Paus Yohanes Paulus II: Perbedaan antara revisi

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→‎Kelahiran dan masa muda: kisah dengan Nazi
Baris 40:
Pada tahun 1939 terjadi pendudukan pendudukan [[Nazi]] dan menutup universitas tempatnya belajar setelah invasi terhadap Polandia.<ref name="A&E"/> Semua warga yang sehat diwajibkan bekerja, dari tahun 1940 sampai 1944, Wojtyła bekerja berbagai macam mulai dari pencatat menu di restoran, pekerja kasar tambang batu kapur, dan di pabrik kimia Solvay untuk menghindari dideportasi ke Jerman.<ref name="ShortBio"/><ref name="Kuhiwczak"/> Ayahnya, seorang bintara di Angkatan Darat Polandia, meninggal karena serangan jantung pada 1941, meninggalkan Karol seorang diri dari sisa keluarga.<ref name="CNN6"/><ref name="CBN"/><ref name = "Stourton5">{{cite book |last1=Stourton |first1=Edward |authorlink1=Edward Stourton (journalist)|title=John Paul II: Man of History |accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=Hodder & Stoughton |location=London |isbn=0340908165 |page=60 |year=2006}}</ref> ''"Saya tidak ada pada saat kematian ibu saya, saya tidak ada pada saat kematian kakak saya, saya tidak ada pada saat kematian ayah saya"'' katanya, menceritakan masa-masa kehidupannya ketika itu, hampir empat puluh tahun kemudian, ''"Pada usia 20, saya sudah kehilangan semua orang yang saya cintai"''<ref name = "Stourton5"/>
Dia kemudian mulai berpikir serius untuk menjadi pastor setelah kematian ayahnya, kemudian [[panggilan (imam)|panggilanimamat]]nya perlahan menjadi ''‘sesuatu yang mutlak dan tak terbantahkan.’''<ref name = "Stourton6">{{cite book |last1=Stourton |first1=Edward |authorlink1=Edward Stourton (journalist)|title=John Paul II: Man of History |accessdate=2009-01-01|publisher=Hodder & Stoughton |location=London |isbn=0340908165 |page=63 |year=2006}}</ref> Pada Oktober 1942, dengan meningkatnya keinginan untuk menjadi pastor, dia mengetuk pintu Wisma Uskup Agung di [[Kraków]], dan menyatakan bahwa dia ingin belajar menjadi pastor.<ref name = "Stourton6"/> Tidak lama kemudian, dia mulai belajar di seminari rahasia yang dijalankan oleh uskup agung Kraków [[Adam Stefan Sapieha|Kardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha]].
Pada 29 Februari 1944, Wojtyła tertabrak oleh truk [[Nazi Jerman]]. Tak diduga, perwira [[Wehrmacht]] Jerman kasihan padanya dan mengirimkannya ke rumah sakit. Dia menghabiskan waktu dua minggu untuk pulih dari [[gegar otak]] dan luka bahu. Kecelakaan ini dan penyelamatannya membuatnya makin yakin dengan panggilan imamnyaimamatnya.
thePada 6 Agustus 1994, ‘Minggu Hitam’,<ref name="George Weigel 2001, page 71">[[#Weigel02|George Weigel, "Witness to Hope" - HarperCollins Publishers 2001, page 71]]</ref> [[Gestapo]] roundedmengumpulkan uppara youngpria menmuda indi Kraków tountuk avoidmenghindari andemonstrasi [[Krakowyang Uprisingserupa (1944)|uprisingdengan similardemonstrasi di [[Warsawa]].<ref name="George Weigel 2001, page 71"/> to the previous [[Warsaw Uprising|uprising in Warsaw]].<ref name="Norman">{{cite book|last=Davies|first=Norman|authorlink=Norman Davies|title=Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw |publisher=[[Viking Penguin]] |location=80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL|year=2004|pages=253–254|isbn=0-670-03284-0|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="George Weigel 2001, pages 71-21">[[#Weigel02|George Weigel, "Witness to Hope" - HarperCollins Publishers 2001, pages 71-21]]</ref> Wojtyła escapedselamat bydengan hidingbersembunyi indi theruang basementbawah oftanah hisrumah uncle'spamannya home atdi 10 Tyniecka Street, whileketika tentara Jerman Germanmencari troopsdi searchedlantai upstairsatas.<ref name = "Stourton6"/><ref name="Norman"/><ref name="George Weigel 2001, pages 71-21"/> MoreLebih thandari eight8000 thousandpria mendan andpemuda boysditangkap werehari takenitu, intonamun custodydia thatkemudian day,bersembunyi butdi heWisma escaped to the Archbishop'sUskup PalaceAgung,<ref name = "Stourton6"/><ref name="George Weigel 2001, page 71"/><ref name="Norman"/> where he remained indimana hidingdia untiltetap afterbersembunyi thesampai GermansJerman leftpergi.<ref name="CNN6"/><ref name = "Stourton6"/><ref name="Davies72">[[#Davies72|Norman Davies, Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw - Viking Penguin 2004, pages 253-254]]</ref>
Pada 6 Agustus 1994, ‘Minggu Hitam’,<ref name="George Weigel 2001, page 71">[[#Weigel02|George Weigel, "Witness to Hope" - HarperCollins Publishers 2001, page 71]]</ref>
