Jeritan (lukisan): Perbedaan antara revisi

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k Robot: Cosmetic changes
Baris 11:
:"Saya sedang berjalan di sebuah jalan kecil dengan dua orang teman – matahari sedang tenggelam – mendadak langit berubah menjadi merah darah – Saya berhenti, merasa lelah, dan bersandar di pagar – di atas fjord dan kota yang biru kehitaman tampak darah dan lidah-lidah api – teman-teman berjalan terus, dan saya berdiri di sana gemetar dan diliputi rasa cemas – dan saya merasakan jeritan yang tidak henti-hentinya melintas di alam".
Sabrina Laurent (Mei 2005) menyimpulkan dari deskripsi Munch tentang ilhamnya bahwa orang di latar depan itu adalah si [ pelukis sendiri] yang "sebetulnya tidak menjerit tetapi sekadar bereaksi dengan ngeri ketika mendengar jeritan Alam. Dengan menutupi kedua telinganya dengan tangannya, Munch berusaha keras untuk tidak mendengar jeritan ini, sehingga menempatkannya dalam keadaan seolah-olah sedang mengalami serangan panik." Posisi di mana ia melukiskan dirinya sendiri adalah reaksi refleks yang khas dari siapapun yang berjuang untuk menghindari suara yang menekan, entah suara yang sungguhan atau yang dibayang-bayangkan.
<!--The scene has been identified as being the view from a road overlooking Oslo, the [[Oslofjord]] and [[Hovedøya]], from the hill of Ekeberg. At the time of painting the work, Munch's [[Bipolar disorder|manic depressive]] sister Laura Catherine was interned in the mental hospital at the foot of Ekeberg.
Baris 27:
[[ImageBerkas:Munch Scream Thieves 2004.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Thieves taking paintings from the Munch Museum, August 2004]]
On [[August 22]], [[2004]], the Munch Museum's ''Scream'' was stolen at [[gun]]point, along with Munch's ''[[Madonna (Edvard Munch)|Madonna]]''. Museum officials expressed hope that they would see the painting again, theorizing that perhaps the thieves would seek ransom money. On [[April 8]], [[2005]], Norwegian police arrested a suspect in connection with the theft<ref>{{cite news | title=Oslo police arrest Scream suspect | date=[[April 8]], [[2005]] | publisher=BBC News | url=}}</ref>. On [[April 28]], [[2005]], it was rumoured that the two paintings had been burnt by the thieves to conceal evidence<ref>{{cite news | title=Famous Munch paintings destroyed? | date=[[April 28]], [[2005]] | publisher=Norway Post | url=}}</ref>. On [[June 1]], [[2005]], the City Government of [[Oslo]] offered a reward of 2 million [[Norwegian_krone|kroner]] (about [[USD]] $320,000) for information that could help locate the paintings. In early 2006, six men with previous criminal records were scheduled to go on trial, variously charged with either helping to plan or execute the robbery. Three of the men were convicted and sentenced to between four and eight years in prison in May of 2006. Two of the convicted art thieves, '''Björn Hoen''', 37, and '''Petter Tharaldsen''', 34, were also ordered to pay 750 million kroner (US $122 million) to the City of Oslo which is where the paintings were previously located. [] The Munch Museum itself was closed for 10 months for a $6 million security overhaul.
Baris 38:
==Role in popular culture==
[[imageBerkas:Inflatablescream.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Robert Fishbone's inflatable ''Scream'']]
In the late twentieth century, ''The Scream'' acquired iconic status in popular culture. In 1983-1984, [[Pop Art|pop artist]] [[Andy Warhol]] made a series of silk prints of works by Munch, including ''The Scream''. The idea was to desacralize the painting by making it into a mass-reproducible object. However, as remarked above, Munch had already begun that process himself, by making a [[lithograph]] of the work for reproduction.
Baris 46:
The work's reproduction on all kinds of items, from tee shirts to coffee mugs, bears witness to its iconic status as well as to its complete desacralization in the eyes of today's public. In that respect, it is comparable to other iconic works of art, such as [[Leonardo da Vinci]]'s ''[[Mona Lisa]]''.
[[ImageBerkas:Simpsons_the_scream.JPG|right|thumb|200px|The Scream appears in ''[[The Simpsons]]'']]An American [[mural|muralist]], Robert Fishbone, discovered a gap in the market when in 1991 he started selling inflatable dolls of the central figure in the painting. His [[St. Louis, Missouri|St. Louis]]-based company, On The Wall Productions, has sold hundreds of thousands of them. Critics have observed that by taking the figure out of its context (the landscape), Fishbone has destroyed the unity of Munch's work, thereby neutralizing its expressive force {{citation needed}}.
As one of very few works of modern art that are instantly recognizable to a broad audience, ''The Scream'' has been used in [[advertising]], in [[cartoon]]s (including ''[[The Simpsons]]'' as well as the film [[Looney Tunes Back in Action]]), in [[anime]] (including two appearances in [[Excel Saga]] and one on [[Naruto]]), and on [[television]]. In an early episode of [[The Nanny]] Grace received an inflatable "Scream" as a Christmas gift. ''The Scream'' is depicted in a recent episode of the ''[[Fairly OddParents]]'', also. The [[hardcore punk]] band ''[[Dead Kennedys]]'' uses an altered version of the painting on a t-shirt.
Baris 60:
== Galeri ==
ImageBerkas:Munch_The_Scream_lithography.png|Saduran ''Jeritan'' oleh Munch menjadi [[litografi|litograf]] pada 1895.
ImageBerkas:The_Scream2.jpg|Versi ini, diterapkan dengan [[tempera]] pada karton, dicuri dari Museum Munch pada 2004 dan ditemukan pada 2006.