'''Jean-Bertrand Aristide''' (lahir [[15 Juli]] [[1953]]) adalah seorang politikus [[Haiti]] dan bekas [[pastor]] [[Katolik Roma]] yang menjadi [[Daftar Presiden Haiti|Presiden Haiti]] pada [[1991]] dan kemudian terpilih lagi dan menjabat sebagai Presiden sejak [[2001]] hingga disingkirkannya pada [[2004]]. Aristide adalah pemimpin Haiti yang terpilih secara demokratis dan populer di antara rakyat Haiti yang miskin.
Para kritik mengatakan bahwa ia memerintah sebagai seorang diktator dan korup sehingga digulingkan oleh sebuah kudeta militer (September 1991) dan tersingkir pada 2004 ketika sejumlah bekas tentara melakukan pemberontakan ([[Februari 2004]]). Penyingkirannya yang kedua menimbulkan kontroversi karena Aristide mengaku bahwa ia dipaksa meninggalkan negaranya di bawah tekanan Amerika Serikat dan diculik serta disingkirkan ke sebuah negara di Afrika. Sebaliknya, AS menolak pernyataan itu dan mengatakan bahwa Aristide meninggalkan negaranya dengan sukarela.
== Pendidikan dan pelayanan di gereja ==
Pada [[1995]] Aristide meninggalkan jabatan imamatnya. Tahun [[1996]] ia menikah dengan [[Mildred Trouillot]], seorang warga negara [[Amerika Serikat]] dan daripadanya ia memperoleh dua orang anak perempuan.
== Masa jabatan kepresidenan pertama dan kudeta ==
<!--==First presidency and coup==
Setelah kekerasan dan pemilu nasional yang gagal pada [[1987]], jajak pendapat [[1990]] dilakukan dengan hati-hati. Aristide mengumumkan pencalonannya sebagai presiden dan setelah kampanye selama enam minggu, "pastor kecil" itu terpilih dengan 67% suara. Selama kampanyenya itu, Aristide menjuluki pengikut-pengikutnya "Lavalas", yang berarti "banjir" atau "badai" dalam bahasa Creole Haiti.
Following the violence at the abortive national elections of [[1987]], the [[1990]] polls were approached with caution. Aristide announced his candidacy for the presidency and following a six-week campaign, during which he dubbed his followers "Lavalas" — "the flood" or "torrent" in Haitian Creole — the "little priest" was elected President with 67 percent of the vote.
Aristide tookmenduduki officejabatannya on Februarypada 7, Februari 1991, becomingdan menjadi pemimpin Haiti's secondkedua yang democraticallyterpilih electedsecara leaderdemokratis (seelihat [[Leslie Manigat]]). LikeSeperti Manigat, heia wasdipaksa forcedmelepaskan outjabatannya ofdalam officetempo afterkurang lessdari thansetahun. aSebuah [[kudeta]] year:militer onpada [[30 September 30]], [[1991]] amemaksa militaryAristide [[coupmeninggalkan d'état]]negerinya. forcedKetika Aristide tomenjabat flee.presiden, terjadi Thereeksodus was a largebesar-scalebesaran exodus ofdari [[boatmanusia peopleperahu]] when Aristide was in office. The [[UnitedPengawal StatesPantai Coast GuardAS]] rescued a total ofmenyelamatkan 41,.342 Haitianswarga duringHaiti pada 1991 anddan 1992, morelebih thandari thekeseluruhan numberpengungsi of rescued refugees from the previousselama 10 yearstahun combinedsebelumnya. AfterSetelah Aristide fledpergi, theAS Unitedmenolak Statesmemberikan deniedstatus refugeepengungsi statuskepada topara futuremanusia boat peopleperahu. Hal This is onlyini differentberbeda ''de jure'' fromdengan thekesepakatan agreementyang dibuat Ronald Reagan made withdengan Jean-Claude Duvalier beginningsejak intahun 1981 in-- whichpada thosesaat caughtitu, onmereka theyang hightertangkap seasdi bysamudra thebebas Coastoleh GaurdPengawal werePantai returneddipulangkan anddan onlyhanya ''eightdelapan'' ofdari 23,.000 Haitianpencari asylumasilum seekers were acceptedHaiti intoyang thediterima Uniteddi StatesAS (Paul Farmer, ''Pathologies of Power'' p. 36).
