”)
* unquestionable (Shakespeare meant “impatient”)
* unquestioned
* unreal
* unrivaled
* unscarred
* unscratched
* to unsex (verb: "to [in its context] make a woman unwomanly (that she might do deeds of men (murder)"; said by Lady Macbeth, in her husband's play)
* unsolicited
* unsullied
* unswayed (Shakespeare meant “unused” and “ungoverned”)
* untutored
* unvarnished
* unwillingness (sense “reluctance”)
* upstairs
* useful
* useless
* valueless
* varied (as an adjective)
* varletry
* vasty
* vulnerable
* watchdog
* water drop
* water fly
* weird
* well-behaved
* well-bred
* well-educated
* well-read
* to widen (Shakespeare meant “to open wide”)
* wittolly (“contentedly a cuckhold”)
* worn out (Shakespeare meant “dearly departed”)
* wry-necked (“crook-necked”)
* yelping (as an adjective)
* zany (a clown’s sidekick or a mocking mimic)-->
== Tulisan ==
{{pquote|''Saya tumbuh, saya beruntung''|[[King Lear]]}}
Shakespeare menulis tentang keadaan manusia yang sangat manusiawi. Ia memahami apa yang hampir semua orang ingini: untuk menyayangi orang lain, dan disayangi oleh orang lain; makan, minum, dan tidur dengan tenang; untuk hidup di tengah dunia yang besar dan memiliki arti di dalam hidup. Shakespeare juga memahami bahwa manusia memiliki kelemahan-kelemahan yang kadang-kadang jauh dari rencana-rencana mereka yang terhormat (atau tidak terhormat). Shakespeare adalah seorang jenius yang menunjukkan pada kita diri kita sesungguhnya.
== Daftar karya ==
[[Berkas:Hamlet quarto 3rd.jpg|ka|jmpl|[[Hamlet]]]]
=== Tragedi ===
* ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]''
* ''[[Macbeth]]''
* ''[[King Lear]]''
* ''[[Hamlet]]''
* ''[[Othello]]''
* ''[[Titus Andronicus]]''
* ''[[Julius Caesar (play)|Julius Caesar]]''
* ''[[Antony and Cleopatra]]''
* ''[[Coriolanus]]''
* ''[[Troilus and Cressida]]''
* ''[[Timon of Athens]]''
=== Komedi ===
* ''[[The Comedy of Errors]]''
* ''[[All's Well That Ends Well]]''
* ''[[As You Like It]]''
{{pquote|''Ini tidaklah cukup untuk berbicara, tetapi untuk berbicara yang benar''|[[A Midsummer Night's Dream]]}}
* ''[[A Midsummer Night's Dream]]''
* ''[[Much Ado About Nothing]]''
* ''[[Measure for Measure]]''
* ''[[The Tempest]]''
* ''[[Taming of the Shrew]]''
* ''[[Twelfth Night, or What You Will]]''
* ''[[The Merchant of Venice]]''
* ''[[The Merry Wives of Windsor]]''
* ''[[Love's Labour's Lost]]''
* ''[[The Two Gentlemen of Verona]]''
* ''[[Pericles Prince of Tyre]]''
* ''[[Cymbeline]]''
* ''[[The Winter's Tale]]''
=== Sejarah ===
* ''[[Richard III (play)|Richard III]]''
* ''[[Richard II (play)|Richard II]]''
* ''[[Henry VI, part 1]]''
* ''[[Henry VI, part 2]]''
* ''[[Henry VI, part 3]]''
* ''[[Henry V (teater)|Henry V]]''
* ''[[Henry IV, part 1]]''
* ''[[Henry IV, part 2]]''
* ''[[Henry VIII (play)|Henry VIII]]''
* ''[[King John]]''
=== Puisi ===
{{pquote|''Aku bisa tinggal di sini sepanjang malam untuk mendengar nasihat yang baik. O, apa belajar itu!''|[[Romeo and Juliet]]}}
* ''[[Shakespeare's Sonnets]]''
* ''[[Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare poem)|Venus and Adonis]]''
* ''[[The Rape of Lucrece]]''
* ''[[The Passionate Pilgrim]]''
* ''[[The Phoenix and the Turtle]]''
* ''[[A Lover's Complaint]]''
==Catatan dan referensi==
Baris 779 ⟶ 250:
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|author-link = William Shakespeare
|display-authors = 0
|year = 2000
|editor-last = Levenson
|editor-first = Jill L.
