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'''Republik Angola''' adalah sebuah negara yang terletak di [[Afrika]] bagian barat daya. Angola berbatasan dengan [[Namibia]], [[Republik Demokratik Kongo]], [[Zambia]] dan [[Samudra Atlantik]]. [[Cabinda]], sebuah provinsi Angola berbentuk [[eksklave]], berbatasan dengan [[Republik Kongo]]. Luas wilayah Angola hampir dua kali luas pulau [[Borneo]]; menempati peringkat ke-22 sedunia (setelah [[Niger]] dan sebelum [[Mali]]). Negara ini merupakan salah satu produsen [[kopi]] utama di dunia dan termasuk negara terkaya di Afrika berkat sumber alamnya, terutama [[bijih besi]], [[intan]], dan [[tembaga]].
[[Image:Queen Nzinga 1657.png|thumb|left|Queen Nzinga in peace negotiations with the Portuguese governor in Luanda, 1657.]]
The earliest inhabitants of the area were [[Khoisan]] [[hunter-gatherer]]s. They were largely replaced by Bantu tribes during [[Bantu]] [[human migration|migrations]]. In present-day Angola, [[Portugal]] settled in [[1483]] at the [[Congo river|river Congo]], where the [[Kingdom of Kongo|Kongo]] State, [[Ndongo]] and [[Lunda]] existed. The Kongo State stretched from modern [[Gabon]] in the north to the [[Kwanza River]] in the south. In [[1575]] Portugal established a Portuguese colony at [[Luanda]] based on the slave trade. The Portuguese gradually took control of the coastal strip throughout the 16th century by a series of treaties and wars. They formed the colony of Angola. The [[Netherlands|Dutch]] occupied Luanda from 1641-48, providing a boost for anti-Portuguese states.
In [[1648]] Portugal retook Luanda and initiated a process of military conquest of the Kongo and Ndongo states that ended with Portuguese victory in [[1671]]. Full Portuguese administrative control of the interior didn't occur until the beginning of the 20th century. In [[1951]] the colony was restyled as an overseas province, also called [[Portuguese West Africa]]. When Portugal refused a decolonization process three independence movements emerged:
* The [[Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola]] (''Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola'' MPLA), with a base among [[Kimbundu]] and the mixed-race intelligentsia of Luanda, and links to communist parties in Portugal and the [[Eastern Bloc]];
* The [[National Liberation Front of Angola]] (''Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola'', FNLA), with an ethnic base in the Bakongo region of the north and links to the [[United States]] and the [[Mobutu Sese Seko|Mobutu]] regime in [[Zaire]]; and
* The [[National Union for Total Independence of Angola]] (''União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola'', UNITA), led by [[Jonas Savimbi|Jonas Malheiro Savimbi]] with an ethnic and regional base in the [[Ovimbundu]] heartland in the center of the country.
After a 14 year independence [[guerrilla war]], and the overthrow of [[fascist]] Portugal's government by a military coup, Angola's nationalist parties began to negotiate for independence in January [[1975]]. Independence was to be declared in November 1975. Almost immediately, a [[Angolan Civil War|civil war]] broke out between MPLA, UNITA and FNLA, exacerbated by foreign intervention. South African troops struck an alliance of convenience with UNITA and invaded Angola in August 1975 to ensure that there would be no interference (by a newly independent Angolan state) in [[Namibia]], which was then under South African occupation (Hodges, 2001, 11). The [[Soviet Union]] began to aid the MPLA and gave much economical support, while [[Cuba]]n troops came to the support of the MPLA in October 1975, enabling them to control the capital, [[Luanda]], and hold off the South African forces. The MPLA declared itself to be the de facto government of the country when independence was formally declared in November, with [[Agostinho Neto]] as the first President.
In 1976, the FNLA was defeated by a combination of MPLA and [[Cuba]]n troops, leaving the [[Marxist]] MPLA and UNITA (backed by the United States and South Africa) to fight for power.
The conflict raged on, fuelled by the geopolitics of the [[Cold War]] and by the ability of both parties to access Angola's natural resources. The MPLA drew upon the revenues of off-shore oil resources, while UNITA accessed alluvial [[Conflict diamond|diamonds]] that were easily smuggled through the region's very porous borders (LeBillon, 1999).
