Halloween: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 159:
Pada masa kini terdapat beragam pandangan di kalangan [[Kekristenan]] sehubungan dengan perayaan Halloween. Dalam [[Gereja Anglikan]], beberapa [[keuskupan]] tetap menekankan tradisi Kristen yang berkaitan dengan Malam Para Kudus.<ref>{{en}} {{cite web |url=http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acns/digest/index.cfm/2006/9/18/Bishop_challenges_supermarkets_to_lighten_up_Halloween |title=Bishop Challenges Supermarkets to Lighten up Halloween |publisher=The Church of England |accessdate=28 October 2009}}</ref><ref name = "newadvent.org">{{en}} {{cite web | url = http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01315a.htm | title = Halloween and All Saints Day | accessdate =22 October 2006 | date = n.d. | publisher = newadvent.org}}</ref> Beberapa [[Ibadah Kristen|praktik]] ini misalnya [[Doa Kristen|berdoa]], ber[[puasa]], dan menghadiri [[kebaktian]].<ref name=Fasting>{{en}} {{cite web|title=BBC – Religions – Christianity: All Hallows' Eve|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/holydays/halloween_1.shtml|publisher=British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)|year=2010|accessdate=1 November 2011}}</ref><ref name=Service /><ref name=Prayer />
{{quotation|Ya TUHAN Allah kami, kami berdoa kepada-Mu, tambahkan dan limpahkanlah karunia rahmat-Mu, agar kami yang yang merayakan pesta semua Orang Kudus-Mu dimampukan untuk dengan sukacita mengikuti teladan kebajikan dan kesalehan mereka. Dengan pengantaraan Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kami, yang hidup dan berkuasa bersama Engkau dalam persekutuan dengan Roh Kudus, sekarang dan sepanjang segala masa. Amin.{{efn|Teks asli: "''O LORD our God, increase, we pray thee, and multiply upon us the gifts of thy grace: that we, who do prevent the glorious festival of all thy Saints, may of thee be enabled joyfully to follow them in all virtuous and godly living. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.''"}}|[[Kolekta]] dari Vigili Para Kudus, ''[[Brevir Anglikan]]''<ref name="Church1955">{{en}} {{cite book|title=The Anglican Breviary|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CaI9AAAAYAAJ|accessdate=12 November 2015|year=1955|publisher=Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation|pages=1514 (E494)}}</ref>}}
[[Berkas:Votive Candles in the Halloween section of Walmart.jpg|jmpl|lurus|kiri|Lilin doa pada bagian Halloween di [[Wal-Mart]].]]