|location = Oxford
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|isbn = 978-0-19-281496-8
|ref = {{harvid|Levenson|2000}}
* {{cite book
|chapter = Critical Approaches to Shakespeare from 1660 to 1904
|last = Levin
|first = Harry
|title = The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies
|editor-last = Wells
|editor-first = Stanley
|editor-link = Stanley Wells
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|location = Cambridge
|year = 1986
|isbn = 978-0-521-31841-9
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Attributing Authorship: An Introduction
|last = Love
|first = Harold
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|location = Cambridge
|year = 2002
|isbn = 978-0-511-48316-5
|doi = 10.1017/CBO9780511483165
|via = [[Cambridge Core]]
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespearean Suspect Texts: The 'Bad' Quartos and Their Contexts
|last = Maguire
|first = Laurie E.
|year = 1996
|location = Cambridge
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|isbn = 978-0-511-55313-4
|doi = 10.1017/CBO9780511553134
|via = [[Cambridge Core]]
|ref = harv
* {{cite web
|title = Shakespeare Died a Nobody, and then Got Famous by Accident
|last1 = Mays
|first1 = Andrea
|last2 = Swanson
|first2 = James
|author-link = James L. Swanson
|website = [[New York Post]]
|date = 20 April 2016
|accessdate = 31 December 2017
|url = https://nypost.com/2016/04/20/how-shakespeares-works-were-nearly-lost-to-us/
|dead-url = no
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160421135740/http://nypost.com/2016/04/20/how-shakespeares-works-were-nearly-lost-to-us/
|archive-date = 21 April 2016
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare's Late Style
|last = McDonald
|first = Russ
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|location = Cambridge
|year = 2006
|isbn = 978-0-511-48378-3
|doi = 10.1017/CBO9780511483783
|via = [[Cambridge Core]]
|ref = harv
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|title = Garrick
|last = McIntyre
|first = Ian
|year = 1999
|location = Harmondsworth, England
|publisher = [[Allen Lane]]
|isbn = 978-0-14-028323-5
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare and his Rivals: A Casebook on the Authorship Controversy
|last1 = McMichael
|first1 = George
|last2 = Glenn
|first2 = Edgar M.
|publisher = [[Odyssey Press]]
|location = New York
|year = 1962
|oclc = 2113359
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Pursuing Shakespeare's Dramaturgy: Some Contexts, Resources, and Strategies in his Playmaking
|last = Meagher
|first = John C.
|publisher = [[Fairleigh Dickinson University Press]]
|location = New Jersey
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-8386-3993-1
|ref = harv
* {{cite web
|title = Sonnet 18
|last1 = Mowat
|first1 = Barbara
|last2 = Werstine
|first2 = Paul
|website = Folger Digital Texts
|publisher = [[Folger Shakespeare Library]]
|date = n.d.
|accessdate = 30 December 2017
|url = http://www.folgerdigitaltexts.org/?chapter=5&play=Son&loc=Son-018
|ref = {{harvid|Mowat|Werstine|n.d.}}
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare's Tragic Sequence
|last = Muir
|first = Kenneth
|author-link = Kenneth Muir (scholar)
|publisher = [[Routledge]]
|location = London
|year = 2005
|isbn = 978-0-415-35325-0
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare's Stage
|last = Nagler
|first = A.M.
