Botani: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[Berkas:General Sherman tree looking up.jpg|jmpl|272px|Pohon Jenderal Sherman yang merupakan pohon terbesar di [[dunia]]]]
'''Botani''' atau '''ilmu tumbuh-tumbuhan''' adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang [[tumbuhan|tumbuh-tumbuhan]], [[jamur]], dan [[alga]], dengan [[mikologi]] dan [[fikologi]] yang berada di dalam cabang ilmu botani. Dengan demikian, dalam botani dipelajari semua [[disiplin ilmu]] [[biologi]], seperti [[genetika]], [[pertumbuhan]], [[reproduksi]], [[metabolisme]], [[perkembangan]], interaksi dengan [[komponen biotik]] dan [[komponen abiotik]], serta [[evolusi]] yang berhubungan dengan [[tumbuhan]].<ref>{{Cite web|title=Mengenal Botani, Ilmu Tumbuhan Yang Komperhensif|url=|website=Sains Dan Teknologi|access-date=2020-11-29}}</ref> Istilah botani berasal dari Bahasa Yunani Kuno, {{lang|grc|βοτάνη}} (''botane''), yang berarti [[rerumputan]] atau padang penggembalaan.<ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|url =|title = Botane (βοτάνη)|last1 = Liddell|first1 = Henry George|last2 = Scott|first2 = Robert|publisher = Clarendon Press via Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University|location = Oxford|year = 1940}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|last1 = Gordh|first1 = Gordon|last2 = Headrick|first2 = D. H.|url =|title = A Dictionary of Entomology|publisher = CABI Publishing|location = Cambridge, MA|year = 2001|isbn = 978-0-85199-291-4}}</ref>{{rp|134}}<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Botany | publisher = Online Etymology Dictionary | year = 2012 | accessdate = February 24, 2012 }}</ref> Saat ini botani mempelajari sekitar 400000 spesies organisme hidup di mana 260 ribu di antaranya adalah [[tumbuhan berpembuluh]] dan 248 ribu di antaranya adalah [[angiosperma]].<ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|last = Bold|first = H. C.|title = The Plant Kingdom|url =|edition = 4th|year = 1977|isbn = 0-13-680389-X|publisher = Prentice-Hall|location = Englewood Cliffs, NJ}}</ref>{{rp|7}}<ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|last1 = Judd|first1 = W. S.|last2 = Campbell|first2 = C. S.|last3 = Kellogg|first3 = E. A.|last4 = Stevens|first4 = P. F.|last5 = Donoghue|first5 = M. J.|year = 2002|title = Plant Systematics, a Phylogenetic Approach|publisher = Sinauer Associates|location = Sunderland, MA|isbn = 0-87893-403-0}}</ref>{{rp|2}} Orang yang menekuni bidang botani disebut sebagai '''botanis''' atau ahli botani.
== Sejarah ==
Botani berakar dari ilmu [[herbalisme]], ilmu yang mempelajari pemanfaatan tumbuhan untuk khasiatnya secara medis.<ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|last=Sumner|first= Judith|title=The Natural History of Medicinal Plants|url =|publisher=Timber Press|location=New York|year=2000|isbn=0-88192-483-0}}</ref>{{rp|16}} Terdapat berbagai catatan kuno yang mengklasifikasikan tumbuhan berdasarkan jenis dan manfaatnya di India (1100 SM), [[bahasa Avestan|Avestan]] kuno, dan China (221 SM).<ref name="Reed">{{cite book|ref = harv|last=Reed|first=Howard S.|year=1942|title=A Short History of the Plant Sciences|url =|location=New York|publisher=Ronald Press}}</ref>{{rp|7–29}}<ref>{{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Oberlies|first=Thomas|year=1998|title=Die Religion des Rgveda|publication-place=Wien|publisher=Sammlung De Nobili|isbn=978-3-900271-31-2|language=German}}</ref>{{rp|155}}<ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|last = Iyer|first = Meena|title = Faith & Philosophy of Zoroastrianism|year = 2009|isbn = 978-81-7835-724-9|publisher = Kalpaz Publications|location = Delhi, India}}</ref>{{rp|117}}<ref name="Reed" />{{rp|7–29}}<ref>{{Cite book|ref=harv|last=Needham|first=Joseph|last2=Lu|first2=Gwei-djen|last3=Huang|first3=Hsing-Tsung|year=1986|title=Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 6 Part 1 Botany|publication-place=Cambridge|publisher=Cambridge University Press }}</ref>
