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Baris 114:
== Politik ==
[[File:National Assembly Building (19898889148).jpg|thumb|left|[[Dewan Nasional Angola]].]]
Pemerintah badan eksekutif Angola terdiri dari Presidentiga cabang pemerintahan: eksekutif, Perdanalegislatif Mentridan (yangyudikatif. terakhirCabang adalaheksekutif Fernandopemerintah daterdiri Piedadedari DiasPresiden, dosWakil Santos)Presiden sertadan Dewan Menteri.
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Currently, political power is concentrated in the Presidency. The Council of Ministers, composed of all government ministers and vice ministers, meets regularly to discuss policy issues. Governors of the 18 provinces are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the president. The Constitutional Law of 1992 establishes the broad outlines of government structure and delineates the rights and duties of citizens. The legal system is based on Portuguese and customary law but is weak and fragmented, and courts operate in only 12 of more than 140 municipalities. A Supreme Court serves as the appellate tribunal; a Constitutional Court with powers of judicial review has never been constituted despite statutory authorization.
Cabang legislatif terdiri dari 220 kursi legislatif unikameral, Majelis Nasional Angola, dipilih dari konstituensi multi-anggota provinsi dan nasional menggunakan perwakilan proporsional daftar partai. Selama beberapa dekade, kekuatan politik terkonsentrasi di kursi kepresidenan.<ref>{{cite book |title=Der neue Fischer Weltalmanach 2019 |date=1 July 2018 |publisher=Fischer |isbn=978-3-596-72019-4 |pages=38}}</ref>
The 27 year long civil war has ravaged the country's political and social institutions. The UN estimates of 1.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs), while generally the accepted figure for war-affected people is 4 million. Daily conditions of life throughout the country and specifically Luanda (population approximately 4 million) mirror the collapse of administrative infrastructure as well as many social institutions. The ongoing grave economic situation largely prevents any government support for social institutions. Hospitals are without medicines or basic equipment, schools are without books, and public employees often lack the basic supplies for their day-to-day work.
Setelah 38 tahun berkuasa, pada tahun 2017 Presiden dos Santos mengundurkan diri dari kepemimpinan MPLA.<ref>[ Angolan Leader Dos Santos to Step Down After 38 Years in Power] {{Webarchive|url= |date=7 April 2017 }}. Bloomberg (3 February 2017). Retrieved on 26 April 2017.</ref> Pemimpin partai pemenang pada pemilihan parlemen pada Agustus 2017 akan menjadi presiden Angola berikutnya. MPLA memilih mantan Menteri Pertahanan João Lourenço sebagai pengganti yang dipilih Santos.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Thiefaine |first=Charles |date=2016-12-05 |title=En Angola, le ministre de la Défense devrait succèder au président Dos Santos |language=fr |trans-title=In Angola, the minister of defense is to succeed President Dos Santos | |url= |access-date=26 April 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=25 March 2017}}</ref> Dari 32 menteri ada 12 wanita.
The president has announced the government's intention to hold elections in 2006. These elections would be the first since 1992 and would serve to elect both a new president and a new National Assembly. -->
Dalam apa yang digambarkan sebagai pembersihan politik<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Angola : une purge au sein de la Sonangol emporte Isabel dos Santos|date=15 November 2017|work=BENIN WEB TV|access-date=21 November 2017|language=fr-FR}} {{dead link|date=April 2018|bot=InternetArchiveBot|fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> untuk memperkuat kekuasaannya dan mengurangi pengaruh keluarga Dos Santos, Lourenço kemudian memecat kepala polisi nasional, Ambrósio de Lemos, dan kepala dinas intelijen, Apolinário José Pereira. Keduanya dianggap sekutu mantan presiden Dos Santos.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Angola's Lourenco replaces police and intelligence chiefs|date=20 November 2017|work=[[Reuters]]|access-date=21 November 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=20 November 2017|url-status=live}}</ref> Ia juga mencopot Isabel Dos Santos, putri mantan presiden, sebagai kepala perusahaan minyak negara Sonangol.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Angola sacks Africa's richest woman|date=15 November 2017|work=[[BBC News]]|publisher=[[BBC|British Broadcasting Corporation]]|access-date=21 November 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=18 November 2017|url-status=live}}</ref> Pada Agustus 2020, José Filomeno dos Santos, putra mantan presiden Angola, dijatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara karena penipuan dan korupsi.<ref>{{cite news |title=José Filomeno dos Santos: Son of Angola's ex-leader jailed for five years |url= |work=BBC News |date=14 August 2020 |access-date=7 June 2022 |archive-date=7 June 2022 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
=== Konstitusi ===
=== Pembagian administratif ===
:''Artikel utama: [[{{See|Provinsi di Angola]]''}}
[[Berkas:Angola Provinces numbered 300px.png|kathumb|200px|Peta Angola dengan provinsi-provinsi yang diberi nomor]]
:''Artikel utama: [[Provinsi di Angola]]''
Angola terbagi atas 18 provinsi (''províncias'') dan 158 kotamadya (''municípios''). {{br}}[[Provinsi di Angola|Provinsi-provinsinya]] ialah: