Tabel berikut menampilkan informasi dan tingkat [[Matriks risiko|risiko]] relatif<ref>{{cite web |url= |agency=Public Health England |date=22 Mei 2021 |title=SARS-CoV-2 variants: risk assessment framework |website=GOV.UK |publisher=Government Digital Service |access-date=22 Juni 2021 |id=GOV-8426 |language=en}}</ref> untuk [[varian yang diwaspadai]] (VOC).{{efn|Tabel ini disusun berdasarkan berbagai pelacak<ref name="who-variants" /><ref name="cdc-variants" /><ref name="phe-voc" /><ref name="aci-variants" /><ref name="ecdc-variants" /> dan laporan periodik.<ref name="who-situation">{{cite web |url= |title=Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Reports | |publisher=Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia |access-date=14 Juni 2021 |language=en}} Diperbarui berkala.</ref><ref name="phe-briefings">{{cite web |url= |agency=Public Health England |title=Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern: technical briefings |website=GOV.UK |publisher=Government Digital Service |access-date=15 Juni 2021 |language=en}} Diperbarui berkala.</ref><ref name="phe-variant-risk">{{cite web |url= |agency=Public Health England |title=Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern: variant risk assessments |website=GOV.UK |publisher=Government Digital Service |access-date=19 Juni 2021 |language=en}} Diperbarui berkala.</ref>}} Interval yang ditampilkan menganggap tingkat [[Selang kepercayaan|kepercayaan]] 95%, kecuali dinyatakan lain. Saat ini, semua taksiran adalah pendekatan karena keterbatasan data untuk penelitian. Untuk Alpha, Beta, Gamma, dan Delta, tidak ada perubahan dalam [[Tes Covid-19|akurasi tes]].<ref name="aci-variants" /><ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" />
| {{risiko|level=tinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+50|20|90|50|unit=%|type=cri|mini=auto}}<wbr />{{efn-ua|name=low-confidence|[[Selang kepercayaan]] (''confidence interval'') dan selang kepercayaan Bayes (''credible interval'') yang dilaporkan memiliki probabilitas yang rendah sehingga nilai estimasi hanya dapat dipahami sebagai mungkin dan bukan sering ataupun pasti.}}{{efn-ua|Maret 2020 s.d. Februari 2021, Manaus.<ref name="cadde-p1">{{cite journal |vauthors=Faria NR, Mellan TA, Whittaker C, Claro IM, Candido DD, Mishra S, Crispim MA, Sales FC, Hawryluk I, McCrone JT, Hulswit RJ, Franco LA, Ramundo MS, de Jesus JG, Andrade PS, Coletti TM, Ferreira GM, Silva CA, Manuli ER, Pereira RH, Peixoto PS, Kraemer MU, Gaburo N, Camilo CD, Hoeltgebaum H, Souza WM, Rocha EC, de Souza LM, de Pinho MC, Araujo LJ, Malta FS, de Lima AB, Silva JD, Zauli DA, Ferreira AC, Schnekenberg RP, Laydon DJ, Walker PG, Schlüter HM, Dos Santos AL, Vidal MS, Del Caro VS, Filho RM, Dos Santos HM, Aguiar RS, Proença-Modena JL, Nelson B, Hay JA, Monod M, Miscouridou X, Coupland H, Sonabend R, Vollmer M, Gandy A, Prete CA, Nascimento VH, Suchard MA, Bowden TA, Pond SL, Wu CH, Ratmann O, Ferguson NM, Dye C, Loman NJ, Lemey P, Rambaut A, Fraiji NA, Carvalho MD, Pybus OG, Flaxman S, Bhatt S, Sabino EC |display-authors=6 |date=Mei 2021 |title=Genomics and epidemiology of the P.1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage in Manaus, Brazil |journal=Science |volume=372 |issue=6544 |pp=815–821 |bibcode=2021Sci...372..815F |doi=10.1126/science.abh2644 |doi-access=free |quote=Within this plausible region of parameter space, P.1 can be between 1.7 and 2.4 times more transmissible (50% BCI, 2.0 median, with a 99% posterior probability of being >1) than local non-P1 lineages and can evade 21 to 46% (50% BCI, 32% median, with a 95% posterior probability of being able to evade at least 