Jalan Tengah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Tjmoel (bicara | kontrib)
Tjmoel (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 16:
|4=[[Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta]]
|5=<ref>Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta - Samyutta Nikaya 56.11 - yang merupakan khotbah pertama Sang Buddha, setelah mencapai pencerahan sempurna, dihadapan lima orang bhikkhu ((Assajji, Vappa, Bhadiya, Kondañña, Mahanama)</ref>}}
"Monks, these two extremes ought not to be practiced by one who has gone forth from the household life. (What are the two?) There is addiction to indulgence of sense-pleasures, which is low, coarse, the way of ordinary people, unworthy, and unprofitable; and there is addiction to self-mortification, which is painful, unworthy, and unprofitable.
"Avoiding both these extremes, the Tathagata (the Perfect One) has realized the Middle Path; it gives vision, gives knowledge, and leads to calm, to insight, to enlightenment and to Nibbana. And what is that Middle Path realized by the Tathagata...? It is the Noble Eightfold path, and nothing else, namely: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration."[4]
Dengan Demikian, guna pencapaian Nibbana (Pali; Sansekerta : Nirwana), Jalan Tengah mencakup:
Baris 25 ⟶ 21:
* memupuk kesatuan tindakan "benar" yang dikenal pula dengan sebutan Jalan Utama Berunsur Delapan.
Dalam ceramah ini, Sang Buddha mengenali Jalan Tengah sebagai suatu jalan untuk "mereka yang telahberkeinginan untuk meninggalkan kehidupan awam" (Pali: pabbajitena) walaupun penganut Agama Buddha biasa dapat pula menerapkan petunjuk ini dalam kehidupan mereka.
In this discourse (Pali: sutta), the Buddha identifies the Middle Way as a path for "one who has gone forth from the household life" (Pali: pabbajitena)[5] although lay Buddhists may center their lives on this path as well.