|publisher = [[Yale University Press]]
|location = New Haven, CT
|year = 1958
|isbn = 978-0-300-02689-4
|ref = harv
* {{Cite news
|title = Did He or Didn't He? That Is the Question
|author = <!-- no byline -->
|newspaper = The New York Times
|date = 22 April 2007
|url = https://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/education/edlife/22shakespeare-survey.html
|accessdate = 31 December 2017
|ref = {{harvid|The New York Times|2007}}
* {{Cite book
|title = The Author, the Editor and the Translator: William Shakespeare, Alexander Chalmers and Sándor Petofi or the Nature of a Romantic Edition
|last = Paraisz
|first = Júlia
|journal = [[Shakespeare Survey]]
|volume = 59
|pages = 124–135
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|location = Cambridge
|year = 2006
|isbn = 978-1-139-05271-9
|doi = 10.1017/CCOL0521868386.010
|via = [[Cambridge Core]]
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Such Is My Love: A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets
|last = Pequigney
|first = Joseph
|publisher = [[University of Chicago Press]]
|location = Chicago
|year = 1985
|isbn = 978-0-226-65563-5
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare Quartos and Folios: A Study in the Bibliography of Shakespeare's Plays, 1594–1685
|last = Pollard
|first = Alfred W.
|author-link = Alfred W. Pollard
|publisher = [[Methuen Publishing|Methuen]]
|location = London
|year = 1909
|oclc = 46308204
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Catholic Loyalism in Elizabethan England
|last = Pritchard
|first = Arnold
|publisher = [[University of North Carolina Press]]
|location = Chapel Hill
|year = 1979
|isbn = 978-0-8078-1345-4
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = The English History Play in the Age of Shakespeare
|last = Ribner
|first = Irving
|year = 2005
|location = London
|publisher = [[Routledge]]
|isbn = 978-0-415-35314-4
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|chapter = Shakespeare and His Actors: Some Remarks on King Lear
|last = Ringler
|first = William, Jr.
|pages = 123–134
|title = In Lear from Study to Stage: Essays in Criticism
|editor1-last = Ogden
|editor1-first = James
|editor2-last = Scouten
|editor2-first = Arthur Hawley
|publisher = [[Fairleigh Dickinson University Press]]
|location = New Jersey
|year = 1997
|isbn = 978-0-8386-3690-9
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = The Poems: Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece, The Phoenix and the Turtle, The Passionate Pilgrim, A Lover's Complaint
|last = Shakespeare
|first = William
|author-link = William Shakespeare
|display-authors = 0
|editor-last = Roe
|editor-first = John
|year = 2006
|location = Cambridge
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|series = [[The New Cambridge Shakespeare]]
|edition = 2nd revised
|isbn = 978-0-521-85551-8
|ref = {{harvid|Roe|2006}}
* {{Cite book
|title = Some Acount of the Life &c. of Mr. William Shakespear
|last = Rowe
|first = Nicholas
|author-link = Nicholas Rowe (writer)
|orig-year = first published 1709
|year = 1997
|url = http://www.gutenberg.org/files/16275/16275-h/16275-h.htm
|editor-last = Gray
|editor-first = Terry A.
|accessdate = 30 July 2007
|ref = {{harvid|Rowe|1709}}
* {{cite book
|title = William Shakespeare; A Biography
|last = Rowse
|first = A.L.
|authorlink = A. L. Rowse
|publisher = [[Harper & Row]]
|location = New York
|year = 1963
|ol = 21462232M
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare: the Man
|last = Rowse
|first = A.L.
|authorlink = A. L. Rowse
|publisher = [[Macmillan Publishers|Macmillan]]
|year = 1988
|isbn = 978-0-333-44354-5
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Victorian Appropriations of Shakespeare
|last = Sawyer
|first = Robert
|publisher = [[Fairleigh Dickinson University Press]]
|location = New Jersey
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-8386-3970-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = The Problem Plays of Shakespeare
|last = Schanzer
|first = Ernest
|year = 1963
|location = London
|publisher = [[Routledge]] and [[Kegan Paul]]
|oclc = 2378165
|isbn = 978-0-415-35305-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|chapter = Pictorial Shakespeare
|last = Schoch
|first = Richard W.