10%) of protective immunity elicited by previous infection with non-P.1 lineages, corresponding to 54 to 79% (50% BCI, 68% median) cross-immunity ... We estimate that infections are 1.2 to 1.9 times more likely (50% BCI, median 1.5, 90% posterior probability of being >1) to result in mortality in the period after the emergence of P.1, compared with before, although posterior estimates of this relative risk are also correlated with inferred cross-immunity. More broadly, the recent epidemic in Manaus has strained the city's health care system, leading to inadequate access to medical care. We therefore cannot determine whether the estimated increase in relative mortality risk is due to P.1 infection, stresses on the Manaus health care system, or both. Detailed clinical investigations of P.1 infections are needed.}}</ref> Hasil pendahuluan dari sebuah penelitian di bagian selatan Brasil menemukan bahwa garis keturunan P.1 meningkatkan mortalitas terlebih pada orang muda yang sehat. Dalam kelompok tanpa penyakit bawaan sebelumnya, varian ini ditemukan dapat meningkatkan mortalitas sampai {{estimasi|490|220|985|unit=%|mini=auto}} untuk laki-laki kelompok usia 20–39, {{estimasi|465|190|1003|unit=%|mini=auto}} untuk perempuan kelompok usia 20–39, dan {{estimasi|670|401|1083|unit=%|mini=auto}} untuk perempuan kelompok usia 40–59.<ref>{{cite journal |vauthors=Freitas AR, Lemos DR, Beckedorff OA, Cavalcanti LP, Siqueira AM, Mello RC, Barros EN |display-authors=6 |date=19 April 2021 |title=The increase in the risk of severity and fatality rate of covid-19 in southern Brazil after the emergence of the Variant of Concern (VOC) SARS-CoV-2 P.1 was greater among young adults without pre-existing risk conditions |work=[[medRxiv]] |type=Preprint |s2cid=233295278 |doi=10.1101/2021.04.13.21255281 |url= |access-date=23 Mei 2021 |quote=Female 20 to 39 years old, with no pre-existing risk conditions, were at risk of death 5.65 times higher in February (95% CI, 2.9-11.03; p < 0.0001) and in the age group of 40 and 59 years old, this risk was 7.7 times higher (95% CI, 5.01-11.83; p < 0.0001) comparing with November–December. ... The heterogeneity observed between the age groups was greater when we analysed the subgroup of the population without preexisting risk conditions where we found that the CFR in the female sex in the second wave was 1.95 times (95% CI, 1.38-2.76) the CFR of the first wave in the population over 85 years old and was 7.7 times (95% CI, 5.01-11.83; p < 0.0001) in the population between 40 and 59 years old. In the male population without previous diseases, the CFR in the second wave was 2.18 (95% CI, 1.62-2.93) times the CFR of the first wave in the population over 85 years old and 5.9 (95% CI, 3.2-10.85; p < 0, 0001) higher in the range between 20 and 39 years old.}}</ref>{{efn-ua|name=different -conditions}}}}}} ▼
<!-- Untuk penjelasan tentang tabel risiko, lihat{{risk}}_in_summary_table -->
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! colspan="4" | Identitas<ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" />
! colspan="3" | Kemunculan
! colspan="4" | Perubahan terhadap varian yang sebelumnya ada pada waktu dan tempat kemunculan
! colspan="3" | Kegiatan antibodi penetral (atau efikasi bila ada)
! Label [[Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia|WHO]]
! Garis keturunan [[Pangolin (alat)|Pangolin]]
! Varian [[Public Health England|PHE]]<wbr />{{efn-ua|1=Format nama diperbarui pada Maret 2021 yang mengubah tahun dari empat angka ke dua angka dan bulan dari dua angka ke tiga huruf, misal VOC-<span style="color:#E1BE6A;">'''2021'''</span><span style="color:#40B0A6;">''01''</span>-02 menjadi VOC-<span style="color:#E1BE6A;">'''21'''</span><span style="color:#40B0A6;">''JAN''</span>-02.<ref name="phe-voc" />}}