OnPada the17 nightJanuari of1945 17&nbsp;January&nbsp;1945malam, theJerman Germansmeninggalkan fled the citykota, anddan thepara studentspelajar reclaimedmengambil thekembali ruinedreruntuhan [[seminaryseminari]]. Wojtyła anddan anotherseminaris seminarianlainnya volunteeredsecara forsukarela thebertugas unenviablemembersihkan tasktumpukan ofkotoran clearingbeku away piles of frozen excrement from thedari lavatoriesjamban.<ref name="Weigel">''Witness to Hope'', [[George Weigel]], [[HarperCollins]] (1999, 2001) ISBN 0-06-018793-X.</ref> ThatBulan monthitu, Wojtyła personallymenolong aidedseorang agadis 14-year-oldpengungsi JewishYahudi refugeeberusia 14 girltahun namedbernama Edith Zierer<ref name="EdithZ">{{cite web|url=|title=Profile of Edith Zierier (1946)|work=Voices of the Holocaust|publisher=2000 Paul V. Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology |accessdate=2009-01-01 |archiveurl = |archivedate = April 19, 2008}}</ref> whoyang hadmelarikan rundiri awaydari fromperkampungan aburuh Nazi [[labour camp]] indi [[Częstochowa]].<ref name="EdithZ"/> AfterSetelah herterjatuh collapsedari onperon astasiun [[railway platform]]kereta, Wojtyła carriedmembawanya herke tokereta adan trainmenemaninya andhingga accompaniedselamat her safely tosampai Kraków. Zierer creditssangat berterima kasih pada Wojtyła withyang savingmenyelamatkan her lifehidupnya thathari dayitu.<ref name="CNNLive">{{cite news|url=|title=CNN Live event transcript|date= 8 April 2005 | |accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref>Roberts, Genevieve., [ "The death of Pope John Paul II: `He saved my life - with tea, bread'"], ''[[The Independent]]'', 3 April 2005, Retrieved on 2007-06-17.</ref><ref>Cohen, Roger., [ " The Polish Seminary Student and the Jewish Girl He Saved"], ''[[International Herald Tribune]]'', 6 April 2005, Retrieved on 2007-06-17.</ref> [[B'nai B'rith]] andsebuah otherorganisasi authoritiesYahudi havedan saidbeberapa thatotoritas Wojtylalainnya helpedmenyatakan protectbahwa manyWojtyła othertelah [[Historymenolong ofdan themelindungi Jewsbanyak inYahudi Poland|PolishPolandia Jews]]lainnya from thedari [[Nazism|NazisNazisme]].
the [[Gestapo]] rounded up young men in Kraków to avoid an [[Krakow Uprising (1944)|uprising similar]]<ref name="George Weigel 2001, page 71"/> to the previous [[Warsaw Uprising|uprising in Warsaw]].<ref name="Norman">{{cite book|last=Davies|first=Norman|authorlink=Norman Davies|title=Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw |publisher=[[Viking Penguin]] |location=80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL|year=2004|pages=253–254|isbn=0-670-03284-0|accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref name="George Weigel 2001, pages 71-21">[[#Weigel02|George Weigel, "Witness to Hope" - HarperCollins Publishers 2001, pages 71-21]]</ref> Wojtyła escaped by hiding in the basement of his uncle's home at 10 Tyniecka Street, while German troops searched upstairs.<ref name = "Stourton6"/><ref name="Norman"/><ref name="George Weigel 2001, pages 71-21"/> More than eight thousand men and boys were taken into custody that day, but he escaped to the Archbishop's Palace,<ref name = "Stourton6"/><ref name="George Weigel 2001, page 71"/><ref name="Norman"/> where he remained in hiding until after the Germans left.<ref name="CNN6"/><ref name = "Stourton6"/><ref name="Davies72">[[#Davies72|Norman Davies, Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw - Viking Penguin 2004, pages 253-254]]</ref>
On the night of 17&nbsp;January&nbsp;1945, the Germans fled the city, and the students reclaimed the ruined [[seminary]]. Wojtyła and another seminarian volunteered for the unenviable task of clearing away piles of frozen excrement from the lavatories.<ref name="Weigel">''Witness to Hope'', [[George Weigel]], [[HarperCollins]] (1999, 2001) ISBN 0-06-018793-X.</ref> That month, Wojtyła personally aided a 14-year-old Jewish refugee girl named Edith Zierer<ref name="EdithZ">{{cite web|url=|title=Profile of Edith Zierier (1946)|work=Voices of the Holocaust|publisher=2000 Paul V. Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology |accessdate=2009-01-01 |archiveurl = |archivedate = April 19, 2008}}</ref> who had run away from a Nazi [[labour camp]] in [[Częstochowa]].<ref name="EdithZ"/> After her collapse on a [[railway platform]], Wojtyła carried her to a train and accompanied her safely to Kraków. Zierer credits Wojtyła with saving her life that day.<ref name="CNNLive">{{cite news|url=|title=CNN Live event transcript|date= 8 April 2005 | |accessdate=2009-01-01}}</ref><ref>Roberts, Genevieve., [ "The death of Pope John Paul II: `He saved my life - with tea, bread'"], ''[[The Independent]]'', 3 April 2005, Retrieved on 2007-06-17.</ref><ref>Cohen, Roger., [ " The Polish Seminary Student and the Jewish Girl He Saved"], ''[[International Herald Tribune]]'', 6 April 2005, Retrieved on 2007-06-17.</ref> [[B'nai B'rith]] and other authorities have said that Wojtyla helped protect many other [[History of the Jews in Poland|Polish Jews]] from the [[Nazism|Nazis]].
=== Menjadi pastor dan uskup ===