Grand Prix Australia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 116:
Awal balapan pada tahun 2002 menyaksikan ''pole-sitter'' balapan ini, yaitu Barrichello, dan [[Ralf Schumacher]] dari tim Williams bertemu di Tikungan Satu dalam sebuah kecelakaan spektakuler yang menyebabkan 11 dari 22 mobil tersingkir sebelum akhir putaran pembuka. Michael Schumacher mendominasi setelahnya untuk membukukan kemenangan ketiga berturut-turut di kota Melbourne, tetapi prestasinya dibayangi oleh peringkat kelima dari pembalap asal Australia, yaitu Mark Webber, pada debutnya di dalam ajang Formula Satu. Webber, dalam mobil [[Minardi]] yang kekurangan tenaga dan kekurangan dana, harus pulih dari pit ''stop'' yang gagal dan menahan tantangan dari [[Mika Salo]] dari tim Toyota di tahap penutupan, dan naik podium setelah balapan dengan pemilik tim asal Australia, yaitu Paul Stoddart, di salah satu momen Grand Prix Melbourne yang paling berkesan. Pada tahun berikutnya, yaitu 2003, Coulthard kembali berhasil menang untuk tim McLaren dalam balapan yang diadakan dalam berbagai kondisi. Layanan normal dilanjutkan pada tahun 2004 dengan duet pembalap Ferrari, yaitu Schumacher dan Barrichello, yang merajalela – dalam dua putaran sesi latihan bebas hari Jumat, Schumacher telah menghapus rekor putaran Albert Park, dan meraih kemenangan telak. Pada tahun 2005, balapan ini berhasil dimenangkan oleh [[Renault di Formula Satu|tim Renault]] setelah badai selama sesi kualifikasi hari Sabtu menghasilkan posisi start dari grid yang kacau balau. Barrichello dan rekan setim Fisichella, yaitu [[Fernando Alonso]], masing-masing datang dari posisi ke-11 dan ke-13 di grid untuk bergabung bersama dengan ''pole'' ''sitter'' balapan ini, yaitu Fisichella, di atas podium.
Pada tahun 2006, Alonso berhasil meraih kemenangan pertamanya di negara Australia dalam balapan yang penuh dengan kecelakaan, yang menampilkan empat periode mobil keselamatan. Pada tahun 2007, [[Kimi Räikkönen]] berhasil memenangkan balapan pertamanya untuk tim Ferrari, sementara ''rookie'' [[Lewis Hamilton]] menjadi pembalap yang pertama dalam 11 tahun yang berhasil naik ke atas podium dalam debut F1-nya, dengan finis di urutan ketiga di belakang rekan setimnya di tim McLaren, yaitu Alonso. Hamilton berhasil memenangi balapan musim 2008 yang memiliki tiga periode mobil keselamatan, dan hanya enam pembalap saja yang berhasil finish. Pada tahun 2009, [[Jenson Button]] berhasil meraih kemenangan, berkendara untuk tim debutan [[Brawn GP]], yang mengadakan balapan pertamanya setelah Ross Brawn membeli tim tersebut setelah mundurnya [[Honda]] dari ajang Formula Satu. Tim ini dibentuk dari sisa-sisa tim [[Honda Racing F1]] yang mengundurkan diri dari olahraga tersebut setelah musim 2008. Balapan berakhir dengan Button, yang memimpin jalannya lomba ini sejak awal, memimpin lapangan setelah mobil keselamatan dipasang dengan tiga putaran tersisa menyusul kecelakaan antara [[Sebastian Vettel]] dan [[Robert Kubica]], yang telah berjuang untuk memperebutkan tempat kedua. Hal ini mendorong rekan setim Button, yaitu sesama pembalap Brawn GP Rubens Barrichello, untuk naik ke posisi kedua, menandai posisi 1-2 yang bersejarah untuk tim. [[Toyota Racing (tim Formula Satu)|Pembalap Toyota]], yaitu [[Jarno Trulli]], diberi penalti waktu sebanyak 25 detik karena melewati Lewis Hamilton untuk tempat ketiga di bawah bendera kuning selama periode mobil keselamatan tersebut, yang mempromosikan Hamilton ke posisi tersebut. Namun, Hamilton kemudian didiskualifikasi dan poinnya dikurangi karena "sengaja menyesatkan pengawas balapan",<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Lewis Hamilton disqualified from Australian Grand Prix |work=The Guardian |date=2 April 2009 |access-date=2 April 2009 |location=London |archive-date=6 January 2014 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> dengan Trulli yang kembali lagi naik ke posisi ketiga. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh [[Brawn GP|tim Brawn]], [[Williams Grand Prix Engineering|Williams]], dan [[Toyota Racing (tim Formula Satu)|Toyota]] tetap diberikan, meskipun ada banding yang diajukan dua minggu kemudian terhadap keputusan tentang legalitas desain diffuser tim.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Button seals dream Australia win |publisher=[[BBC Sport]] |date=29 March 2009 |access-date=29 March 2009 |first=Chris |last=Whyatt |archive-date=24 April 2009 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> TheHasil outcomebanding ofmenguntungkan the appeal was in favour of the teamstim, theirdi diffusersmana werediffuser declaredmereka legaldinyatakan undersah theberdasarkan newaturan rulesyang and there were nobaru, changesdan totidak theada resultsperubahan ofpada thehasil racebalapan.
[[2010Grand AustralianPrix F1 Australia 2010|Grand Prix| Australia 2010]] againkembali sawberhasil dimenangkan oleh Button windi atkota Melbourne. StartingMemulai frombalapan fourthini dari posisi keempat, heia gambledbertaruh onpada anpergantian earlyban changedi toawal slickbalapan tireske underban dryinglicin conditionsdalam thatkondisi letkering, himyang movememungkinkannya upuntuk tonaik secondke placeposisi afterkedua losingsetelah severalkehilangan positionsbeberapa atposisi thedi startawal. [[Sebastian Vettel]] retiredpensiun withkarena mechanicalmobilnya issuesmengalami aftermasalah qualifyingmekanis onsetelah polemenyelesaikan andsesi leadingkualifikasi untildi hisposisi retirementterdepan dan memimpin jalannya balapan ini hingga pensiun, handingsehingga memberikan Button the victorykemenangan. TheBalapan [[2011 Australian Grand Prix F1 Australia 2011|pada musim 2011]] race sawmenampilkan Vettel takeberhasil victorymeraih inkemenangan thedi tim Red Bull, withdengan Hamilton secondyang andfinis di urutan kedua dan [[Vitaly Petrov]] thirdyang forfinis di urutan ketiga untuk [[Team Lotus (2010–11)|tim Lotus]]. Ini This was the first everadalah podium foryang apertama bagi [[Pembalap Formula OneSatu driversdari from RussiaRusia|Russianseorang Pembalap Formula OneSatu driverasal Rusia]]. Pada [[2012Grand AustralianPrix F1 Australia 2012|Grand Prix| Australia 2012]] saw, Button winberhasil formenang theuntuk thirdyang timeketiga inkalinya fourdalam yearsempat attahun thedi circuitsirkuit tersebut. [[2013Grand AustralianPrix F1 Australia 2013|Grand Prix| Australia 2013]] sawmenyaksikan akemenangan surpriseyang victorymengejutkan, withdengan Raikkonen indi thetim Lotus winningyang fromberhasil menang dari Alonso anddan Vettel. Pengenalan The reintroductionkembali ofmesin V6 turbo hybrid enginesuntuk formusim {{F1|2014}} sawmenunjukkan aperforma dominantyang performancedominan fromdari [[Mercedes-Benz indi Formula OneSatu|pembalap Mercedes]]'s, yaitu [[Nico Rosberg]], at thedi [[2014 Australian Grand Prix F1 Australia 2014|Grand Prix Australia 2014]], whoyang tookmengambil thekemenangan victorydari fromduet thepembalap McLarensMcLaren, ofyaitu [[Kevin Magnussen]] anddan Button, both of whom were promoteddi duemana tokeduanya thedipromosikan disqualificationkarena ofdiskualifikasi [[Daniel Ricciardo]] indi thebalapan pasca Red Bull postkarena racealiran forbahan illegalbakar fuel flowilegal. Pada [[2015Grand AustralianPrix F1 Australia 2015|Grand Prix| Australia 2015]] saw, Hamilton takeberhasil themeraih victorykemenangan fromdari teammaterekan setimnya, yaitu Rosberg, withdengan Vettel completingyang berhasil menyelesaikan theposisi toptiga threebesar.