Aristide spenthidup hisdi exilepembuangan indi [[Venezuela]] anddan thenkemudian in thedi [[UnitedAmerika StatesSerikat]],. workingIa hardbekerja tokeras developuntuk internationalmengembangkan supportdukungan internasinoal. Under U.S.Di andbawah internationaltekanan pressureAS, therezim militarymiliter regimetakluk, backeddan downpasukan-pasukan andAS U.S.dikerahkan troopske were deployed in the countryHaiti. OnPada [[October15 15Oktober]], [[1994]], Aristide returnedpulang toke Haiti tountuk completemenyelesaikan hismasa termjabatannya. inEmbargo office.dan Theblokade embargolaut andyang navaldilakukan blockagepada imposedmasa duringpembuangan Aristide's exilemerupakan waspukulan ahebat strongterhadap blow toekonomi Haiti's alreadyyang weaksudah economylemah. Aristide disbanded the Haitianmembubarkan [[armytentara]] ofHaiti manyyang [[Schoolterdiri ofdari thebanyak perwira yang terlatih di [[Sekolah AmericasAmeria]] traineddan officersmembentuk andsuatu established a civilianpasukan [[policepolisi]] forcesipil. InDalam thepemilu ''[[NationalDewan Assembly ofNasional Haiti |Assemblée Nationale]]'' electionsbulan of JuneJuni [[1995]], asebuah koalisi multi-party coalitionpartai, the ''Organisation Politique Lavalas'' (OPL) wonmenang adengan convincing victorymutlak.
Masa jabatan pertama Aristide berakhir pada Februari 1996, dan konstitusi tidak mengizinkannya untuk mencalonkan diri untuk kedua kalinya. Terjadi pertikaian tentang apakah Aristide harus menjabat selama tiga tahun yang tidak dijalaninya ketika ia hidup di pembuangan sebelum pemilu yang baru itu, atau apakah masa jabatannya itu harus dihitung persis sejak tanggal pelantikannya. Di bawah tekanan AS keputusan yang terakhirlah yang diambil. [[René Préval]], seorang sekutu terkemuka Aristide dan Perdana Menteri sejak 1991 di bawah Aristide, mencalonkan diri pada pemilu presiden 1995 dan meraih 88% suara. Hal ini menandakan pertama kalinya dalam sejarah Haiti terjadi transisi kekuasaan secara damai dan demokratis.
Aristide's first term ended in February 1996, and the constitution did not allow him to serve consecutive terms. There was some dispute over whether Aristide should serve the three years he had lost in exile prior to new elections, or whether his term in office should instead be counted strictly according to the date of his inauguration; under U.S. pressure, it was decided that the latter should be the case. [[René Préval]], a prominent ally of Aristide and Prime Minister since 1991 under Aristide, ran during the 1995 presidential election and took 88% of the vote. This marked the first time in Haitian history that there was a peaceful and democratic transition of power.
== Masa jabatan kepresidenan kedua dan pemberontakan ==
==Second presidency and rebellion==
InPada lateakhir [[1996]], Aristide brokememutuskan fromhubungan thedengan OPL anddan createdmembentuk asebuah newpartai politicalpolitik partybaru, the [[Fanmi Lavalas]]. The OPL, holdingyang themenguasai majoritysuara inmayoritas thedi [[Senate ofSenat Haiti|Sénat]] anddan thedi [[ChamberDewan of Deputies ofPerwakilan Haiti|Chambre des Députés]], renamedmengganti itselfnamanya themenjadi [[StrugglingOrganisasi People'sRakyat Organizationyang Berjuang|Organisation du Peuple en Lutte]], maintainingdan themempertahankan OPLsingkatan acronymOPL-nya. ElectionsPemilu inpada April 1997 foruntuk theSenat Senatehanya drew only aboutmenghasilkan 5% percentdari ofsuara registeredyang votersterdaftar anddan werediwarnai plaguedoleh withtuduhan-tuduhan allegationskecurangan. of fraud; thePemerintah Préval governmentmenolak refusedmenerima tohasilnya. accept the results.
New<!--Pemilu electionsbaru inpada MayMei [[2000]] occurredterjadi forhampir almostuntuk the entirekeseluruhan ''Assemblée Nationale''. Opposition-owned radio stations reported turnout of around 10%, but election officials and international observers reported around 60% turnout. The FL won a sweeping victory, but the methods used by the ''Conseil Electoral Provisoire'' (CEP) in counting the votes were rejected by opposition parties, which united as the ''Convergence Democratique'' (CD) and demanded that the elections be ignored. The president of the CEP fled the country and a number of members of the CEP also resigned but the remaining members accepted to validate the results as they were demanded by the supporters of the Lavalas party.
Aristide won the presidential election in November [[2000]] with 91.8% of the vote. Most of the opposition parties boycotted this election, claiming that they had no fair chance. After the election, the [[Organization of American States]] issued a report that the election was unfair and that the methodology for counting votes was flawed. Aristide supporters have claimed that the OAS report was engineered by the U.S. solely based on hostility to the president's policies. They also have questioned why the organization waited until after the election results to challenge the methodology, saying it was aware of the vote-counting process beforehand. The International Organization of Independent Observers, a private volunteer organization, reported that the election went over smoothly and they witnessed no irregularities. [http://www.quixote.org/haiti/elections/Election_Press_Release_22may2000.html] However, the majority of Western governments claimed the election was blatantly rigged. At this time, the [[Bill Clinton|Clinton administration]] worked with the [[European Union]] to block a $440 million loan from the [[Inter-American Development Bank]] to Haiti.