|year = 2002
|title = The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage
|pages = 58–75
|editor1-last = Wells
|editor1-first = Stanley
|editor1-link = Stanley Wells
|editor2-last = Stanton
|editor2-first = Sarah
|location = Cambridge
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|isbn = 978-0-511-99957-4
|doi = 10.1017/CCOL0521792959.004
|via = [[Cambridge Core]]
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = William Shakespeare: Records and Images
|last = Schoenbaum
|first = S.
|authorlink = Samuel Schoenbaum
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 1981
|isbn = 978-0-19-520234-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life
|last = Schoenbaum
|first = S.
|author-link = Samuel Schoenbaum
|year = 1987
|edition = Revised
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|isbn = 978-0-19-505161-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare's Lives
|last = Schoenbaum
|first = S.
|author-link = Samuel Schoenbaum
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 1991
|isbn = 978-0-19-818618-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare
|last = Shapiro
|first = James
|author-link = James S. Shapiro
|publisher = [[Faber and Faber]]
|location = London
|year = 2005
|isbn = 978-0-571-21480-8
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
|last = Shapiro
|first = James
|author-link = James S. Shapiro
|publisher = [[Simon & Schuster]]
|location = New York
|year = 2010
|isbn = 978-1-4165-4162-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare's Blackfriars Playhouse
|last = Smith
|first = Irwin
|publisher = [[New York University Press]]
|location = New York
|year = 1964
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = The Winter's Tale
|last = Shakespeare
|first = William
|author-link = William Shakespeare
|display-authors = 0
|year = 2007
|editor1-last = Snyder
|editor1-first = Susan
|editor2-last = Curren-Aquino
|editor2-first = Deborah
|location = Cambridge
|publisher = [[Cambridge University Press]]
|isbn = 978-0-521-22158-0
|ref = {{harvid|Snyder|Curren-Aquino|2007}}
* {{cite web
|title = Shakespeare Memorial
|url = http://southwark.anglican.org/cathedral/tour/bill.htm
|publisher = [[Southwark Cathedral]]
|access-date = 2 April 2016
|dead-url = yes
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160304192458/http://www.southwark.anglican.org/cathedral/tour/bill.htm
|archive-date = 4 March 2016
|ref = {{harvid|Southwark Cathedral|n.d.}}
* {{cite book
|title = The Death of Tragedy
|last = Steiner
|first = George
|author-link = George Steiner
|publisher = [[Yale University Press]]
|location = New Haven
|year = 1996
|isbn = 978-0-300-06916-7
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion
|last = Taylor
|first = Gary
|author-link = Gary Taylor (scholar)
|year = 1987
|location = Oxford
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|isbn = 978-0-19-812914-1
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Reinventing Shakespeare: A Cultural History from the Restoration to the Present
|last = Taylor
|first = Gary
|author-link = Gary Taylor (scholar)
|publisher = [[Hogarth Press]]
|location = London
|year = 1990
|isbn = 978-0-7012-0888-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Samuel Johnson
|last = Wain
|first = John
|author-link = John Wain
|year = 1975
|location = New York
|publisher = [[Viking Press|Viking]]
|isbn = 978-0-670-61671-8
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = The Oxford Shakespeare: The Complete Works
|editor1-last = Wells
|editor1-first = Stanley
|editor1-link=Stanley Wells
|editor2-last = Taylor
|editor2-first = Gary
|editor2-link = Gary Taylor (scholar)
|editor3-last = Jowett
|editor3-first = John
|editor3-link = John Jowett
|editor4-last = Montgomery
|editor4-first = William
|edition = 2nd
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 2005
|isbn = 978-0-19-926717-0
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare: A Life in Drama
|last = Wells
|first = Stanley
|author-link = Stanley Wells
|year = 1997
|location = New York
|publisher = [[W.W. Norton]]
|isbn = 978-0-393-31562-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare & Co
|last = Wells
|first = Stanley
|author-link = Stanley Wells
|publisher = [[Pantheon Books|Pantheon]]
|location = New York
|year = 2006
|isbn = 978-0-375-42494-6
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide
|editor1-last = Wells
|editor1-first = Stanley
|editor1-link = Stanley Wells
|editor2-last = Orlin
|editor2-first = Lena Cowen
|editor2-link = Lena Cowen Orlin
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-19-924522-2
|ref = none
** {{cite book
|chapter = Shakespeare's Influence
|last = Gross
|first = John
|title = Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide
|editor1-last = Wells
|editor1-first = Stanley
|editor1-link = Stanley Wells