! [[Klad]] [[Nextstrain]]
! [[Kejadian Luar Biasa|KLB]] pertama
! Sampel paling awal<wbr /><ref name="who-update-22june" />
! [[Varian yang diwaspadai|VOC]] yang ditunjuk
! Mutasi terkenal
! [[Angka reproduksi dasar|Penularan]]
! Butuh [[rawat inap]]
! [[Tingkat fatalitas kasus|Mortalitas]]
! Dari infeksi alami{{efn-ua|Efikasi infeksi alami terhadap infeksi ulang bila ada}}
! Dari [[Efikasi vaksin|vaksinasi]]
| rowspan="2" | {{sort|1|[[Varian Alpha SARS-CoV-2|Alpha]]}}
| B.1.1.7
| VOC‑20DEC‑01
| rowspan="2" | 20I (V1)
| rowspan="2" | [[Britania Raya]]
| {{dts|2020|09|20|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref>{{cite web |url= |authors=Rambaut, A., Loman, N., Pybus, O., Barclay, W., Barrett, J., Carabelli, A., Connor, T., Peacock, T., Robertson, D.L., dan Volz, E. |date=18 Desember 2020 |title=Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK defined by a novel set of spike mutations |website=Virological |access-date=14 Juni 2021 |language=en}}</ref>
| {{dts|2020|12|18|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref>{{cite techreport |title=Investigation of novel SARS-COV-2 variant, technical briefing 1 |date=21 Desember 2020 |type=Briefing |institution=Public Health England |format=PDF |url= |access-date=6 Juni 2021}}</ref>
| 69–70hapus, N501Y, P681H<wbr /><ref name=":33">{{cite web |url= |title=Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants |date=28 Januari 2021 | |publisher=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |access-date=4 Januari 2021 |language=en}} {{PD-notice}}</ref>{{sfnp|Chand ''et al.''|2020|p=6|loc=Potential impact of spike variant N501Y}}
| rowspan="2" {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+29|24|33|unit=%|type=cri|mini=auto}}<wbr /><ref name="transmissibility-multinational">{{cite journal |authors=Campbell, F., Archer, B., Laurenson-Schafer, H., Jinnai, Y., Konings, F., Batra, N., Pavlin, B., Vandemaele, K., Van Kerkhove, M.D., Jombart, T., Morgan, O., dan le Polain de Waroux, O. |date=Juni 2021 |title=Increased transmissibility and global spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern as at June 2021 |journal=Euro Surveillance |volume=26 |issue=24 |pages=2100509 |doi=10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.24.2100509}}</ref>{{efn-ua|name=same-alpha|B.1.1.7 dengan E484K dianggap hanya berbeda dari B.1.1.7 dalam aktivitas antibodi penetral.<ref name="ecdc-variants" />}}}}
| rowspan="2" {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+52|47|57|unit=%|mini=auto}}<wbr />{{efn-ua|name=alpha-severity|23 November 2020–31 Januari 2021, Inggris.<ref>{{cite journal |authors=Nyberg, T., Twohig, K.A., Harris, R.J., Seaman, S.R., Flannagan, J., Allen, H., Charlett, A., De Angelis, D., Dabrera, G., dan Presanis, A.M. |date=Juni 2021 |title=Risk of hospital admission for patients with SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7: cohort analysis |journal=BMJ |volume=373 |pages=n1412 |s2cid=235187479 |doi=10.1136/bmj.n1412}}</ref>}}{{efn-ua|name=same-alpha}}}}
| rowspan="2" {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+59|44|74|unit=%|mini=auto}}<wbr />{{efn-ua|name=alpha-severity}}{{efn-ua|name=same-alpha}}}}<br />[[Tingkat fatalitas kasus]] 0,06% untuk kelompok usia < 50, 4,8% untuk kelompok usia > 50<ref name="voctech">{{cite web |url= |title=SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical Briefing 21 |date=20 Agustus 2021 |work=Public Health England |page=16 dan 22 |access-date=29 Agustus 2021 |language=en}}</ref>
