Keperawanan abadi Maria: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 5:
Di abad ke-4 doktrin ini didukung secara luas oleh para [[Bapa Gereja]], dan pada abad ke-7 ditegaskan dalam sejumlah [[konsili ekumenis]].<ref name=BWell315>{{en}} {{citation |title=The Blackwell Companion to Catholicism |author=James Buckley, Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt, Trent Pomplun |year=2010 |ISBN=1-4443-3732-7 |page=315}}</ref><ref name=Bromiley271>{{en}} {{citation |title=The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia |author=Geoffrey W. Bromiley |year=1995 |ISBN=0-8028-3785-9 |page=271}}</ref><ref name=ThemeM2>{{en}} {{citation |title=Mary in the New Testament |editor=Raymond Edward Brown |year=1978 |ISBN=0-8091-2168-9 |page=278-281}}</ref> Doktrin ini merupakan bagian dari ajaran [[Gereja Katolik]] dan Anglikan Katolik, serta [[Gereja Ortodoks Timur]] dan [[Gereja Ortodoks Oriental]], sebagaimana terungkap dalam [[liturgi]] mereka yang berulang kali menyebut Maria sebagai "yang selalu perawan".<ref name=MWebster>{{en}} {{citation |title=Merriam-Webster's encyclopedia of world religions |publisher=Merriam-Webster, Inc. |year=1999 |ISBN=0-87779-044-2 |page=1134}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Catechism of the Catholic Church |chapter=Paragraph 2. "Conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit and Born of the Virgin Mary" §499 |publisher=Libreria Editrice Vaticana}}</ref><ref>{{en}} [ Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom], [ Coptic Liturgy of St Basil], [ Liturgy of St Cyril], [ Liturgy of St James], [ Understanding the Orthodox Liturgy] etc.</ref> [[Gereja Asiria Timur|Gereja Asiria dari Timur]], yang mana berasal dari [[Gereja dari Timur]], juga menerima keperawanan abadi Maria dengan memberinya gelar "Tetap Perawan" (''Ever Virgin''), setelah gelar "Surga Kedua" (''Second Heaven'').<ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=An Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church |author=W.A. Wigram, M.A., D.D. |publisher=Assyrian International News Agency (retrieved from |page=88}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |page=326 |title=Mary for Earth and Heaven |author=William McLoughlin, Jill Pinnock |publisher=Gracewing Publishing |year=2002 |isbn=9780852445563}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |page=8 |author=Bishop Mar Bawai Soro |chapter=Mary in the Catholic-Assyrian Dialogue: An Assyrian Perspective |title=Centro Pro Unione N.54 - Fall 1998 |issn=1122-0384}}</ref>
Beberapa reformis [[Protestan]] awal seperti [[Martin Luther]] mendukung doktrin keperawanan abadi Maria, dan tokoh pendiri [[Anglikanisme]] seperti Hugh Latimer dan [[Thomas Cranmer]] turut mengikuti tradisi yang mereka warisi dengan menerima Maria sebagai "yang selalu perawan";<ref name=Bradshaw>{{en}} {{citation |url= |author=Timothy Bradshaw |title=Commentary and Study Guide on the Seattle Statement ''Mary: Hope and Grace in Christ'' of the Anglican – Roman Catholic International Commission}}</ref> namun kebanyakan dari [[Calvinisme]] meninggalkannya.<ref name=Ted47>{{en}} {{citation |title=Christian confessions: a historical introduction |author=Ted Campbell |year=1996 |ISBN=0-664-25650-3 |page=47}}</ref><ref name=McNally/>{{rp|170}} Sampai saat ini banyak teolog Protestan, terutama dari Anglikan dan [[Lutheran]], tetap mempertahankan doktrin keperawanan abadi Maria.<ref name="LongeneckerGustafson2003">{{en}} {{cite book|last1=Longenecker|first1=Dwight|last2=Gustafson|first2=David|title=Mary: A Catholic Evangelical Debate |url= |year=2003 |publisher=Gracewing Publishing |isbn=9780852445822 |page=64}}</ref><ref name=MWebster/><ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |author=Richard R. Lorsch |title=All the People in the Bible |publisher=Eerdmans |year=2008 |ISBN=978-0-80282454-7 |page=283}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{citation |author=Jackson, Gregory Lee |title=Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant: a doctrinal comparison |year=1993 |ISBN=978-0-615-16635-3 |page=254}}</ref> Selain itu [[John Wesley]], pendiri [[Gereja Metodis]], juga menegaskan keperawanan abadi Maria.<ref name="Holden1872">{{en}} {{cite book |last=Holden |first=Harrington William |title=John Wesley in Company with High Churchmen |year=1872 |publisher=J. Hodges |location=London |page=119}}</ref>
== Doktrin dan representasi ==
[[File:Madonna catacomb.jpg|thumb|left|Lukisan Maria sedang menyusui bayi Yesus di [[Katakombe Priscilla]], Roma, kemungkinan lukisan tertua mengenai Maria (abad ke 2-4)]]
[[Berkas:Vierge.jpg|thumb|right|215px|''[[Virgin of the Rocks]]'' karya [[Leonardo da Vinci]], versi [[Louvre]].]]