InPada [[2020Grand AustralianPrix GrandAustralia Prix2020|musim 2020]], it was planned todirencanakan holduntuk themengadakan Grand Prix despite themeskipun [[pandemi COVID-19 pandemic indi Australia|coronavirusepidemi virus epidemiccorona indi thenegara countryini]]. [[Scuderia Ferrari|Tim Ferrari]] anddan [[Scuderia AlphaTauri|AlphaTauri]] assebagai tim teamsyang basedberbasis indi [[pandemi COVID-19 pandemicdi inItalia|negara Italy|ItalyItalia, thenegara mostyang coronavirus-infectedpaling country]]banyak interinfeksi Europevirus atcorona]] thedi time,benua expressedEropa concernpada aboutsaat theitu, possibilitymenyatakan ofkeprihatinannya leavingterhadap thekemungkinan quarantinemeninggalkan zonezona karantina. OneSalah satu ofmekanik [[McLaren F1 Team|tim McLaren's]] mechanicsmengalami gotgejala mirip flu-like symptomsketika whenia hetiba arriveddi innegara Australia, hisdi coronavirusmana testhasil returnedtes positivevirus andcoronanya thepositif, Britishdan teamtim withdrewasal fromInggris thetersebut racemengundurkan diri dari balapan. LaterBelakangan, aseorang photographerfotografer wasjuga alsodipastikan confirmedmengidap tovirus have coronaviruscorona. It wasDiumumkan announced that thebahwa Grand Prix wouldakan stilltetap take placeberlangsung, butnamun withouttanpa spectatorspenonton, howevernamun twodua hoursjam beforesebelum thesesi firstlatihan practicebebas startedpertama dimulai, theacara eventbalapan wastersebut cancelleddibatalkan.<ref>{{cite news |title=Fans angry at timing of Melbourne's Australian F1 Grand Prix cancellation |url= |website=ABC News |date=13 March 2020 |publisher=ABC |access-date=24 May 2020 |archive-date=24 May 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne officially cancelled, F1 declares |url= |website=7 Australia |date=12 March 2020 |access-date=24 May 2020 |archive-date=13 March 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
After a two-year absence as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Grand Prix returned in 2022. Unlike previous years, when it was the opening event of the season, the 2022 Australian Grand Prix was instead the third event of the season. In the months before the Grand Prix, in consultation with drivers,<ref>{{cite news|last=Lynch|first=Michael|date=4 April 2022|url=|title=Ricciardo hails track changes to boost speed, race battles|newspaper=The Age|access-date=11 April 2022|archive-date=11 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> the circuit underwent several significant revisions,<ref name="Coch 2021">{{cite web|last=Coch|first=Mat|date=17 February 2021|url=|title=Albert Park modifications beginning next week|website=Speedcafe|access-date=16 March 2022|archive-date=7 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Fast track: New-look Albert Park greets return of Australian GP|website=France 24|publisher=Agence France-Presse|date=7 April 2022|access-date=11 April 2022|archive-date=11 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> which were the first and most significant changes since the inaugural [[1996 Australian Grand Prix]],<ref name="Horton 2021">{{cite web|last=Horton|first=Philip|date=1 April 2021|url=|title=Ricciardo explains thinking behind Albert Park changes|website=Motorsport Week|access-date=11 April 2022|archive-date=1 April 2021|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> including the first track resurfacing since then.<ref name="Doyle 2022">{{cite news|last=Doyle|first=Michael|date=7 April 2022|url=|title=F1 Australian Grand Prix returns to an upgraded circuit at Albert Park in Melbourne|publisher=ABC|access-date=11 April 2022|archive-date=11 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Turns 9 and 10 were completely redesigned; where they formed a right–left [[chicane]] with a heavy braking zone on the approach, the redesign saw them removed.<ref name="Horton 2021"/> This was done to raise the approach speed for old turns 11 and 12.