Republik Lanfang: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{wikify}}{{Untuk|penulis Indonesia|Lan Fang}}
{{Infobox former country
| native_name = Republik Lanfang<br>蘭芳共和國<br>Lánfāng Gònghéguó
Kongsi Lanfang<br>蘭芳公司<br>Lánfāng Gōngsī
| conventional_long_name = <!--- Full name in English --->
| common_name = <!--- Used to resolve location within categories and name of flags and coat of arms --->
| continent = Asia
|region region = Asia Tenggara
| country = Indonesia
| era = Hindia Belanda
|status status = <!--- Status: see Category list on template page --->
| status_text = <!--- A free text to describe status the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. --->
|empire empire = <!--- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency --->
| government_type = [[Sistem presidensial|Republik Presidensial]]<br/>[[Kongsi Federasi]]
| year_start = 1777
<!--- Rise and fall, events, years and dates --->
|flag_s5 year_end = 1884
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration"-->
| year_exile_start = <!--- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government - status="Exile") --->
|year_start = 1777
|year_end year_exile_end = 1884
|year_exile_start event_start = <!--- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government= <!--- status=Default: "ExileEstablished") --->
| date_start = <!--- Optional: Date of establishment, enter dates in this format 1 January 1801--->
|year_exile_end =
|image_coat event_end = SealKejatuhan ofKongsi Lanfang.svg
|event_start = <!--- Default: "Established" --->
|date_start date_end = <!--- Optional: Date of establishment, enter dates in this format 1 Januarydisestablishment 1801--->
|event_end event1 = KejatuhanKetua Kongsi Lanfangsudah dibawah pengaruh [[Hindia Belanda|Kolonial Belanda]]
|date_end date_event1 = <!--- Optional:= Date1823 of- disestablishment --->1838
|event1 event2 = Ketua Kongsi sudah dibawah pengaruh [[Hindia Belanda|KolonialPemberontakan BelandaMandor]]
|date_event1 date_event2 = 18231884 - 18381885
|event2 event3 = [[Pemberontakan Mandor]]
|date_event2 date_event3 = 1884 - 1885 =
|event3 event4 =
|date_event3 date_event4 =
|event_post event_pre = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before afterbefore "event_endevent_start"--->
|event4 =
|date_event4 date_pre =
|event_pre event_post = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before beforeafter "event_startevent_end"--->
| date_post = <!--- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 --->
|date_pre =
| p1 = Kesultanan Sambas
|event_post = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before after "event_end"--->
|date_post flag_p1 =
|event4 image_p1 =
<!--- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 --->
|p1 p2 = Kesultanan Sambas
|flag_p1 flag_p2 =
|image_p1 p3 =
|p2 flag_p3 =
|flag_p2 p4 =
|p3 flag_p4 =
|flag_p3 p5 =
|p4 flag_p5 =
|flag_p4 s1 = Hindia Belanda
|p5 flag_s1 = Flag of the = Netherlands.svg
|flag_p5 image_s1 = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --->
|s1 s2 = Hindia Belanda
|flag_s1 flag_s2 = Flag of the Netherlands.svg
|image_s1 s3 = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]]= --->
|s2 flag_s3 =
|flag_s2 s4 =
|s3 flag_s4 =
|flag_s3 s5 =
|s4 flag_s5 =
|flag_s4 image_flag = Flag of Lanfang Republic.svg
|s5 flag_alt = <!--- Alt text =for flag -->
|symbol flag = <!--- Link target under symbolflag image. Default: Coat of armsFlag of {{{common_name}}} --->
|flag_s5 =
|image_flag flag_type = Flag<!--- ofDisplayed Lanfangtext Republicfor link under flag.svg Default "Flag" --->
|flag_alt image_coat = <!--- Alt text= forSeal flagof -->Lanfang.svg
|flag coat_alt = <!--- Link target under flagAlt image.text Default:for Flagcoat of {{{common_name}}}arms --->
|flag_type symbol = <!--- DisplayedLink text for linktarget under flagsymbol image. Default: Coat of arms of "Flag"{{{common_name}}} --->
| symbol_type = <!--- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" --->
|image_coat = Seal of Lanfang.svg
|coat_alt image_map = <!--- Alt text for coat of arms= --->
| image_map_alt =
|symbol = <!--- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} --->
| image_map_caption =
|symbol_type = <!--- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" --->
| image_map2 = <!-- If second map is needed - does not appear by default -->
|image_map =
|image_map_alt image_map2_alt =
|image_map_caption image_map2_caption =