| {{risiko|level=rendah|align=ml|Pengurangan minimal<wbr /><ref name="cdc-variants" />}}
| {{risiko|level=rendah|align=ml|Pengurangan minimal<wbr /><ref name="cdc-variants" />}}
| B.1.1.7 dengan [[E484K]]<wbr />{{efn-ua|B.1.1.7 dengan E484K belum menerima label WHO dan didaftarkan di sini dengan label yang sama dengan induk keturunannya, B.1.1.7.}}<ref name="phe-voc" />
| VOC‑21FEB‑02
| {{dts|2021|01|26|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref name="briefing5">{{cite techreport |title=Investigation of novel SARS-CoV-2 variant 202012/01, technical briefing 5 |date=2 Februari 2021 |institution=Public Health England |type=Briefing |format=PDF |url= |access-date=14 Juni 2021 |id=GW-1905}}</ref>
| {{dts|2021|02|05|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref name="GW-1934">{{cite techreport |title=Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in England, technical briefing 6 |date=13 Februari 2021 |institution=Public Health England |format=PDF |url= |access-date=6 Juni 2021 |id=GW-1934}}</ref>
| [[E484K]], 69–70hapus, N501Y, P681H<ref name=":33" />{{sfnp|Chand dkk.|2020|p=6|loc=Potential impact of spike variant N501Y}}
| {{risiko|level=tinggi|align=ml|Sangat berkurang<wbr /><ref name="b117e484k">{{cite journal |vauthors=Collier DA, De Marco A, Ferreira IA, Meng B, Datir RP, Walls AC, Kemp SA, Bassi J, Pinto D, Silacci-Fregni C, Bianchi S, Tortorici MA, Bowen J, Culap K, Jaconi S, Cameroni E, Snell G, Pizzuto MS, Pellanda AF, Garzoni C, Riva A, Elmer A, Kingston N, Graves B, McCoy LE, Smith KG, Bradley JR, Temperton N, Ceron-Gutierrez L, Barcenas-Morales G, Harvey W, Virgin HW, Lanzavecchia A, Piccoli L, Doffinger R, Wills M, Veesler D, Corti D, Gupta RK |display-authors=6 |date=Mei 2021 |title=Sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 to mRNA vaccine-elicited antibodies |journal=Nature |volume=593 |issue=7857 |pp=136–141 |type=Published |doi=10.1038/s41586-021-03412-7 |doi-access=free |quote=We therefore generated pseudoviruses that carried the B.1.1.7 spike mutations with or without the additional E484K substitution and tested these against sera obtained after the first and second dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine as well as against convalescent sera. After the second vaccine dose, we observed a considerable loss of neutralising activity for the pseudovirus with the B.1.1.7 spike mutations and E484K (Fig. 3d, e). The mean fold change for the E484K-containing B.1.1.7 spike variant was 6.7 compared with 1.9 for the B.1.1.7 variant, relative to the wild-type spike protein (Fig. 3a–c and Extended Data Fig. 5). Similarly, when we tested a panel of convalescent sera with a range of neutralisation titres (Fig. 1f, g and Extended Data Fig. 5), we observed additional loss of activity against the mutant B.1.1.7 spike with E484K, with fold change of 11.4 relative to the wild-type spike protein (Fig. 3f, g and Extended Data Fig. 5).}}</ref>}}
| {{risiko|level=tinggi|align=ml|Sangat berkurang<wbr /><ref name="b117e484k" />}}
| {{sort|2|[[Varian Beta SARS-CoV-2|Beta]]}}
| B.1.351
| VOC‑20DEC‑02
| 20H (V2)
| [[Afrika Selatan]]
| {{dts|2020|05|format=dmy|abbr=on}}
| {{dts|2021|01|14|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref>{{cite techreport |authors=Horby, P., Barclay, W., dan Huntley, C. |date=13 Januari 2021 |title=NERVTAG paper: brief note on SARS-CoV-2 variants |institution=Public Health England |type=Note |url= |access-date=6 Juni 2021}}</ref>
| K417N, E484K, N501Y<wbr /><ref name=":33" />
| {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+25|20|30|unit=%|mini=auto}}<wbr /><ref name="transmissibility-multinational" />}}
