Servetus juga menerbitkan edisi bahasa Prancis pertama dari ''Geografi'' karya [[Ptolemeus]]. Ia mendedikasikan edisi pertama Ptolemeus dan edisi Alkitabnya untuk patronnya, Hugues de la Porte. Ketika berada di Lyon, [[Symphorien Champier]], seorang [[humanis]] medis, menjadi patronnya. Servetus menulis sebuah risalah [[farmakologi]] untuk membela Champier terhadap [[Leonhart Fuchs]] ''In Leonardum Fucsium Apologia'' (''Pembelaan terhadap Leonard Fuchs''). Bekerja juga sebagai penyunting, ia menerbitkan beberapa buku lagi, yang berhubungan dengan obat-obatan dan farmakologi (seperti ''Syruporum universia ratio'' (''Penjelasan Lengkap tentang [[Sirup]]''), yang membuatnya terkenal.
AfterSetelah anselang intervalbeberapa waktu, Servetus returnedkembali toke Paris tountuk belajar studykedokteran medicinepada intahun 1536. InDi Paris, hisguru-gurunya teachers includedtermasuk [[Jacobus Sylvius]], [[Jean Fernel]], anddan [[Johann Winter von Andernach]], whoyang hailedmemujinya him withdengan Andrea [[Vesalius]] assebagai hisasistennya mostyang ablepaling assistantmampu indalam dissectionsmelakukan pembedahan. DuringSelama thesetahun-tahun yearsini, heia wrote hismenulis ''Manuscript of theManuskrip Complutense'', ansebuah unpublishedringkasan compendiumyang oftidak hisdipublikasikan medicaldari ideaside-ide medisnya. Servetus taughtmengajar mathematicsmatematika anddan [[astrologyastrologi]] whileselagi heia studiedbelajar medicinekedokteran. HeDia predictedmemprediksikan an occultation ofokultasi [[Mars]] by theoleh [[MoonBulan]], whichyang alongbersama withdengan his teachingajarannya, generatedmenimbulkan muchbanyak envykecemburuan amongdi theantara medicinepara teachersguru kedokteran. His teaching classes were suspendedKelas-kelas byyang theia Deanajar ofdihentikan theoleh FacultyDekan ofFakultas MedicineKedokteran, [[Jean Tagault]], anddan Servetus wrote hismenulis ''ApologeticDiskursus Discourse ofPembelaan Michel de Villeneuve in Favour ofyang AstrologyMendukung andAstrologi againstdan aMelawan CertainDokter PhysicianTertentu'' againstuntuk himmenentangnya. Tagault later argued for the death penalty in the judgment of the [[University of Paris]] against Servetus, who was accused of teaching ''[[De Divinatione]]'' by [[Cicero]]. Finally, the sentence was reduced to the withdrawal of this edition. As a result of the risks and difficulties of studying medicine at Paris, Servetus decided to go to [[Montpellier]] to finish his medical studies, maybe thanks to his teacher [[Jacques Dubois|Sylvius]] who did exactly the same as a student.<ref>Krendal, Eric. 2011 ''Ongelmat Michael yliopistossa Pariisissa'' historioitsija painoksia Medicine, pp 34–38</ref> There Servetus became a Doctor of Medicine in 1539. After that he lived at [[Charlieu]]. A jealous physician ambushed and tried to kill Servetus, but Servetus defended himself and injured one of the attackers in a sword fight. He was in prison for several days because of this incident.<ref>D'artigny- Judgement at Vienne Isère against Michel de Villeneuve.</ref>