|editor2-last = Orlin
|editor2-first = Lena Cowen
|editor2-link = Lena Cowen Orlin
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-19-924522-2
|ref = harv
** {{cite book
|chapter = The Question of Authorship
|last = Kathman
|first = David
|pages = 620–632
|title = Shakespeare: an Oxford Guide
|editor1-last = Wells
|editor1-first = Stanley
|editor1-link = Stanley Wells
|editor2-last = Orlin
|editor2-first = Lena Cowen
|editor2-link = Lena Cowen Orlin
|series = [[Oxford Guides]]
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-19-924522-2
|ref = harv
** {{cite book
|chapter = Conventions of Playwriting
|last = Thomson
|first = Peter
|title = Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide
|editor1-last = Wells
|editor1-first = Stanley
|editor1-link = Stanley Wells
|editor2-last = Orlin
|editor2-first = Lena Cowen
|editor2-link = Lena Cowen Orlin
|publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
|location = Oxford
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-19-924522-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare and Feminist Performance
|last = Werner
|first = Sarah
|year = 2001
|location = London
|publisher = [[Routledge]]
|isbn = 978-0-415-22729-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite web
|title = Visiting the Abbey
|publisher = [[Westminster Abbey]]
|url = http://www.westminster-abbey.org/archive/visit-us/highlights/poets-corner
|accessdate = 2 April 2016
|dead-url = yes
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160403162702/http://www.westminster-abbey.org/archive/visit-us/highlights/poets-corner
|archive-date = 3 April 2016
|ref = {{harvid|Westminster Abbey|n.d.}}
* {{cite book
|title = Secret Shakespeare: Studies in Theatre, Religion and Resistance
|last = Wilson
|first = Richard
|publisher = [[Manchester University Press]]
|location = Manchester
|year = 2004
|isbn = 978-0-7190-7024-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = The Plays of William Shakespeare with Notes of Various Commentators
|editor-last = Wood
|editor-first = Manley
|year = 1806
|volume = I
|location = London
|publisher = [[George Kearsley]]
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|title = Shakespeare
|last = Wood
|first = Michael
|author-link = Michael Wood (historian)
|publisher = [[Basic Books]]
|location = New York
|year = 2003
|isbn = 978-0-465-09264-2
|ref = harv
* {{cite book
|chapter = The Play of Phrase and Line
|last = Wright
|first = George T.
|title = Shakespeare: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory, 1945–2000
|editor-last = McDonald
|editor-first = Russ
|location = Oxford
|publisher = [[Blackwell Publishing|Blackwell]]
|year = 2004
|isbn = 978-0-631-23488-3
|ref = harv
==Pranala luar==
{{Spoken Wikipedia|William Shakespeare (Spoken Article).ogg|2008-04-11}}
* [http://www.shakespearedocumented.org/ Shakespeare Documented] an online exhibition documenting Shakespeare in his own time
* {{Britannica|537853}}
* [http://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/ Internet Shakespeare Editions]
* [http://www.folgerdigitaltexts.org/ Folger Digital Texts]
* [http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/ Open Source Shakespeare] complete works, with search engine and concordance
* [http://contentdm.lib.miamioh.edu/cdm/landingpage/collection/wshakespeare First Four Folios] at [[Miami University]] Library, digital collection
* [http://www.quartos.org/ The Shakespeare Quartos Archive]
* [https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poet/william-shakespeare Shakespeare's sonnets, poems, and texts] at [[Poets.org]]
* [http://www.shakespeareswords.com/ Shakespeare's Words] the online version of the best selling glossary and language companion
* [http://www.shakespearestudyguide.com/Shake2/ShakespeareMusic.html Shakespeare and Music]
* [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/dol/images/examples/pdfs/shakespeare.pdf Shakespeare's Will] from [[The National Archives (United Kingdom)|The National Archives]]
* {{ChoralWiki|description=Works by William Shakespeare set to music: free scores}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20110528205339/http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/home.html The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust]
* {{IMDb name|636}}
* {{Gutenberg author|id=65}}
* {{Internet Archive author|sname=William Shakespeare}}
* {{Librivox author|id=37}}
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20160617173843/http://www.bl.uk/shakespeare ''Discovering Literature: Shakespeare''] at the British Library
* [https://www.bl.uk/people/william-shakespeare William Shakespeare] at the British Library
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00545dp "Shakespeare and Literary Criticism"], BBC Radio 4 discussion with Harold Bloom and Jacqueline Rose (''In Our Time'', 4 March 1999).