Botani modern merujuk kepada kebudayaan di Yunani Kuno, terutama [[Theoprastus]] (sekirat 371–287 SM), seorang murid [[Aristoteles]] yang menemukan prinsip ilmu botani. Ia juga dikenal sebagai "Father of Botany".<ref name="greene">{{cite book|ref = harv|last = Greene|first = Edward Lee|title = Landmarks of botanical history: a study of certain epochs in the development of the science of botany: part 1, Prior to 1562 A.D.|url =|year = 1909|publisher = Smithsonian Institution|location = Washington, D.C.}}</ref>{{rp|140–142}} Karyanya, ''[[Historia Plantarum|Enquiry into Plants]]'' dan ''On the Causes of Plants'' merupakan dua kontribusi utama bagi ilmu botani hingga [[Abad Pertengahan]], hampir 17 abad setelah buku tersebut ditulis.<ref name="greene" />{{rp|140–142}}<ref>{{cite book|ref = harv|last1 = Bennett|first1 = Charles E.|last2 = Hammond|first2 = William A.|title = The Characters of Theophrastus – Introduction|url =|year = 1902|publisher = Longmans, Green, and Co.|location = London|accessdate = June 27, 2012 }}</ref>{{rp|30}}
Baris 45:
Tumbuhan dan kelompok lainnya yang juga merupakan eukaryot fotosintetik (yaitu alga) memiliki organel yang unik yang disebut dengan [[kloroplas]]. Organel ini diperkirakan berasal dari [[cyanobacteria]] yang membentuk hubungan [[endosimbiotik]] dengan leluhur tumbuhan dan alga. Kloropas dan cyanobacteria sama-sama mengandung pigmen biru-hijau [[klorofil a]].<ref name="Campbell et al 2008" />{{rp|190-193}} Klorofil jenis lain ([[klorofil b]]) juga terdapat pada alga hijau dan alga biru-hijau<ref>{{cite book|ref=harv|doi=10.1007/978-3-540-68696-5_1|chapter=Diversity and Evolution of Plastids and Their Genomes|title=The Chloroplast|series=Plant Cell Monographs|year=2009|last1=Kim|first1=E.|last2=Archibald|first2=J. M.|isbn=978-3-540-68692-7|volume=13|editor1-first=Anna Stina|editor1-last=Sandelius|editor2-first=Henrik|editor2-last=Aronsson}}</ref>{{rp|1-39}}<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv |doi=10.1098/rstb.2008.0050 |title=The Origin of Plastids |year=2008 |last1=Howe |first1=C. J. |last2=Barbrook |first2=A. C. |last3=Nisbet |first3=R. E. R |last4=Lockhart |first4=P. J. |last5=Larkum |first5=A. W. D. |journal=Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |volume=363 |issue=1504 |pmid=18468982 |pmc=2606771|pages=2675–85}}</ref>{{rp|2675-2685}}<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv|last=Takaichi|first=Shinichi|title=Carotenoids in Algae: Distributions, Biosyntheses and Functions|journal=Marine Drugs|date=June 2011|volume=9|issue=12|doi=10.3390/md9061101|pmc=3131562|pages=1101–1118}}</ref>{{rp|1101-1118}} yang juga menyerap cahaya pada spektrum tertentu (biasanya spektrum biru-ungu dan jingga-merah) dan memantulkan cahaya hijau yang menjadi warna daun di mata manusia. Energi cahaya yang diserap digunakan untuk membuat senyawa karbon dari karbon dioksida dan air. [[Gliseraldehida 3-fosfat]] merupakan senyawa yang dihasilkan oleh fotosintesis yang kemudian disintesis menjadi [[glukosa]] dan senyawa organik lainnya. Sebagian glukosa diubah menjadi [[pati]] yang disimpan di kloroplas.<ref>{{cite journal| ref = harv |last1=Lewis|first1=Louise A.|last2=McCourt|first2=Richard M.|year=2004|title=Green Algae and the Origin of Land Plants|journal= American Journal of Botany|location=St. Louis, MO|volume=91| doi = 10.3732/ajb.91.10.1535| issue = 10| pmid = 21652308| pages = 1535–56}}</ref>{{rp|1535–1556}} Pati adalah bentuk yang umum dijadikan sebagai cadangan makanan pada sebagian besar tumbuhan dan alga. Tumbuhan dari famili [[Asteraceae]] menggunakan bentuk [[fruktosa]] [[inulin]], sebagian mengubahnya menjadi [[sukrosa]].
Sebagian besar asam lemak yang terkandung di dalam tubuh hewan juga berasal dari tumbuhan. Metabolisme tumbuhan juga mampu memproduksi [[asam lemak]] dan sebagian besar [[asam amino]].<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv |title=All Hands on Deck—The Role of Chloroplasts, Endoplasmic Reticulum, and the Nucleus in Driving Plant Innate Immunity |year=2010 |last1=Padmanabhan |first1=Meenu S. |last2=Dinesh-Kumar |first2=S. P. |journal=Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions |publisher= The American Phytopathological Society|location=St. Paul, MN|volume=23 |issue=11 |doi=10.1094/MPMI-05-10-0113 |pmid=20923348|pages=1368–80}}</ref>{{rp|1368–1380}}<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv |title=Fatty Acid Export from the Chloroplast. Molecular Characterization of a Major Plastidial Acyl-Coenzyme a Synthetase from Arabidopsis |year=2002 |last1=Schnurr |first1=J. A. |last2=Shockey |first2=J. M. |last3=De Boer |first3=G. J. |last4=Browse |first4=J. A.|journal=Plant Physiology |volume=129 |issue=4 |pages=1700–9 |pmid=12177483 |pmc=166758|doi=10.1104/pp.003251 }}</ref>{{rp|1700–1709}}<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv|last1=Ferro|first1=Myriam|last2=Salvi|first2=Daniel|last3=Rivière-Rolland|first3=Hélène |last4=Vermat|first4=Thierry |last5=Seigneurin-Berny|first5=Daphné|last6=Grunwald|first6=Didier |last7=Garin|first7=Jérôme|last8=Joyard|first8=Jacques|last9=Rolland|first9=Norbert|display-authors=4|title=Integral Membrane Proteins of the Chloroplast Envelope: Identification and Subcellular Localization of New Transporters|journal=Procedings of the National Academy of Sciences (of the USA)|date=20 August 2002|volume=99|issue=17|doi=10.1073/pnas.172390399|bibcode = 2002PNAS...9911487F|pages=11487 }}</ref>{{rp|11487–11492}} Asam lemak bagi tumbuhan digunakan untuk membangun [[membran sel]] dan [[kutin]] yang menjadi penyusun utama [[kutikel tumbuhan]] yang melindungi tumbuhan dari kekeringan.<ref>{{cite book|ref=harv|last=Kolattukudy|first=Pappachan E.|editor-last=Kerstiens|editor-first=G.|year= 1996|series=Environmental Plant Biology Series|chapter=3|title=Plant Cuticles|url=|publisher=BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd|location=Oxford|isbn=1-85996-130-4}}</ref>{{rp|83–108}}
Tumbuhan mensintesis sejumlah besar polimer yang unik seperti [[selulosa]], [[pektin]], dan [[xiloglukan]] untuk membentuk [[dinding sel]].<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv|last=Fry|first=S. C.|year=1989|title=The Structure and Functions of Xyloglucan|journal=Journal of Experimental Biology|publisher=The Company of Biologists|location=Cambridge|volume=40}}</ref>{{rp|1–11}}<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv|last1=Thompson|first1=James E.|last2=Fry|first2=Stephen C.|year=2001|title=Restructuring of Wall-bound Xyloglucan by Transglycosylation in Living Plant Cells|journal=The Plant Journal |publisher=John Wiley & Sons| location = West Sussex, England|volume=26 |issue=1|doi=10.1046/j.1365-313x.2001.01005.x|pmid=11359607|pages=23–34}}</ref>{{rp|23–34}} Tumbuhan berpembuluh membuat [[lignin]], sebuah polimer yang digunakan untuk memperkuat [[trakeid]] xylem sehingga tidak runtuh ketika dilalui oleh air dan mineral yang dihisapnya. Lignin juga membentuk dinding terluar dari tumbuhan berkayu. [[Sporopolenin]] adalah senyawa polimer yang melindungi [[spora]] dan [[polen]] tumbuhan.<ref>{{cite journal|ref=harv |last1=Kenrick|first1= Paul|last2=Crane|first2= Peter R.|title= The Origin and Early Evolution of Plants on Land|journal=Nature|volume=389 |date=September 1997|doi=10.1038/37918|bibcode = 1997Natur.389...33K|issue=6646|pages=33 }}</ref>{{rp|33-39}} Dengan konsentrasi karbon dioksida di atmosfer yang saat ini lebih rendah dibandingkan awal keberadaan tanaman darat di zaman [[Ordovician]] dan [[Silurian]], banyak tumbuhan berevolusi secara independen dengan mengembangkan jalur fotosintesis khusus [[fiksasi karbon C4]] dan [[crassulacean acid metabolism]] untuk mengurangi loss akibat [[fotorespirasi]] yang umum terdapat pada tumbuhan dengan tipe fotosintesis [[fiksasi karbon C3]].
