Revolusi EDSA: Perbedaan antara revisi

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{{Infobox historical event
| Event_Name=People Power Revolution
| AKA=EDSA Revolution<br>EDSA I<br>Yellow Revolution
| Date=February 22–25, 1986
| Image_Name =Edsa shrine.jpg
| Imagesize =220px
| Image_Caption=[[EDSA Shrine|Our Lady of EDSA]], built in 1989 to commemorate the 1986 Revolution.
| Location=[[Quezon City|Kota Quezon]], [[Filipina]]
| Result=[[Sejarah Filipina (1965–1986)|Rezim Marcos(1965-86)]] gagal; dimulai [[Sejarah Filipina (1986–sekarang)|Republik Filipina]]
| Participants=*Presiden [[Ferdinand Marcos]]
**Loyalis [[Tentara Nasional Filipina]] dibawah [[Fabian Ver]]
*Anti-Tentara Marcos :
**Perlawanan Tenatara Nasional dibawah [[Fidel V. Ramos]]
**Menteri Pertahanan [[Juan Ponce Enrile]]
**Protes dikuasai [[Jaime Cardinal Sin]]
The '''People Power Revolution''' (also known as the '''EDSA Revolution''' and the '''Philippine Revolution of 1986''') was a series of popular [[Demonstration (people)|demonstration]]s in the [[Philippines]] that occurred in 1983-86. The methods used amounted to a sustained campaign of [[civil resistance]] against regime violence and electoral fraud. This case of [[nonviolent revolution]] led to the departure of President [[Ferdinand Marcos]] and the restoration of the country's [[democracy]]. It is also referred to as the '''Yellow Revolution''' due to the presence of yellow ribbons during the demonstrations and the arrival of [[Benigno Aquino, Jr.]].<ref>
{{cite web
| url =
| title = The Original People Power Revolution
| accessdate = 2008-02-28
| publisher = QUARTET p. 77
{{cite web
| url =
| title = Yellow ribbons turn up on EDSA
| accessdate = 2008-02-28
| publisher = [[ABS-CBN]]
}}{{dead link|date=October 2008}}</ref> It was widely seen as a victory of the people against the 20-year running [[Dictatorship|authoritarian]], repressive<ref name="Halperin">{{Citation |last=Halperin |first=Jonathan J. |last2= |first2= |publication-date=1987
|title=The Other Side: How Soviets and Americans Perceive Each Other |publication-place= |publisher=Transaction Publishers |isbn=0887386873 |page=63 |url= |accessdate= 2007-12-03 |year=1987}}.</ref> regime of then president [[Ferdinand Marcos]] and made news headlines as "the revolution that surprised the world".<ref name="Gandhi">{{Citation |last=Kumar |first=Ravindra |last2= |first2= |publication-date=
|title=Mahatma Gandhi at the Close of 20th Cen |publication-place= |publisher=Anmol Publications PVT. LTD. |isbn=8126117362 |page=168 |url= |accessdate= 2007-12-02 |year=2004}}.</ref>
The majority of the demonstrations took place on a long stretch of [[Epifanio de los Santos Avenue]], more commonly known by its acronym ''EDSA'', in [[Metropolitan Manila]] from February 22&ndash;25, 1986 and involved over two million Filipino civilians as well as several political, military, and including religious groups led by [[Cardinal (Catholicism)|Cardinal]] [[Jaime Sin]], the [[Archbishop of Manila]]. The protests, fueled by the resistance and opposition from years of corrupt governance by Marcos, culminated with the departure of the [[dictator]] from [[Malacañang Palace]] to the [[United States]] state of [[Hawaii]]. [[Corazon Aquino]] was proclaimed as the legitimate [[President of the Philippines]] after the revolution.<ref>
{{cite web
| url =
| title = Edsa people Power 1 Philippines
| accessdate = 2007-12-03
| publisher = Angela Stuart-Santiago
'''Revolusi EDSA''' adalah sebuah demonstrasi massal [[tanpa kekerasan]] di [[Filipina]] yang terjadi pada tahun [[1986]]. Aksi damai selama empat hari yang dilakukan oleh jutaan rakyat Filipina di [[Metro Manila]] mengakhiri rezim otoriter Presiden [[Ferdinand Marcos]] dan pengangkatan [[Corazon Aquino]] sebagai [[Presiden Filipina|presiden]]. EDSA merupakan singkatan dari ''Epifanio de los Santos Avenue'', sebuah jalan di Metro Manila yang merupakan tempat demonstrasi.