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Baris 96:
=== Denominasi Kristen ===
{{Main|Denominasi Kristen}}<!--
Di dalam Kekristenan, denominasi merupakan istilah yang umum dipakai untuk menyebut badan ke[[agama]]an yang dapat dikenali lewat unsur-unsur seperti nama, struktur, kepemimpinan, atau doktrin bersama. Meskipun demikian, tiap-tiap badan keagamaan tersebut dapat saja menyebut diri dengan menggunakan istilah-istilah lain, misalnya "gereja" atau "persekutuan". Perpecahan yang memisahkan satu kelompok dari kelompok lain berpangkal dari doktrin dan kewenangan gereja. Isu-isu seperti [[Kristologi|kodrat Yesus]], kewibawaan [[suksesi apostolik]], [[eskatologi Kristen|eskatologi]], dan [[keutamaan paus]] acap kali memisahkan satu denominasi dari denominasi lain. Rumpun-rumpun denominasi yang menganut akidah, amalan, dan keterkaitan sejarah disebut "cabang-cabang Kekristenan".<!--
A denomination in [[Christianity]] is a generic term for a distinct [[religion|religious]] body identified by traits such as a common name, structure, leadership, or doctrine. Individual bodies, however, may use alternative terms to describe themselves, such as "church" or "fellowship". Divisions between one group and another are defined by doctrine and church authority; issues such as the [[Christology|nature of Jesus]], the authority of [[apostolic succession]], [[Christian eschatology|eschatology]], and [[papal primacy]] often separate one denomination from another. Groups of denominations often sharing broadly similar beliefs, practices, and historical ties are known as branches of Christianity.
Individual Christian groups vary widely in the degree to which they recognize one another. Several groups claim to be the direct and [[One true church|sole authentic successor]] the church founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century AD. Others, however, believe in denominationalism, where some or all Christian groups are legitimate churches of the same religion regardless of their distinguishing labels, beliefs, and practices. Because of this concept, some Christian bodies reject the term "denomination" to describe themselves, to avoid implying equivalency with other churches or denominations.