Pemisahan Panama dari Kolombia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 27:
== Reaksi ==
Pada 13 November 1903, Amerika secara resmi mengakui Republik Panama (setelah secara tidak resmi mengakuinya pada 6 dan 7 November di tahun yang sama). [[Perancis]] melakukan hal serupa pada 14 November 1903 diikuti oleh 15 negara lainnya. Pada 18 November 1903, [[Daftar Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat|Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat]] [[John Hay]] dan [[Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla]] menandatangani [[Traktat Hay-Bunau Varilla]]. Tidak ada orang Panama yang menandatangani traktat itu, kendati Bunau-Varilla hadir sebagai duta diplomatik Panama (sebuah peran yang dia beli melalui bantuan keuangan untuk kaum pemberontak), kendati faktanya dia tidak tinggal di Panama selama 17 tahun sebelum peristiwa itu terjadi, dan dia tidak pernah kembali.<ref name="panama">{{cite web |date=2009 |url =|title = The 1903 Treaty and Qualified Independence|format = HTML |publisher = [[Perpustakaan Kongres Amerika Serikat]]| accessdate = 2009-05-01 | last= |quote=}}</ref> Traktat itu kemudian diterima oleh Pemerintah Panama dan [[Senat Amerika Serikat]].
On November 13, 1903 the United States formally recognized the Republic of Panama (After recognizing it unofficially on November 6 and 7). [[France]] did the same on November 14, 1903 followed by other 15 countries. On November 18, 1903 the [[United States Secretary of State]] [[John Hay]] and [[Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla]] signed the [[Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty]]. No Panamanians signed the treaty although Bunau-Varilla was present as the diplomatic representative of Panama (a role he had purchased through financial assistance to the rebels), despite the fact he had not lived in Panama for seventeen years before the incident, and he never returned.<ref name="panama">{{cite web |date=2009 |url =|title = The 1903 Treaty and Qualified Independence|format = HTML |publisher = [[U.S. Library of Congress]]| accessdate = 2009-05-01 | last= |quote=}}</ref> The treaty was later approved the Panamanian government and the [[Senate of the United States]].
The ambassador of Colombia in Ecuador Emiliano Isaza was informed of the situation in Panama but did not inform his government to prevent a revolt in Bogotá. The government of Colombia then sent a diplomatic mission to Panama in an effort to make them reconsider by suggesting an approval by the senate of Colombia if they reconsidered the Hay-Herran Treaty instead of the [[Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty]] and also proposed making Panama City the capital of Colombia.<ref name=LABLAA>[ {{es icon}} Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango: CAPITULO XIV MEMORIAL DE AGRAVIOS] [[Luis Angel Arango Library]] Accessed 28 August 2007.</ref>