TheDaun teateh leaveshijau aredimungkinkan alloweduntuk todioksidasi completely oxidizesempurna. BlackTeh teahitam isadalah thebentuk mostyang commonpaling formlazim of tea indi [[South Asia|southernAsiaSelatan]] ([[Sri Lanka]],dan [[India]],Asia [[PakistanTenggara]],[[Bangladesh]],dan etc.)pada andabad inlalu thedi lastbanyak centurynegara many African countries[[Afrika]] includingmisalnya [[Kenya]], [[Burundi]], [[Rwanda]], [[Malawi]], anddan [[Zimbabwe]]. TheTerjemahan literalharfiah translationdari ofistilah theCina Chinese word isadalah ''redteh teamerah'', whichyang isdigunakan usedoleh bybeberapa somepecinta tea loversteh. The ChineseOrang callCina itmenyebutnya ''redteh teamerah'' becausekarena thelarutan actualteh teayang liquiddihasilkan isdari redteh ini akan berwarna merah. WesternersOrang callBarat itmenyebutnya ''blackteh teahitam'' because thekarena teadaun leavesteh usedyang todigunakan brewuntuk itpenyeduhan arebiasanya usuallyberwarna blackhitam. HoweverNamun, ''redteh teamerah'' mayjuga also refer todisebut [[rooibos]], an increasingly popularyaitu [[Southteh Africaherbal]]n [[tisaneAfrika Selatan]].Theyang oxidationsemakin processmerakyat. willProses takeoksidasi betweenakan twomengambil weekswaktu andenam one monthpekan. BlackTeh teahitam iskemudian furtherdigolongkan classifiedsebagai asortodoks eitheratau ''orthodox'' or assebagai ''CTC'' (''[[Crush, Tear, Curl]]'') (Remas, aPeras, productionKeriting); methodsebuah developedmetode aboutproduksi 1932)yang dikembangkan pada tahun 1930-an. UnblendedTeh blackhitam teasyang aretidak alsodikocok identifiedjuga bydikenali theberdasarkan estatetempat theydari comemana frommereka berasal, theirtahun yearpanen anddan the flushpemetikan (firstpertama, secondkedua, oratau autumnmusim gugur). Teh Orthodoxhitam processedproses blackortodoks teaskemudian aredikelas-kelaskan furthermenurut gradedmutu accordingdaun topascaproduksi theoleh post-production leaf quality by thesistem [[Orange Pekoepekoe]] system, whilesedangkan teh ''CTC'' teas use amenggunakan differentsistem gradingklasifikasi systemberbeda.
=== [[Teh pascafermentasi]] ===
Teas that undergo a second oxidation, such as [[Pu-erh tea|Pu-erh]], [[Liu'an tea|Liu'an]], and [[Liubao tea|Liubao]], are collectively referred to as secondary or post-fermentation teas in English. In Chinese they are categorized as ''Dark tea'' or ''black tea''. This is not to be confused with the English term ''Black tea'', known in Chinese as red tea. Pu-erh, also known as Póu léi (Polee) in [[Yue Chinese|Cantonese]] is the most common type of post-fermetation tea in the market.