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Baris 137:
|1 Mei 1932
|179<ref name=":32">{{Cite web|title=Ratifications of ILO conventions: Ratifications by Convention|url=||access-date=2021-07-31}}</ref>
|Protocol amending Forced Labor Convention
Baris 143:
|9 November 2016
|54<ref name=":32" />
|54<ref>{{Cite web|title=Ratifications of ILO conventions: Ratifications by Convention|url=||access-date=2021-07-31}}</ref>
|Abolition of Forced Labor Convention
Baris 149:
|17 Januari 1959
|176<ref name=":32" />
|176<ref>{{Cite web|title=Ratifications of ILO conventions: Ratifications by Convention|url=||access-date=2021-07-31}}</ref>
|Equal Remuneration Convention
Baris 155:
|23 Mei 1953
|173<ref name=":32" />
|173<ref>{{Cite web|title=Ratifications of ILO conventions: Ratifications by Convention|url=||access-date=2021-07-31}}</ref>
|Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families