<ref name="Mitchell 2022">{{cite web|last=Mitchell|first=Scott|date=4 April 2022|url=|title=The long-awaited changes intended to transform Australian GP|website=The Race|access-date=18 April 2022|archive-date=5 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Several other corners were reprofiled to encourage overtaking, most notably the old turn 13, which was widened to create additional racing lines.<ref>{{cite web|last=Van Leeuwen|first=Andrew|date=1 April 2022|url=|title=F1's Australian GP track changes: What's changed at Albert Park and why?||publisher=Motorsport Network|access-date=11 April 2022|archive-date=12 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> Positive camber was also added to allow drivers to carry more speed through the corner.<ref>{{cite web|last=Leach|first=Tom|date=4 April 2022|url=|title=The five big track changes made for the 2022 Australian GP|website=RacingNews365|access-date=11 April 2022|archive-date=11 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> The main straight and [[pit lane]] were also redesigned, with the pit lane wall moved two metres closer to the circuit so that the edge of the circuit sat directly next to the wall.<ref name="Coch 2021"/> The [[2022 Australian Grand Prix|2022]] Grand Prix saw Ferrari's [[Charles Leclerc]] achieve his first career [[Grand slam (Formula One)|grand slam]], having started in [[pole position]], set the [[fastest lap]], led every lap, and won the race ahead of Red Bull's [[Sergio Pérez]] and Mercedes' [[George Russell (racing driver)|George Russell]]. It was the first grand slam for an individual Ferrari driver since [[Fernando Alonso]]'s at the [[2010 Singapore Grand Prix]].<ref name="Walsh 2022">{{cite news|last=Walsh|first=Courtney|url=|title=Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc wins Formula 1 Australian GP|publisher=ABC|date=10 April 2022|access-date=10 April 2022|archive-date=11 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> The 2022 edition set a new attendance record at the circuit for the weekend, with a reported 419,114 attendees, including 128,294 on race day; these figures made the 2022 Grand Prix the highest attended Grand Prix ever held in Melbourne and one of the most popular sporting weekends in Australian history.<ref name="Thomas">{{cite magazine|last=Thomas|first=Joshua|date=10 April 2022|url=|title=Record-breaking crowd confirmed for Australian Grand Prix as Formula 1 soars Down Under|magazine=The Sporting News|access-date=10 April 2022|archive-date=10 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last=Spits|first=Scott|date=10 April 2022|url=|title=As it happened: Ferrari's red letter day in Melbourne before 128,000 racegoers|newspaper=The Age|access-date=10 April 2022|archive-date=12 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Michaels|first=Jack|date=10 April 2022|url=|title=Australian Grand Prix sets new Formula One, Melbourne attendance records||publisher=ESPN|access-date=10 April 2022|archive-date=11 April 2022|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> The [[2023 Australian Grand Prix|2023]] edition, which saw [[Max Verstappen]] win his maiden Australian Grand Prix, would break the record with 444,631 attendees,<ref name="attendance">{{cite web|url=|title=New record crowd for Australian GP in Melbourne||date=2 April 2023|access-date=2 April 2023|archive-date=2 April 2023|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> and would also break a Formula One record; the race, which ended with twelve cars left running, is the first ever [[List of red-flagged Formula One races|to have three red flags]] throughout the session. This came after a chaotic race that saw many incidents; the [[2023 Melbourne Formula 2 round|Formula 2]] and Formula 3 races, held the same weekend, had a similar outcome.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Facts and stats: Three champs on top in first-ever race to feature three red flags||date=2 April 2023|access-date=2 April 2023|archive-date=2 April 2023|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>