|foruntuk aringkasan summarybeasiswa ofterbaru recenttentang scholarshipperan onsentral Hitler'scentraldalam role in the HolocaustHolokaus, seelihat {{harvnb|McMillan|2012}}.
|name = will and marriage
| {{harvnb|MI5, ''Hitler's Last Days''}}: "Hitler'sSurat willwasiat anddan marriagepernikahan Hitler" ondi thesitus website ofweb [[MI5]], usingmenggunakan thesumber sourcesyang availabletersedia tountuk Trevor Roper (aseorang WWIIagen MI5 agentPerang andDunia historianII dan sejarawan/author ofpenulis ''The Last Days of Hitler''), recordsmencatat thepernikahan marriageitu asterjadi takingsegera place aftersetelah Hitler hadmendiktekan dictatedwasiat hisdan lastsurat willwasiat and testamentterakhirnya."