[[Pesyita]], inyang somesudah casessedikit lightlydirevisi reviseddan andditambahi withkitab-kitab missingyang bookssemula added,tidak istermasuk thedi dalamnya, standardadalah [[Syriac versions of the Bible|SyriacAlkitab BibleSuryani]] forstandar churchesbagi inGereja-Gereja thebertradisi SyriacSuryani, tradition: theyaitu [[SyriacGereja OrthodoxOrtodoks ChurchSuriah|Gereja Ortodoks Suryani]], the [[SyriacGereja CatholicKatolik ChurchSuriah|SyrianGereja CatholicKatolik ChurchSuryani]], the [[AssyrianGereja ChurchAsiria ofTimur|Gereja theAsyur di EastTimur]], the [[AncientGereja ChurchPurba ofdi the EastTimur]], the [[ChaldeanGereja CatholicKatolik ChurchKaldea]], the [[MaronitesGereja Maronit]], the [[MalankaraGereja OrthodoxSuryani SyrianOrtodoks ChurchMalangkara]], the [[SyroGereja Katolik Siro-Malabar|Gereja CatholicKatolik ChurchSuryani Malabar]], and thedan [[SyroGereja Katolik Siro-Malankara|Gereja CatholicKatolik ChurchSuryani Malangkara]].<!--
The [[Old Testament]] of the Peshitta was translated from [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]], although the date and circumstances of this are not entirely clear. The translators may have been Syriac-speaking Jews or early Jewish converts to Christianity. The translation may have been done separately for different texts, and the whole work was probably done by the second century. Most of the [[Biblical apocrypha|deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament]] are found in the Syriac, and the [[Wisdom of Sirach]] is held to have been translated from the [[Hebrew]] and not from the [[Septuagint]].<ref>[http://www.bible-researcher.com/syriac-isbe.html Syriac Versions of the Bible by Thomas Nicol]</ref>