Simbol Kristen: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[File:Christian cross.svg|thumb|'''[[Salib Kristen]]''']]
'''Simbol Kristen''' adalah simbol atau lambang atau tanda yang digunakan dalam '''Simbolisme Kristen''' ({{lang-en|Christian symbolism}}). Simbol-simbol itu meliputi lambang-lambang [[kuno (''archetypes]]''), tindakan, karya seni atau peristiwa peringatan dalam tradisi [[Kristen]]. Obyek-obyek atau tindakan-tindakan tersebut diambil arti dalamnya untuk melambangkan ide-ide [[Kristiani]].
The symbolism of the [[early Church]] was characterized by being understood by initiates only,<ref>{{cite book | title=Christian Symbolism | last=Jenner |first=Henry |location=Plymouth|year=1910|page=xiv}}</ref> while after the legalization of Christianity in the 4th-century more recognizable symbols entered in use. [[Christianity]] has borrowed from the common stock of significant symbols known to most periods and to all regions of the world.<ref name="ces">{{CathEncy |wstitle=Symbolism| author=Herbert Thurston}}</ref>
Baris 24:
===Ichthys ===
Simbol '''Ichthys''' (atau '''Ichthus''') [[File:Ichthys symbol.svg|25px]] yang berwujud "ikan" (yaitu makna kata "ichthys") banyak digunakan oleh orang [[Kristen]] perdana sebagai lambang yang penting. <!--kepopulerannya u popularity among Christians was due principally to the famous [[acrostic]] consisting of the initial letters of five [[Koine Greek|Greek]] words forming the word for fish (Ichthus), which words briefly but clearly described the character of Christ and the claim to worship of believers: "{{lang|grc|'''Ἰ'''ησοῦς '''Χ'''ριστός, '''Θ'''εοῦ '''Υ'''ἱός, '''Σ'''ωτήρ}}", (Iēsous Christos, Theou Huios, Sōtēr), meaning, ''Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour''.<ref name="cefish">{{CathEncy |wstitle=Symbolism of the Fish| author=Maurice Hassett }}</ref> This explanation is given among others by [[Augustine]] in his [[City of God (book)|Civitate Dei]],<ref>{{cite wikisource |title=The City of God |wslink=The City of God/Book XVIII/Chapter 23 |author=Augustine |authorlink=Augustine |at=XVIII, 23}}</ref> where he also notes that the generating sentence {{lang|grc|"Ίησοῦς Χρειστός Θεοῦ Υἱός Σωτήρ"}} has 27 letters, i.e. 3 x 3 x 3, which in that age indicated power.
Baris 32 ⟶ 31:
Simbol '''Staurogram''' [[File:Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 2.jpg|20px12px]] (artinya [[monogram]] [[salib Kristen|salib]], dari {{lang-el|ΣTAΥPOΣ}}, ''stauros'', yang berarti ''salib''; {{lang-en|Monogrammatic Cross}}) atau simbol ''Tau-Rho'', disusun dari huruf [[Tau]] ('''Τ''') yang menindih huruf [[Rho]] ('''Ρ'''). <!--Staurogram was first used to abbreviate the Greek word for cross in very early [[New Testament]] [[manuscript]]s such as [[Papyrus 66|P66]], [[Papyrus 45|P45]] and [[Papyrus 75|P75]], almost like a [[nomina sacra]].<ref name="Hurtado">{{cite book | editor-last = Kraus | editor-first = Thomas | title = New Testament Manuscripts | publisher = Brill | location = Leiden | year = 2006 | isbn = 978-90-04-14945-8 | chapter=The staurogram in early Christian manuscripts: the earliest visual reference to the crucified Jesus? | first=Larry| last=Hutado| authorlink=Larry W. Hurtado | pages=207–26 |url=}}</ref>
Simbol '''Staurogram''' [[File:Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 2.jpg|20px]] (artinya [[monogram]] [[salib]], dari {{lang-el|ΣTAΥPOΣ}}, ''stauros'', yang berarti ''salib''; {{lang-en|Monogrammatic Cross}}) atau simbol ''Tau-Rho'', disusun dari huruf [[Tau]] ('''Τ''') yang menindih huruf [[Rho]] ('''Ρ'''). <!--Staurogram was first used to abbreviate the Greek word for cross in very early [[New Testament]] [[manuscript]]s such as [[Papyrus 66|P66]], [[Papyrus 45|P45]] and [[Papyrus 75|P75]], almost like a [[nomina sacra]].<ref name="Hurtado">{{cite book | editor-last = Kraus | editor-first = Thomas | title = New Testament Manuscripts | publisher = Brill | location = Leiden | year = 2006 | isbn = 978-90-04-14945-8 | chapter=The staurogram in early Christian manuscripts: the earliest visual reference to the crucified Jesus? | first=Larry| last=Hutado| authorlink=Larry W. Hurtado | pages=207–26 |url=}}</ref>
[[Ephrem the Syrian]] in the 4th-century explained these two united letters stating that the tau refers to the [[Christian cross|cross]], and the rho refers to the Greek word "help" ({{lang-el|Βoηθια}}) which has the [[Greek numerals|numeric value]] of 100 as the letter rho has. In such a way the symbol expresses the idea that the Cross saves.<ref name="Hurtado"/> The two letters tau and rho can also be found separately as symbols on early Christian [[ossuaries]].<ref name="Bagatti"/>
Baris 40 ⟶ 38:
The Monogrammatic Cross was later seen also as a variation of the [[Chi Rho]] symbol, and it spread over Western Europe in the 5th and 6th-century.<ref>{{cite book | last = Redknap | first = FirstName | title = The Christian Celts : treasures of late Celtic Wales | publisher = National Museum of Wales | location = Cardiff | year = 1991 | isbn = 978-0-7200-0354-3 |page=61}}</ref>
===Chi Rho [[File:Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 1.jpg|20px]]===
{{main|Chi Rho}}
TheSimbol '''Chi Rho''' is formed by[[File:Christliche superimposingSymbolik the(Menzel) firstI two193 1.jpg|20px]] tersusun dari penumpangtindihan dua huruf pertama (capitaldalam bentuk huruf besar) letters [[chi (letter)|chiChi]] anddan [[rho (letter)|rhoRho]] ('''ΧΡ''') ofdari thekata Greek wordYunani "'''ΧΡ'''ΙΣΤΟΣ" '' =[[ChristKristus]]'' sedemikian in such a way tosehingga producemembentuk thesuatu [[monogram]]. <!--Widespread in ancient Christianity, it was the symbol used by the [[Roman Emperors|Roman emperor]] [[Constantine I (emperor)|Constantine I]] as [[vexillum]] (named [[Labarum]]).
===IH Monogram [[File:IH Monogram with iota and eta superimposed.jpg|20px]]===