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EJHalfz (bicara | kontrib)
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler
EJHalfz (bicara | kontrib)
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler
Baris 29:
== Penyerbuan ==
AsSebagaimana mentioneddisebutkan in thedalam ''[[MalaySulalatus AnnalsSalatin]]'', thekisah story of the fall ofjatuhnya Singapura anddan thepelarian flightraja ofterakhirnya itsdimulai lastdengan king begins withtuduhan Parameswara's accusingterhadap salah onesatu of his [[concubine]]sselirnya ofyang adulteryberzina. AsSebagai punishmenthukuman, theraja kingmemerintahkan hadagar herselirnya strippedditelanjangi nakeddi indepan publicumum. InSebagai revengepembalasan, theayah concubine'sselir fathertersebut, Sang Rajuna Tapa whoyang wasjuga alsomerupakan anpejabat officialdi inistana Parameswara's court, secretlysecara sentdiam-diam amengirim messagepesan tokepada the king of Majapahit[[Wikramawardhana]], pledgingyang hismenjanjikan supportdukungannya shouldjika theWikramawardhana kingmemilih chooseuntuk to invademenyerang Singapura. InPada tahun 1398, Majapahit dispatchedmengirim aarmada fleetyang ofterdiri dari 300 jong anddan hundredsratusan ofkapal smalleryang vesselslebih (ofkecil ([[kelulus]], [[pelang]], anddan [[jongkong]]),; carryingdan nomembawa fewertidak thankurang dari 200,000 menprajurit.<ref name=":10">Nugroho (2011), p. 271, 399–400, quoting ''Sejarah Melayu'', 10.4: 77: "... ''maka bagindapun segera menyuruh berlengkap tiga ratus buah jung, lain dari pada itu kelulus, pelang, jongkong, tiada terbilang lagi''." (then His Majesty immediately ordered to equip three hundred jong, other than that kelulus, pelang, jongkong in uncountable numbers.)</ref><ref>{{harvnb|Leyden|1821|p=86}}</ref>{{sfn|Keng|Ismail|1998|pp=118-119}}
The Javanese soldiers engaged with the defenders in a battle outside the fortress, before forcing them to retreat behind the walls. The invasion force laid siege to the city and repeatedly tried to attack the fortress. However the fortress proved to be impregnable.<ref>{{harvnb|Tsang|Perera|2011|p=120}}</ref><ref name="harvnb|Sabrizain">{{harvnb|Sabrizain}}</ref>{{sfn|Ahmad|1979|pp=69–70}} After about a month passed, the food in the fortress began to run low and the defenders were on the verge of starvation. Sang Rajuna Tapa was then asked to distribute whatever grain left to the people from the royal store. Seeing this opportunity for revenge, the minister lied to the King, saying the stores were empty. The grain was not distributed and the people eventually starved. The final assault came when the gates were finally opened under the order of the minister. Knowing that defeat was imminent, Parameswara and his followers fled the island. The Majapahit soldiers rushed into the fortress and a terrible massacre ensued.{{sfn|Ahmad|1979|pp=69–71}} According to the ''Malay Annals'', "blood flowed like a river" and the red stains on the laterite soil of Singapore are said to be blood from that massacre.<ref>{{harvnb|Windstedt|1938|p=32}}</ref>{{sfn|Keng|Ismail|1998|pp=119}}