| {{risiko|level=takdiketahui|align=ml|''Dalam investigasi''}}
| {{risiko|level=menengah|align=ml|Kemungkinan meningkat<wbr /><ref name="aci-variants" /><ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" />}}
| {{risiko|level=menengah|align=ml|Berkurang, tetapi respons sel T akibat D614G tetap efektif<wbr /><ref name="cdc-variants" /><ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" />}}
| {{risiko|level=tinggi|align=ml|Efikasi: berkurang terhadap penyakit bergejala,{{efn-ua|Oxford-AstraZeneca, NovaVax.}} tetap terhadap gejala berat<wbr /><ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" />}}
| {{sort|3|[[Varian Gamma SARS-CoV-2|Gamma]]}}
| P.1
| VOC‑21JAN‑02
| 20J (V3)
| [[Brasil]]
| {{dts|2020|11|format=dmy|abbr=on}}
| {{dts|2021|01|15|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref>{{cite news |title=Confirmed cases of COVID-19 variants identified in UK |date=15 Januari 2021 |agency=Public Health England |website=GOV.UK |url= |access-date=5 Maret 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite techreport |authors=Horby, P., Barclay, W., Gupta, R., dan Huntley, C. |date=27 Januari 2021 |title=NERVTAG paper: note on variant P.1 |institution=Public Health England |type=Note |url= |access-date=6 Juni 2021 |language=en}}</ref>
| K417T, E484K, N501Y<wbr /><ref name=":33" />
| {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+38|29|48|unit=%|mini=auto}}<wbr /><ref name="transmissibility-multinational" />}}
| {{risiko|level=menengah|align=ml|Kemungkinan meningkat<wbr /><ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" />}}
▲| {{risiko|level=tinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+50|20|90|50|unit=%|type=cri|mini=auto}}<wbr />{{efn-ua|name=low-confidence|[[Selang kepercayaan]] (''confidence interval'') dan selang kepercayaan Bayes (''credible interval'') yang dilaporkan memiliki probabilitas yang rendah sehingga nilai estimasi hanya dapat dipahami sebagai mungkin dan bukan sering ataupun pasti.}}{{efn-ua|Maret 2020 s.d. Februari 2021, Manaus.<ref name="cadde-p1">{{cite journal |vauthors=Faria NR, Mellan TA, Whittaker C, Claro IM, Candido DD, Mishra S, Crispim MA, Sales FC, Hawryluk I, McCrone JT, Hulswit RJ, Franco LA, Ramundo MS, de Jesus JG, Andrade PS, Coletti TM, Ferreira GM, Silva CA, Manuli ER, Pereira RH, Peixoto PS, Kraemer MU, Gaburo N, Camilo CD, Hoeltgebaum H, Souza WM, Rocha EC, de Souza LM, de Pinho MC, Araujo LJ, Malta FS, de Lima AB, Silva JD, Zauli DA, Ferreira AC, Schnekenberg RP, Laydon DJ, Walker PG, Schlüter HM, Dos Santos AL, Vidal MS, Del Caro VS, Filho RM, Dos Santos HM, Aguiar RS, Proença-Modena JL, Nelson B, Hay JA, Monod M, Miscouridou X, Coupland H, Sonabend R, Vollmer M, Gandy A, Prete CA, Nascimento VH, Suchard MA, Bowden TA, Pond SL, Wu CH, Ratmann O, Ferguson NM, Dye C, Loman NJ, Lemey P, Rambaut A, Fraiji NA, Carvalho MD, Pybus OG, Flaxman S, Bhatt S, Sabino EC |display-authors=6 |date=Mei 2021 |title=Genomics and epidemiology of the P.1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage in Manaus, Brazil |journal=Science |volume=372 |issue=6544 |pp=815–821 |bibcode=2021Sci...372..815F |doi=10.1126/science.abh2644 |doi-access=free |quote=Within this plausible region of parameter space, P.1 can be between 1.7 and 2.4 times more transmissible (50% BCI, 2.0 median, with a 99% posterior probability of being >1) than local non-P1 lineages and can evade 21 to 46% (50% BCI, 32% median, with a 95% posterior probability of being able to evade at least 10%) of protective immunity elicited by previous infection with non-P.1 lineages, corresponding to 54 to 79% (50% BCI, 68% median) cross-immunity ... We estimate that infections are 1.2 to 1.9 times more likely (50% BCI, median 1.5, 90% posterior probability of being >1) to result in mortality in the period after the emergence of P.1, compared with before, although posterior estimates of this relative risk are also correlated with inferred cross-immunity. More broadly, the recent epidemic in Manaus has strained the city's health care system, leading to inadequate access to medical care. We therefore cannot determine whether the estimated increase in relative mortality risk is due to P.1 infection, stresses on the Manaus health care system, or both. Detailed clinical investigations of P.1 infections are needed.}}</ref> Hasil pendahuluan dari sebuah penelitian di bagian selatan Brasil menemukan bahwa garis keturunan P.1 meningkatkan mortalitas terlebih pada orang muda yang sehat. Dalam kelompok tanpa penyakit bawaan sebelumnya, varian ini ditemukan dapat meningkatkan mortalitas sampai {{estimasi|490|220|985|unit=%|mini=auto}} untuk laki-laki kelompok usia 20–39, {{estimasi|465|190|1003|unit=%|mini=auto}} untuk perempuan kelompok usia 20–39, dan {{estimasi|670|401|1083|unit=%|mini=auto}} untuk perempuan kelompok usia 40–59.<ref>{{cite journal |vauthors=Freitas AR, Lemos DR, Beckedorff OA, Cavalcanti LP, Siqueira AM, Mello RC, Barros EN |display-authors=6 |date=19 April 2021 |title=The increase in the risk of severity and fatality rate of covid-19 in southern Brazil after the emergence of the Variant of Concern (VOC) SARS-CoV-2 P.1 was greater among young adults without pre-existing risk conditions |work=[[medRxiv]] |type=Preprint |s2cid=233295278 |doi=10.1101/2021.04.13.21255281 |url= |access-date=23 Mei 2021 |quote=Female 20 to 39 years old, with no pre-existing risk conditions, were at risk of death 5.65 times higher in February (95% CI, 2.9-11.03; p < 0.0001) and in the age group of 40 and 59 years old, this risk was 7.7 times higher (95% CI, 5.01-11.83; p < 0.0001) comparing with November–December. ... The heterogeneity observed between the age groups was greater when we analysed the subgroup of the population without preexisting risk conditions where we found that the CFR in the female sex in the second wave was 1.95 times (95% CI, 1.38-2.76) the CFR of the first wave in the population over 85 years old and was 7.7 times (95% CI, 5.01-11.83; p < 0.0001) in the population between 40 and 59 years old. In the male population without previous diseases, the CFR in the second wave was 2.18 (95% CI, 1.62-2.93) times the CFR of the first wave in the population over 85 years old and 5.9 (95% CI, 3.2-10.85; p < 0, 0001) higher in the range between 20 and 39 years old.}}</ref>{{efn-ua|name=different-conditions}}}}}}
| {{risiko|level=menengah|align=ml|Berkurang<wbr /><ref name="cdc-variants" />}}
| {{risiko|level=rendah|align=ml|Tetap untuk sebagian<wbr />{{efn-ua|Kecuali Pfizer–BioNTech.<ref name="aci-variants" />}}}}
| {{sort|4|[[Varian Delta SARS-CoV-2|Delta]]}}
| [[Garis keturunan B.1.617 SARS-CoV-2|B.1.617]].2
| VOC‑21APR‑02<wbr />
| 21A
| [[India]]
| {{dts|2020|10|format=dmy|abbr=on}}
| {{dts|2021|05|06|format=dmy|abbr=on}}<wbr /><ref name="briefing10">{{cite techreport |title=SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England, technical briefing 10 |date=7 Mei 2021 |institution=Public Health England |type=Briefing |format=PDF |url= |access-date=6 Juni 2021 |id=GOV-8226}}</ref>
| L452R, T478K, P681R<wbr /><ref name="20A_617">{{cite web |url= |title=SARS-CoV-2 Variant Classifications and Definitions | |publisher=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |date=29 Juni 2021 |access-date=19 Februari 2021 |language=en}} Diperbarui berkala.</ref>