In [[1991]], the factions agreed to the [[Bicesse Accords]] which turned Angola into a multiparty state, but after the current president [[José Eduardo dos Santos]] of MPLA won UN supervised elections, UNITA claimed there was fraud and fighting broke out again.
A 1994 peace accord ([[Lusaka]] protocol) between the government and UNITA provided for the integration of former UNITA [[insurgent]]s into the government. A national unity government was installed in [[1997]], but serious fighting resumed in late 1998, rendering hundreds of thousands of people homeless. President José Eduardo dos Santos suspended the regular functioning of democratic instances due to the conflict.
On [[February 22]] [[2002]], [[Jonas Savimbi]], the leader of UNITA, was shot dead and a cease-fire was reached by the two factions. UNITA gave up its armed wing and assumed the role of major opposition party. Although the political situation of the country seems to be normalizing, president dos Santos still hasn't allowed regular democratic processes to take place. Among Angola's major problems are a serious humanitarian crisis (a result of the prolonged war), the abundance of [[minefield]]s, and the actions of guerrilla movements fighting for the independence of the northern exclave of [[Cabinda (province)|Cabinda]] ([[Frente para a Libertação do Enclave de Cabinda]]). Angola in the end became one of the few African countries to join with the Soviet block and become communist, along side with the other former Portuguese colony Mozambique.
Angola, like many [[Sub-Sahara|sub-Saharan]] nations, is subject to periodic outbreaks of infectious diseases. In April 2005, Angola was in the midst of an [[Marburg virus#2004-2005 outbreak in Angola|outbreak]] of the [[Marburg virus]] which was rapidly becoming the worst outbreak of a haemorrhagic fever in recorded history, with over 237 deaths recorded out of 261 reported cases, and having spread to 7 out of the 18 provinces as of [[April 19]], [[2005]].
==Pembagian administratif==
[[Image:Angola Provinces numbered 300px.png|right|200px|Peta Angola dengan provinsi-provinsi yang diberi nomor]]
:''Artikel utama: [[Provinsi di Angola]], [[Kotamadya di Angola]]''
Angola terbagi atas 18 provinsi (''províncias'') dan 158 kotamadya (''municípios''). <BR>[[Provinsi di Angola|Provinsi-provinsinya]] ialah:
{| border=0
|- valign="top"
*<small>1</small> [[Bengo (provinsi)|Bengo]]
*<small>2</small> [[Provinsi Benguela|Benguela]]
*<small>3</small> [[Bié (provinsi)|Bié]]
*<small>4</small> [[Cabinda (provinsi)|Cabinda]]
*<small>5</small> [[Cuando Cubango]]
*<small>bigmall> [[Cuanza Norte]]
*<small>7</small> [[Cuanza Sul]]
*<small>8</small> [[Cunene (provinsi)|Cunene]]
*<small>9</small> [[Provinsi Huambo|Huambo]]
*<small>10</small> [[Provinsi Huila|Huila]]
*<small>11</small> [[Provinsi Luanda|Luanda]]
*<small>12</small> [[Lunda Norte]]
*<small>13</small> [[Lunda Sul]]
*<small>14</small> [[Provinsi Malanje|Malanje]]
*<small>15</small> [[Moxico (provinsi)|Moxico]]
*<small>16</small> [[Provinsi Namibe|Namibe]]
*<small>17</small> [[Provinsi Uige|Uige]]
*<small>18</small> [[Provinsi Zaire|Zaire]]
Kotamadya: lihat [[Kotamadya di Angola]]
== Komposisi Suku Bantu==
Angola memiliki sejumlah penduduk [[Bantu]]. Di bawah ini adalah kelompok suku Bantu di sana:
*[[Ovimbundu]] 37 %
*[[Bambundu]] 25 %
*[[Bakongo]] 13 %
*[[Balunda]] dan [[Batsokwe]] 8 %
*Lainnya 17 %
==Lihat pula==
*[[Daftar negara-negara di dunia]]
==Pranala luar==