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== Wikidata weekly summary #556 ==
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<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Past
*** Wikidata+Wikibase office hour session log: [[d:Wikidata:Events/Telegram office hour 2023-01-18|Telegram office hour 2023-01-18]]
** Upcoming
*** Next Linked Data for Libraries [[Wikidata: WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group|LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group]] call January 24, 2023: We will be discussing plans for 2023, and requesting feedback and ideas for future programming. Based on a previous recommendation to host a discussion on advocacy for Wikidata within libraries, we will introduce and provide time to complete a short survey to foster conversation in a future Group Call. Please come ready to share your thoughts [ Agenda]
*** [ Introductions to Wikidata], online meetings organized by Wikimedia Australia on January 25, 26 and 31
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Blogs
*** [ Is there something better than Blazegraph for Wikidata?]
** Videos
*** [Wikimedia Research Showcase] [ Featuring a presentation of the paper Learning to Predict the Departure Dynamics of Wikidata Editors].
** Podcasts
*** Civic Hacker Podcast: [ Using Wikidata to Connect Constituents With Their Government]
* '''Tool of the week'''
** [ Romain de Bossoreille] has generated a map named ''[ Space Industry around the World]'' using data from [ The Space Devs], Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** [WMDE Survey for Wikidata data Reusers] [ Help us Improve Wikidata by Sharing Your Experience on Ontology Issues and Data Reuse Impact].
** [ Second round of Research Fund proposals are under review]. They include Wikidata related proposals. Your input is welcome!
** [[m:Community_Wishlist_Survey_2023|Wikimedia Foundation's Community Survey]]: The proposals submission and discussion phase is open until February 6th.
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes: none
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P11503|Jeju's culture and language ID]], [[:d:Property:P11504|J-STAGE journal ID]], [[:d:Property:P11505| serial ID]], [[:d:Property:P11506|IRIS UNITN author ID]], [[:d:Property:P11507|IRIS FBK author ID]], [[:d:Property:P11508|IRIS-OpenPub author ID]], [[:d:Property:P11509|Muse Open Archive author ID]], [[:d:Property:P11510|ARCA author ID]], [[:d:Property:P11511|Air Iuav author ID]], [[:d:Property:P11512|Intercontinental Dictionary Series unit ID]], [[:d:Property:P11513|Hungarian Football Federation player ID]], [[:d:Property:P11514|Knowledge portal ID]], [[:d:Property:P11515|MangaSeek work ID]], [[:d:Property:P11516|MangaSeek magazine ID]], [[:d:Property:P11517|MangaSeek award ID]], [[:d:Property:P11518|Oroklini Library ID]], [[:d:Property:P11519|elexiko ID]], [[:d:Property:P11520|Neologismenwörterbuch ID]], [[:d:Property:P11521|Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch ID]], [[:d:Property:P11522|Sprichwörterbuch ID]], [[:d:Property:P11523|Kommunikationsverben ID]], [[:d:Property:P11524|Kleines Wörterbuch der Verlaufsformen im Deutschen ID]], [[:d:Property:P11525|PR TIMES company ID]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/attracts|attracts]] (organisms attracted by this taxon), [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/salary level|salary level]] (level of someone's salary), [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/change of|change of]] (property this process changes), [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/database contains records about|database contains records about]] (indicate the types of items that the database has records about)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Plant Finder ID (Chicago Botanic Garden)|Plant Finder ID (Chicago Botanic Garden)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Norwegian prisoner register detentioncamps ID|Norwegian prisoner register detentioncamps ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Glitchwave franchise ID|Glitchwave franchise ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Glitchwave game company ID|Glitchwave game company ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Glitchwave game ID|Glitchwave game ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Ushakov Dictionary ID|Ushakov Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Jiddisch-Nederlands Woordenboek ID|Jiddisch-Nederlands Woordenboek ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Glitchwave character ID|Glitchwave character ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/WW1 fallen/missing soldier ID (MHA)|WW1 fallen/missing soldier ID (MHA)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Glitchwave platform ID|Glitchwave platform ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Spotify user ID (Jan 2023)|Spotify user ID (Jan 2023)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Livres Hebdo author ID|Livres Hebdo author ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Livres Hebdo award ID|Livres Hebdo award ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Livres Hebdo tag ID|Livres Hebdo tag ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID|Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/TikTok place ID|TikTok place ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Magazine Pocket series ID|Magazine Pocket series ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/identifiant SFMTA|identifiant SFMTA]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database character ID|International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database character ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Online Aboriginal Language Dictionary ID|Online Aboriginal Language Dictionary ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Tribal Council number|Tribal Council number]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Aragonario ID (6th version)|Aragonario ID (6th version)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Rate Your Music venue ID|Rate Your Music venue ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Rate Your Music concert ID|Rate Your Music concert ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Dicionário inFormal ID|Dicionário inFormal ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Qobuz artist numeric ID|Qobuz artist numeric ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/TOOI identifier|TOOI identifier]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Fonts In Use ID|Fonts In Use ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Rate Your Music film ID|Rate Your Music film ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Rate Your Music film genre ID|Rate Your Music film genre ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms entry|NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms entry]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Spreaker show ID|Spreaker show ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Sjøfolk Ship ID|Sjøfolk Ship ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms entry|NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms entry]]
** Query examples:
*** [ Map of places that places in Rennes are named after] ([ source])
*** [ Map of places named after a place in Rennes, color coded by distance of the place from Rennes] ([ source])
* '''Development'''
** Wikibase REST API: [ The new API is now available for testing on Test.Wikidata]
** Ontology issues: We finalized and published the survey to better understand which types of ontology issues are most problematic for reusers of our data.
** Wikipedia and co: Fixing a regression where there is no entry in recent changes and watchlist when an Item is deleted that was connected to an article on that wiki ([[phab:T326082]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** [[d:Wikidata:Contribute/Suggested and open tasks|Suggested and open tasks]]!
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 01 23|Read the full report]]''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[:d:User:Lea Lacroix (WMDE)|Lea Lacroix (WMDE)]] 23 Januari 2023 16.34 (UTC)
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