Baris 108:
* {{cite book|last = Crawford|first = R. M. M.|title = Studies in Plant Survival: An Ecophysical Examination of Plant Distribution (Studies in Ecology)|year = 1988|isbn = 0-632-01475-X|publisher = Blackwell Science|location = Oxford}}
* {{cite book|last = Crawford|first = R. M. M.|title = Plants at the Margin. Ecological Limits and Climate Change|year = 2008|isbn = 978-0-521-62309-4|publisher = Cambridge University Press|location = Cambridge}}
* {{cite book|last = Crawley|first = Michael J.|authorlink = Michael Crawley|title = Plant Ecology|url =|edition = 2nd|year = 1997|isbn = 0-632-03639-7|publisher = Blackwell Scientific Ltd|location = Oxford}}
* {{cite book|last1 = Ennos|first1 = Roland|last2 = Sheffield|first2 = Elizabeth|title = Plant Life|url =|year = 2000|isbn = 0-86542-737-2|publisher = Blackwell Scientific Ltd|location = Oxford}}
* {{cite book|last1=Everitt|first1=J.H.|last2=Lonard|first2=R.L.|last3=Little|first3=C.R.|title = Weeds in South Texas and Northern Mexico|year = 2007|isbn = 0-89672-614-2|publisher = Texas Tech University Press|location = Lubbock, TX}}
* {{cite book|last1 = Fitter|first1 = Alastair H.|author1-link=Alastair Fitter|last2 = Hay|first2 = Robert K. M.|title = Environmental Physiology of Plants|edition = 3rd|year = 2001|isbn = 0-12-257766-3|publisher = Harcourt Publishers, Academic Press|location = New York}}
* {{cite book|last1 = Grene|first1 = Marjorie Glicksman|last2 = Depew|first2 = David J.|year = 2004|title = The Philosophy of Biology: An Episodic History|publisher = Cambridge University Press|location = Cambridge|isbn = 0-521-64371-6}}
* {{cite book|last = Halle|first = Francis|title = In Praise of Plants|year = 2002|isbn = 0-88192-550-0|publisher = Timber Publishing|location = Portland, OR}}
* {{cite book|last = King|first = John|title = Reaching for the Sun: How Plants Work|url =|year = 1997|isbn = 0-521-58738-7|publisher = Cambridge University Press|location = Cambridge}}
* {{cite book|last1 = Lambers|first1 = Hans|last2 = Chapin III|first2 = Francis Stuart|last3 = Pons|first3 = Thijs Leendert|title = Plant Physiological Ecology|year = 2008|edition = 2nd|isbn = 978-0-387-78340-6|doi = 10.1007/978-0-387-78341-3|publisher = Springer Science|location = New York}}
* {{cite book|last = Lawlor|first = David W.|edition = 3rd|title = Photosynthesis|year = 2000|isbn = 1-85996-157-6|publisher = Garland Science|location = New York}}
Baris 124:
* {{cite book|last1 = Salisbury|first1 =|author1-link=Frank B. Salisbury|last2 = Ross|first2 = Cleon W.|edition = 4th|title = Plant Physiology|year = 1992|isbn = 0-534-15162-0|publisher = Wadsworth Publishing|location = Belmont, CA}}
* {{cite book|last = Strange|first = Richard N.|title = Introduction to Plant Pathology|year = 2003|isbn = 0-470-84973-8|publisher = John Wiley & Sons|location = West Sussex, England}}
* {{cite book|last = Thomas|first = Barry A.|title = The Evolution of Plants and Flowers|url =|year = 1981|isbn = 0-312-27271-5|publisher = St. Martin's Press|location = New York}}
* {{cite book|last = Walker|first = David|title = Energy, Plants and Man|year = 1992|edition = 2nd|isbn = 1-870232-05-4|publisher = Oxygraphics Ltd|location = Sheffield, England}}
* {{cite book|last = Walter|first = Heinrich|title = Vegetation of the Earth|url =|year = 1985|edition = 3rd revised|isbn = 0-387-13748-3|publisher = Springer-Verlag|location = New York}}
* {{cite book|last1 = Willis|first1 = Kathy|last2 = McElwain|first2 = Jenny|title = The Evolution of Plants|year = 2002|isbn = 0-19-850065-3|publisher = Oxford University Press|location = Oxford}}
* {{cite web | url = | title = A Visual and Graphical Primer to Understanding Divisional Plantae | date = August 31, 2012 | publisher = Louisiana State University Herbarium Keys| accessdate = August 31, 2012}} (requires [[Microsoft Silverlight]])