Clostridium difficile: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 72:
* {{cite journal |author=McDonald L, Killgore G, Thompson A, Owens R, Kazakova S, Sambol S, Johnson S, Gerding D |title=An epidemic, toxin gene-variant strain of ''Clostridium difficile'' |journal=N Engl J Med |volume=353 |issue=23 |pages=2433-41 |year=2005 |pmid=16322603}}
* {{cite book|author = Yamada T; Alpers DH (editors)|title = Textbook of Gastroenterology|edition = 4th ed.|pages = pp. 1870-1875|publisher = Lippincott Williams & Wilkins|year = 2003|id = ISBN 0-7817-2861-4 }}
* {{cite journal |author=van den Hof S, van der Kooi T, van den Berg R, Kuijper E, Notermans D |title=''Clostridium difficile'' PCR ribotype 027 outbreaks in the Netherlands: recent surveillance data indicate that outbreaks are not easily controlled but interhospital transmission is limited |journal=Euro Surveill |volume=11 |issue=1 |pages=E060126.2 |year=2006 |url= | pmid=16801713 |access-date=2007-11-03 |archive-date=2010-05-10 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}
* {{cite journal |author=Sunenshine R, McDonald L | title = ''Clostridium difficile-associated disease: New challenges from an established pathogen''| journal=Cleveland Clinic J. Med. |volume=73 |pages=187 |year=2006}}