Doktrin keperawanan abadi Maria, yang mana merupakan ''[[de fide]]'' (dipegang oleh umat Katolik sebagai suatu bagian penting dari [[iman]]), menyatakan bahwa Maria adalah seorang perawan sebelum, saat dan setelah melahirkan sepanjang hidupnya. Oleh karena itu dalam doktrin ini juga termasuk doktrin [[kelahiran Yesus dari perawan]].<ref name=Miravalle56/><ref name=REBrown273/><ref name=Cat499>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Catechism of the Catholic Church |chapter=Paragraph 2. "Conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit and Born of the Virgin Mary" |publisher=Holy See |others=§ 499}}</ref> Selain itu doktrin keperawanan abadi ini berbeda dengan [[dogma]] [[Dikandung Tanpa Noda]] (Imakulata) yang mengaitkan pembuahan atau dikandungnya Perawan Maria sendiri yang tanpa noda [[dosa asal]].<ref>{{en}} {{citation |title=A history of the church in the Middle Ages |author=F. Donald Logan |year=2002 |ISBN=0-415-13289-4 |page=150}}</ref>
Baris 57:
Para reformis awal Protestan merasa bahwa teks Alkitab secara eksplisit diperlukan untuk menerima hal-hal terkait kelahiran Yesus dari perawan, tetapi yang diterima hanyalah keperawanan abadi.<ref>{{en}} {{citation |title=Reformation of church and dogma (1300-1700) |author=Jaroslav Jan Pelikan |year=1985 |ISBN=0-226-65377-3 |page=339}}</ref> Seiring berjalannya waktu, beberapa gereja Protestan berhenti mengajarkan doktrin tersebut dan beberapa gereja Protestan lainnya bahkan menyangkalnya.<ref name=Nally170>{{en}} {{citation |title=What Every Catholic Should Know about Mary |author=Terrence J. McNally |year=2009 |ISBN=1-4415-1051-6 |page=170}}</ref><ref name=Ted47/> Namun banyak [[denominasi Kristen|denominasi]] Protestan lain, seperti [[Lutheran]] dan [[Anglikan]], tetap mempertahankan doktrin keperawanan abadi Maria hingga sekarang.<ref name="LongeneckerGustafson2003"/>
=== Para reformator awal ===
[[File:StPierreJeuneP156.JPG|thumb|Patung Maria di [[:en:Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune Protestant Church|Gereja Protestan Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune]] (Lutheran), [[Strasbourg]]]]
[[Martin Luther]] mempercayai bahwa Maria tidak memiliki anak lain, selain Yesus, dan tidak melakukan hubungan suami istri dengan Yusuf. Naskah [[bahasa Latin|Latin]] dari ''[[:en:Smalcald Articles|Smalcald Articles]]'', yang ditulis oleh Luther, menggunakan istilah "Tetap Perawan" (''Ever Virgin'') untuk merujuk Maria.<ref name=Ted150/> Keperawanan abadi Maria merupakan keyakinan Luther sepanjang hidupnya, walau ia menolak doktrin-doktrin lain mengenai Maria selain "[[Bunda Allah]]".<ref name=Ted150/><ref>''Luther's Works'', 22:214-215</ref><ref>{{en}} "Sermon on the Presentation of Christ in the Temple", ''Luthers Werke'' 52:688- 99, quoted in Jaroslav Pelikan, ''Mary through the Ages'', 158, and [ Martin Luther's Theology of Mary]</ref><ref>''Luther's Works'', 21:326, cf. 21:346.</ref>
