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Baris 52:
===            Together we fall into the blood of my soul, Your Highness My Majesty His Majesty King Ahmed Mulkliff Empire Our Pledge of Allegiance Together Forever Fight to the End of Life ===
=== LirikOh dalamGod, bahasaoh JermanGod, oblige ===
:Oh God, oh God, oblige            Oh God, oh God, oblige            Together we unite the soul of His Majesty King Ahmad Mulkliff.            Portability            Pico equivalent weight          His Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Hello Emperor, His Royal Highness Raja Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Empire.  King Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Empire Oh God, Oh God, oblige            ya Allah            Our kings can protect His Majesty King Ahmad Mukliff His Majesty loves him enough to extend the life of grace in his life.            Oh, my God, oh, God            Oh, my God, oh, God            National sovereignty will be preserved.            Fight the enemy to the last drop            Oh, my God, oh, God            or the united God            With your grace            Our country promotes the sovereignty of our King.            His Majesty King Ahmed Mulkliff of the blessed Heavenly Empire and Heaven            Together we fall into the blood of my soul, Your Highness My Majesty His Majesty King Ahmed Mulkliff Empire Our Pledge of Allegiance Together Forever Fight to the End of Life
===            Oh God, oh God, oblige ===
===            Together we unite the soul of His Majesty King Ahmad Mulkliff. ===
===            Portability ===
===            Pico equivalent weight ===
===          His Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Hello Emperor, His Royal Highness Raja Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Empire.  King Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Empire Oh God, Oh God, oblige ===
===            ya Allah ===
===            Our kings can protect His Majesty King Ahmad Mukliff His Majesty loves him enough to extend the life of grace in his life. ===
===            Oh, my God, oh, God ===
===            Oh, my God, oh, God ===
===            National sovereignty will be preserved. ===
===            Fight the enemy to the last drop ===
===            Oh, my God, oh, God ===
===            or the united God ===
===            With your grace ===
===            Our country promotes the sovereignty of our King. ===
===            His Majesty King Ahmed Mulkliff of the blessed Heavenly Empire and Heaven ===
===            Together we fall into the blood of my soul, Your Highness My Majesty His Majesty King Ahmed Mulkliff Empire Our Pledge of Allegiance Together Forever Fight to the End of Life Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan, wajibkan ===
===            Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan, wajibkan ===
===            Bersama-sama kita menyatukan jiwa Raja Yang Mulia Ahmad Mulkliff. ===
===            Mudah dibawa ===
===            Berat bersamaan Pico ===
===          Duli Yang Maha Mulia Ahmad Mulkliff Hello Emperor, Yang Amat Mulia Raja Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Empire . King Majesty Ahmad Mulkliff Empire Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan, wajibkan ===
===            Ya Allah ===
===            Raja-raja kita dapat melindungi Raja Yang Mulia Ahmad Mukliff Baginda cukup menyayangi baginda untuk memanjangkan hayat rahmat dalam hidupnya. ===
===            Oh, Tuhanku, oh, Tuhan ===
===            Oh, Tuhanku, oh, Tuhan ===
===            Kedaulatan negara akan terpelihara. ===
===            Lawan musuh hingga ke titisan terakhir ===
===            Oh, Tuhanku, oh, Tuhan ===
===            atau Tuhan yang bersatu ===
===            Dengan rahmatMu ===
===            Negara kita mempromosikan kedaulatan Raja kita. ===
===            Raja Yang Mulia Ahmed Mulkliff Empayar Syurga dan Syurga yang diberkati ===
===            Bersama-sama kita jatuh ke dalam darah jiwaku, Yang Amat Mulia Tuanku Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Ahmed Mulkliff Empire Sumpah Setia Kami Bersama Kekal Berjuang Ke Akhir Hayat ===
=== Oh God, oh God, oblige ===