Gary Anderson: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox tokoh F1
| name = Gary Anderson
| image residence =
|othernames =
| caption =
| birthname image =
|imagesize =
| birthdate = {{birth date and age|1951|3|9|df=yes}}
| caption =
| birthplace = {{negara|Irlandia Utara}} [[Irlandia Utara]], [[Britania Raya]]
|birthname =
| yearsactive = [[1972]]-...
| birthdate = {{birth date and age|1951|3|9|df=yes}}
| employer = [[FIA]]
| birthplace = {{negara|Irlandia Utara}} [[Irlandia Utara]], [[Britania Raya]]
| as = [[Manajer]], [[Insinyur]]
|deathdate =
|deathplace =
|deathcause =
|almamater =[[Coleraine Technical College]]
| yearsactive = [[1972]]-...
|known =
| as occupation = [[Manajer]], [[Insinyur]]
|title =
|salary =
|term =
|predecessor =
|successor =
|party =
|boards =
|religion =
|spouse =
|partner =
|children =
|relations =
|website =
|footnotes =
| employer = [[FIA]]
|height =
|weight =
'''Gary Anderson''' ({{lahirmati||9|3|1951}}) adalah seorang insinyur ahli aerodinamika mobil [[Formula 1]] asal [[Irlandia Utara]]. Dirinya pernah bekerja pada beberapa tim F1 seperti Jordan dan [[Jaguar Racing]]. Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai konsultan F1 di FIA World Motorsports Council.