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00546s8 "Shakespeare's Work"] BBC Radio 4 discussion with Frank Kermode, Michael Bagdanov and Germaine Greer (''In Our Time'', 11 May 2000).
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00547ct "Shakespeare's Life"], BBC Radio 4 discussion with Katherine Duncan-Jones, John Sutherland and Grace Ioppolo (''In Our Time'', 15 March 2001).
* {{PM20|FID=pe/016409}}
== Pranala luar ==
{{wikiquote|William Shakespeare}}
* {{en}} [[Wikisource:Author:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare]] di [[Wikisource]]
* {{en}} [http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/ Open Source Shakespeare]
* {{en}} [http://www.lokerseni.web.id/2011/06/kumpulan-puisi-bahasa-inggris.html Kumpulan Puisi Bahasa Inggris "William Shakespeare"]
|title=[[Drama tragedi Shakespeare]]
* {{en}} [http://www.lokerseni.web.id/2011/05/kumpulan-naskah-drama-karya-william.html Kumpulan Naskah Drama William Shakespeare]
{{Antony and Cleopatra}}
{{Julius Caesar (play)}}
{{King Lear}}
{{Romeo and Juliet}}
{{Timon of Athens}}
{{Titus Andronicus}}
{{Troilus and Cressida}}
|title=[[Drama komedi Shakespeare]]
{{All's Well That Ends Well}}
{{As You Like It}}
{{The Comedy of Errors}}
{{Love's Labour's Lost}}
{{Measure for Measure}}
{{The Merchant of Venice}}
{{The Merry Wives of Windsor}}
{{A Midsummer Night's Dream}}
{{Much Ado About Nothing}}
{{Pericles, Prince of Tyre}}
{{The Taming of the Shrew}}
{{The Tempest}}
{{Twelfth Night}}
{{The Two Gentlemen of Verona}}
{{The Two Noble Kinsmen}}
{{The Winter's Tale}}
|title=[[Drama sejarah Shakespeare]]
{{King John}}
{{Edward III}}
{{Shakespeare tetralogy}}
{{Henry VIII}}
{{Shakespeare's sonnets}}
{{Beaumont and Fletcher canon}}
{{Subject bar
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[[Category:Kelahiran 1564]]
[[Kategori:Sastrawan Inggris]]
[[Category:Kematian 1616]]
[[Category:Aktor pria Inggris abad ke-16]]
[[Category:Aktor drama pria Inggris]]
[[Category:Dramawan abad ke-16]]
[[Category:Dramawan Inggris abad ke-16]]
[[Category:Tokoh yang dimakamkan di Warwickshire]]
[[Category:Tokoh dari Warwickshire]]
[[Category:Penyair Inggris abad ke-17]]
[[Category:Penulis pria abad ke-17]]
[[Category:Dramawan Renaisans Inggris]]
[[Category:Penulis Inggris]]
[[Category:Tokoh dari Stratford-upon-Avon]]
[[Category:Tokoh era Elizabeth]]
[[Category:Tokoh periode Stuart]]
[[Category:Keluarga Shakespeare|William]]
[[Category:Penggubah soneta]]
[[Category:Aktor pria Inggris abad ke-17]]
[[Category:Dramawan Inggris]]
[[Category:Penyair Inggris]]