[[Ulrich Zwingli]] mendukung keperawanan abadi dan menulis: "Saya sangat percaya bahwa [Maria], ... selamanya tetap seorang Perawan yang utuh, murni."<ref>{{de}} {{cite book |last=Zwingli |first=Ulrich |author2=Egli, Emil |author3=Finsler, Georg |author4=Zwingli-Verein, Georg |author5= Zürich |title=Huldreich Zwinglis sämtliche Werke |publisher=C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn|year=1905|volume=1|page=385|chapter=Eini Predigt von der ewig reinen Magd Maria.|url=}}</ref> Para reformator dari Inggris juga mendukung konsep keperawanan abadi, tapi alasan mereka beragam atas dukungan tersebut.<ref name=McKim237/> Dukungan Luther dan Zwingli atas keperawanan abadi disahkan oleh [[Heinrich Bullinger]] dan dimasukkan dalam ''[[:en:Helvetic Confessions|Helvetic Confessions]]''.<ref name=Blessed119>{{en}} {{citation |title=Blessed one: Protestant perspectives on Mary |author=Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Cynthia L. Rigby |year=2002 |ISBN=0-664-22438-5 |page=119}}</ref>
Pandangan [[Yohanes Calvin]] tidaklah sejelas Luther mengenai keperawanan abadi Maria,<ref name=McKim237/> dan ia mewaspadai apa yang ia anggap "spekulasi fasik" pada topik tersebut.<ref name=Blessed119/> Dalam komentarnya atas Lukas 1:34, ia menolak dan menganggap "tidak berdasar dan sama sekali tidak masuk akal" gagasan bahwa Maria telah membuat sumpah keperawanan abadi, dengan mengatakan bahwa "Ia, dalam hal itu, tentu akan melakukan pengkhianatan dengan membiarkan dirinya dipersatukan dengan seorang suami, dan tentu akan mencurahkan penghinaan pada janji suci perkawinan; yang mana tidaklah mungkin dilakukan tanpa cemoohan Allah" dan menambahkan bahwa tidak ada bukti keberadaan sumpah tersebut pada masa itu.<ref>Calvin. "Commentary on Luke 1:34". ''Harmony of Matthew, Mark, and Luke'' vol. 1.</ref> Ia juga menolak pendapat yang mendasarkan pada teks Matius 1:25 (Helvidius menyimpulkan Maria memiliki anak lagi karena frasa ''firstborn son'') bahwa Maria mempunyai anak yang lain.<ref>Harmony of Matthew, Mark & Luke, sec. 39 (Geneva, 1562), / From Calvin's Commentaries, tr. William Pringle, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1949 (vol. 2, p. 215; vol. I, p. 107)</ref>
Para reformator [[Anglikan]] dari abad ke-16 dan 17, misalnya Hugh Latimer dan [[Thomas Cranmer]],<ref name=Bradshaw/> mendukung keperawanan abadi "atas dasar otoritas Kekristenan jaman dulu".<ref name=Ted150/> Pada abad ke-18, [[John Wesley]], salah satu pendiri [[Metodisme]], juga mendukung doktrin keperawanan abadi maria dan menuliskan bahwa: "... lahir dari Perawan Maria yang terberkati, yang juga setelahnya seperti sebelum ia melahirkan-Nya, melanjutkan suatu keperawanan yang murni dan tak ternoda."<ref name=Ted150/><ref>{{en}} {{citation |title=The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Volume 15 |author=John Wesley, Joseph Benson |publisher=Thomas Cordeux |location=London |year=1812 |chapter=A Letter to a Roman Catholic |page=110 |url=}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Letter to a Roman Catholic |date=July 18, 1749}}</ref>
Baris 64 ⟶ 74:
[[Martin Luther]] believed that Mary did not have other children, and did not have any marital relations with Joseph,<ref>Bäumer, 190</ref> maintaining, that the brothers mentioned were cousins.<ref>''Luther's Works'', 22:23; [ Martin Luther on Mary's Perpetual Virginity]</ref> This is consistent with his lifelong acceptance of the idea of the [[perpetual virginity]] of Mary. Jaroslav Pelikan noted that the perpetual virginity of Mary was Luther's lifelong belief,<ref>''Luther's Works'', 22:214-215</ref> and Hartmann Grisar, a Roman Catholic biographer of Luther, concurs that "Luther always believed in the virginity of Mary, even after his excommunication, though afterwards he denied her power of intercession, as well as that of the saints in general, ... and combated, as extreme and pagan, the extraordinary veneration which the [Roman] Catholic Church showed towards Mary."