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== Bacaan lanjutan ==
* {{Cite book|title=The Origins of the Islamic State: Being a Translation from the Arabic Accompanied with Annotations, Geographic and Historic Notes of the Kitab Futuh|url=https://books.google.co.id/books?id=bcWtttJL3WEC|last=Ahmad bin Yahya bin Jabir Al Biladuri|year=2011|publisher=Cosimo|isbn=9781616405342|location=New York|pages=421}}
* {{cite book | first = HEPI ANDI | last = BASTONI | url = https://books.google.co.id/books?id=mCltDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA147&dq=malik+al+asytar&hl=id&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQjuqG0ZPwAhUZwzgGHaSdBX44ChDoATAAegQIBBAD#v=onepage&q=malik%20al%20asytar&f=false | title = WAJAH POLITIK MUAWIYAH BIN ABU SUFYAN: MENGURAI SEJARAH KONFLIK SUNNI-SYIAH | year = 2012 | edition = | others = | publisher = Pustaka Bustan | id = ISBN 9791324077, 9789791324076 | ref = harv }}
[[Kategori:Tokoh Islam]]