| capital = Dōng Wàn Lǜ<br>東万律<br>([[Mandor, Landak|Mandor]] sekarang)
|image_map2 = <!-- If second map is needed - does not appear by default -->
|footnotes capital_exile = <!--- AcceptsIf wikilinksstatus="Exile" --->
|image_map2_alt =
|image_map2_caption latd =
|capital latm = Dōng Wàn Lǜ<br>東万律<br>([[Mandor, Landak|Mandor]] sekarang)
|capital_exile latNS = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|year_exile_end longd =
|latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW=
|national_motto longm =
|national_anthem longEW =
| national_motto =
|common_languages = [[Bahasa Hakka|Hakka]]<br>[[Bahasa Mandarin|Mandarin]]<br>[[Bahasa Dayak|Dayak]]<br>[[Bahasa Melayu|Melayu]]
|religion national_anthem =
| common_languages = [[Bahasa Hakka|Hakka]]<br>[[Bahasa Mandarin|Mandarin]]<br>[[Bahasa Dayak|Dayak]]<br>[[Bahasa Melayu|Melayu]]
|currency =
|date_pre religion =
| currency = <!--- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies --->
| government_type = [[Sistem presidensial|Republik Presidensial]]<br/>[[Kongsi Federasi]]
| title_leader = President
| leader1 = [[Low Lan Pak]] atau [[Luo Fangbo]] ([[羅芳伯]])
| year_leader1 = 1777–1795
| leader2 = [[Jiang Wubo]]
| year_leader2 = 1795–1799
| leader3 = [[Yan Sibo]]
| year_leader3 = 1799–1804
| leader4 = [[Jiang Wubo]]
| year_leader4 = 1804–1811
| leader5 = [[Song]]
| year_leader5 = 1811–1823
| leader6 = [[Liu Taiji]]
| year_leader6 = 1823–1838
| leader7 = [[Gu Liubo]]
| year_leader7 = 1838–1842
| representative1 = <!--- Name of representative of head of state (eg. colonial governor) --->
| representative2 =
| representative3 =
| representative4 =
| year_representative1 = <!--- Years served --->
| year_representative2 =
| year_representative3 =
| year_representative4 =
| title_representative = <!--- Default: "Governor"--->
| deputy1 = <!--- Name of prime minister --->
| deputy2 =
| deputy3 =
| deputy4 =
| year_deputy1 = <!--- Years served --->
| year_deputy2 =
| year_deputy3 =
| year_deputy4 =
| title_deputy = <!--- Default: "Prime minister" --->
<!--- Legislature --->| legislature = <!--- Name of legislature --->
|legislature house1 = <!--- Name of legislaturefirst chamber --->
|house1 type_house1 = <!--- NameDefault: of first chamber"Upper house"--->
|type_house1 house2 = <!--- Default:Name of second "Upperchamber house"--->
|house2 type_house2 = <!--- NameDefault: of second chamber"Lower house"--->
<!--- Area and population of a given year --->| stat_year1 = <!--- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both --->
|type_house2 = <!--- Default: "Lower house"--->
| stat_area1 = <!--- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated --->
<!--- Area and population of a given year --->
|stat_year1 stat_pop1 = <!--- yearpopulation of(w/o thecommas statisticor spaces), specifypopulation eitherdensity is calculated if area, populationis oralso bothgiven --->
|image_map stat_year2 =
|stat_area1 = <!--- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated --->
|currency stat_area2 =
|stat_pop1 = <!--- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given --->
|stat_year2 stat_pop2 =
|stat_area2 stat_year3 =
|stat_pop2 stat_area3 =
|stat_year3 stat_pop3 =
|stat_area3 stat_year4 =
|stat_pop3 stat_area4 =
|stat_year4 stat_pop4 =
|stat_area4 stat_year5 =
|stat_pop4 stat_area5 =
|stat_year5 stat_pop5 =
|stat_area5 footnotes = <!--- Accepts wikilinks --->
|stat_pop5 today = [[Kalimantan]]
|footnotes = <!--- Accepts wikilinks --->
|today =
* {{negara|Indonesia}} [[Indonesia]]
* {{negara|Brunei}} [[Brunei]]
* {{negara|Malaysia}} [[Malaysia]]
'''Kongsie Langfong'''/<ref name="Almanak 34"/> '''Republik Lanfang''' ([[Hanzi tradisional]]: {{lang|zh-Hant|蘭芳共和國}}, [[Hanyu Pinyin]]: Lánfāng Gònghéguó, [[Pha̍k-fa-sṳ]]: Làn-fông Khiung-fò-koet) adalah nama sebuah [[negara berdaulat|negara]] [[Tionghoa]] dan [[federasi kongsi]] [[Hakka]] di [[Kalimantan Barat]], [[Indonesia]]<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=States of western Borneo, ca 1800 |access-date=2011-06-24 |archive-date=2015-09-24 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> yang didirikan oleh [[Low Fang Pak]] ([[Luo Fangbo]]) (羅芳伯) pada tahun 1777 sampai akhirnya dibubarkan oleh [[Hindia Belanda|Belanda]] pada tahun 1884.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=海外華人創建了世上第一個共和國 |access-date=2010-12-16 |archive-date=2011-04-24 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>