[[Image:Druze star.svg|thumb|Bintang Druze]]
'''Druze''' (juga dikenal sebagai Druse; [[bahasa Arab]]: ''darazī'' درزي, maj. ''durūz'' دروز) adalah sebuah komunitas keagamaan yang basisnya umumnya terdapat di [[Timur Tengah]]. Kelompok ini muncul dari [[Islam]] dan dipengaruhi oleh agama-agama dan filsafat-filsafat lain, termasuk [[filsafat Yunani]]. Kaum Druze menganggap dirinya sebagai "sebuah sekte Islam Uniat, pembaruan" [http://en.wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Druze#Notes (Catatan 1)], meskipun mereka tidak dianggap [[Muslim]] oleh kebanyakan Muslim di wilayah tersebut. Kaum Druze menyebut dirinya ''[[Umat Monoteisme]]'' atau ''Muwahhidūn'' ("Monoteis"). Asal=-usul namanyanama ''Druze'' ditelusuri ke [[Muhammad al-Darazi|Muhammad ad-Darazī]], yang terkenal sebagai pendiri sekte ini.
== Lokasi ==
Kaum Druze kebanyakan tinggal di [[Lebanon]], meskipun ada pula komunitas yang kecil di [[Israel]], [[Suriah]], dan [[Yordania]].
<!Komunitas--Largekomunitas communitiesbesar ofyang terdiri expatriatesdari alsokaum liveekspatriat interdapat thedi [[UnitedAmerika StatesSerikat]], [[CanadaKanada]], [[LatinAmerika AmericaLatin]], [[WestAfrika AfricaBarat]], [[Australia]] anddan [[EuropeEropa]]. TheyMereka use themenggunakan [[Arabicbahasa languageArab]] anddan followmengikuti apola socialsosial patternyang verysangat similarmirip todengan the otherorang-orang [[bangsa Arab|Arab]]s oflainnya thedari regionwilayah itu. MostKebanyakan Druze considermenganggap themselvesdiri Arabsmereka Arab.<ref>Walid Jumlat, head of Lebanese Progressive Party. [http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_1-2-2004_pg3_5 Op-ed: 'The Arabs must unite above all else'] (free registrationperlu requiredpendaftaran).</ref>
ThereDiperkirakan areada thought to be as many assekitar 2.,3 millionjuta Druze worldwidedi seluruh dunia, thedan vastkebanyakan majoritydaripadanya inberada thedi [[Levant]] oratau EastMediterania MediterraneanTimur.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3612002.stm]</ref> HoweverNamun, somesejumlah estimatesorang ofmemperkirakan thekeseluruhan totalpopulasi Druze populationhanyalah havesekitar been450.000 asorang low as 450,000saja.<ref>[http://www.adherents.com/adh_branches.html#Islam]</ref>
==History ofSejarah thekaum Druze==
[[Image:Constantinople(1878)-Druse woman.png|thumb|100px|ASeorang perempuan Druze woman indi [[Istanbul]] duringpada the time of themasa [[OttomanKekaisaran EmpireOttoman]].]]
Agama ini berkembang dari Islam [[Ismaili]], sebuah gerakan filsafat yang didasarkan pada [[Kekhalifahan Fatimid]], pada [[abad ke-10]], suatu masa yang kaya lebudayaannya. Agama ini tidak berusaha mengubah Islam arus utama melainkan menciptakan suatu agama yang sama sekali baru, yang dipegnaruhi antara lain oleh [[filsafat Yunani]], [[Gnostisisme]] dan [[Kekristenan]].
The religion developed out of [[Ismaili]] Islam, a philosophical movement based in the [[Fatimids|Fātimid]] [[Caliphate]], in the [[10th century]], a time of particular cultural wealth. The religion did not attempt to change mainstream Islam but to create a whole new religious body influenced by [[Greek philosophy]], [[Gnosticism]] and [[Christianity]], among others.
TheAda maindua actorspelaku ofutama thepada earlytahun-tahun years were twopermulaannya: ThePenguasa piousFātimid Fātimidyang rulersaleh ''Tariqu l-Ḥakīm'' (985–1021)--alsojuga knowndikenal assebagai [[Al-hakim]] oratau ''[[al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah|al-Ḥakīm bi-ˤAmru l-Lāh]]'' ("RulerPemimpin indi thedalam NameNama of GodAllah")--wasadalah anseorang kalifah Ismaili caliphdari fromMesir Egyptyang believeddipercayai byoleh somesebagian toorang besebagai anbenar-benar actualpenjelmaan incarnation of GodAllah. TheImigran Persian immigrantPersia [[Hamza ibn-'Ali ibn-Ahmad|Hamza ibn ˤAlī ibn Aḥmad]] wasadalah thearsitek mainutama architectgerakan of the movementini. It was [[Shi'aImam ImamSyiah|Imām]] Ḥamza whoinilah firstyang publiclypertama-tama proclaimedsecara terbuka mengumumkan bahwa Ḥakīm tolebih bedaripada moreseorang thanmanusia humanbiasa.
<!--The early Druze community faced a strong challenge when Muḥammad ad-Darazī declared Ḥakīm's divinity and claimed to be his chief messenger. It is said that Ḥakīm was angered by this and had Darazī executed. Meanwhile, Hamza and his moderate followers, who had rejected that Ḥakīm was the incarnation of God, received his favour and were protected until he disappeared one night in [[1021]]. The Druze believe that Ḥakīm went into occultation and will return in the [[Eschatology|end of days]] as the [[Al-Qa'im (person)|Qā'im]] "Ariser" or [[Mahdi]] "Guided One".
After the death (resp. the hiding''/al-ghaiba'') of Ḥakīm, the Druze were forced to move and use the (accepted) practice of ''[[taqiyya]]'' "dissimulation", whereby they concealed their true beliefs and outwardly accepted the religious beliefs of those amongst whom they lived even as they secretly retained their true convictions.