| {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+97|76|117|unit=%|mini=auto}}<wbr /><ref name="transmissibility-multinational" />}}
| {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+85|39|147|unit=%|mini=auto}} <small>relatif terhadap Alpha</small><wbr />{{efn-ua|1 April 2021 s.d. 6 Juni 2021, Skotlandia.<ref>{{cite journal |authors=Sheikh, A., McMenamin, J., Taylor, B., dan Robertson, C. |date=Juni 2021 |title=SARS-CoV-2 Delta VOC in Scotland: demographics, risk of hospital admission, and vaccine effectiveness |journal=Lancet |volume=397 |issue=10293 |pp=2461–2462 |doi=10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01358-1}}</ref> Penelitian pendahuluan lainnya di Ontario menemukan bahwa rawat inap akibat varian Delta meningkat 120% relatif terhadap garis keturunan non-[[Varian yang diwaspadai|VOC]].{{efn-ua|name=delta-ontario}}{{efn-ua|name=different-conditions|Perbedaan bisa muncul akibat perbedaan kebijakan dan intervensi yang diadopsi dalam tiap wilayah yang diteliti pada waktu yang berbeda, kapasitas sistem kesehatan setempat, atau perbedaan varian yang menyebar pada waktu dan di tempat penelitian.}}}}}}
| {{risiko|level=sangattinggi|align=ml|{{estimasi|+137|50|230|unit=%|mini=auto}}<wbr />{{efn-ua|name=delta-ontario|7 Februari 2021 s.d. 22 Juni 22, 2021, Ontario.<ref>{{cite journal |authors=Fisman, D. dan Tuite, A. |date=12 Juli 2021 |title=Progressive Increase in Virulence of Novel SARS-CoV-2 Variants in Ontario, Canada |type=Preprint |work=[[medRxiv]] |s2cid=235756602 |doi=10.1101/2021.07.05.21260050 |url= |access-date=16 September 2021}}</ref>}}}}<br />[[Tingkat fatalitas kasus]] 0,04% untuk kelompok usia < 50 yang belum divaksinasi, 6,5% untuk kelompok usia > 50 yang belum divaksinasi<ref name="voctech" />
| {{risiko|level=menengah|align=ml|Terjadi infeksi ulang dengan laju kemunculan yang lebih kecil daripada infeksi kepada yang divaksinasi<wbr />{{efn-ua|Penelitian di Israel melacak 46.035 yang sembuh, tetapi belum divaksinasi, dan 46.035 orang yang telah divaksinasi pada sebaran usia yang sama untuk membandingkan kemunculan infeksi pada waktu selanjutnya. Terdapat 640 infeksi pada kelompok tervaksinasi dan 108 infeksi pada kelompok yang sembuh, tetapi belum divaksinasi.}}<ref>{{cite journal |authors=Gazit, S. |date=25 Agustus 2021 |title=Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections |website=medRxiv |s2cid=237289842 |doi=10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415 |url=}}</ref><ref name="phe-delta-risk-assessment" />}}
| {{risiko|level=menengah|align=ml|Pengurangan efikasi untuk gejala tak berat<wbr /><ref name="who-update-latest-impacts" /><ref name="phe-delta-risk-assessment">{{cite techreport |title=Risk assessment for SARS-CoV-2 variant Delta |date=23 Juli 2021 |institution=Public Health England |type=Assessment |format=PDF |url= |access-date=24 Juli 2021}}</ref>{{efn-ua|Pengurangan menengah untuk neutralisasi dengan Covaxin.<wbr /><ref name="B.1.617 neutralization">{{cite journal |authors=Yadav, P.D., Sapkal, G.N., Abraham, P., Ella, R., Deshpande, G., Patil, D.Y., Nyayanit, D.A., Gupta, N., Sahay, R.R., Shete, A.M., Panda, S., Bhargava, B., dan Mohan, V.K. |date=Mei 2021 |title=Neutralization of variant under investigation B.1.617 with sera of BBV152 vaccinees |journal=Clinical Infectious Diseases |issue=ciab411 |publisher=Oxford University Press |doi=10.1093/cid/ciab411}}</ref>}}}}
'''Legenda:''' {{legend inline|#faa|Risiko sangat tinggi}} {{legend inline|#fc8|Risiko tinggi}} {{legend inline|#fe8|Risiko menengah}} {{legend inline|#cfc|Risiko rendah}} {{legend inline|#eee|Risiko tak diketahui}}