<ref>Grisar, 210.</ref> For this reason even a rigorously conservative Lutheran scholar like Franz Pieper (1852-1931) refuses to follow the tendency among Protestants to insist that Mary and Joseph had marital relations and children after the birth of Jesus. It is implicit in his ''Christian Dogmatics'' that belief in Mary's perpetual virginity is the older and traditional view among Lutherans.<ref>Francis Pieper, ''Christian Dogmatics'', 4 vols., (St. Louis: CPH, 1950-53), 2:308-09.</ref>
He stated, that "we should simply hold that (Mary) remained a virgin after the birth of Christ because Scripture does not state or indicate that she later lost her virginity".<ref>"Scripture does not quibble or speak about the virginity of Mary after the birth of Christ, a matter about which the hypocrites are greatly concerned, as if it were something of the utmost importance on which our whole salvation depended. Actually, we should be satisfied simply to hold that she remained a virgin after the birth of Christ because Scripture does not state or indicate that she later lost her virginity... But the Scripture stops with this, that she was a virgin before and at the birth of Christ; for up to this point God had need of her virginity in order to give us the promised blessed seed without sin" (That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew (1523), in ''Luther’s Works,'' American Edition, Walther I. Brandt, ed., Philadelphia, Augsburg Fortress; St. Louis, [[Concordia Publishing House]], 1962, ISBN 0-8006-0345-1 pp. 205-206; cf. James Swam ([ Martin Luther's Theology of Mary]).</ref> He taught that "Christ, our Saviour, was the real and natural fruit of Mary's virginal womb . . . This was without the cooperation of a man, and she remained a virgin after that"; and that " Christ . . . was the only Son of Mary, and the Virgin Mary bore no children besides Him . . . I am inclined to agree with those who declare that 'brothers' really mean 'cousins' here, for Holy Writ and the Jews always call cousins brothers".<ref>Luther's Works, eds. Jaroslav Pelikan (vols. 1-30) & Helmut T. Lehmann (vols. 31-55), St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House (vols. 1-30); Philadelphia: Fortress Press (vols. 31-55), 1955, v.22:23 / Sermons on John, chaps. 1-4 (1539), quoted in [ Martin Luther on Mary's Perpetual Virginity]</ref> In fact Luther held throughout his career that, "in childbirth and after childbirth, as she was a virgin before childbirth, so she remained".<ref> "Sermon on the Presentation of Christ in the Temple", ''Luthers Werke'' 52:688- 99,quoted in Jaroslav Pelikan, ''Mary through the Ages'', 158, and [ Martin Luther's Theology of Mary]</ref>
[[Huldrych Zwingli]] wrote: "I firmly believe that [Mary], according to the words of the gospel as a pure Virgin brought forth for us the Son of God and in childbirth and after childbirth forever remained a pure, intact Virgin." <ref>{{cite book|last=Zwingli|first=Ulrich|coauthors=Egli, Emil; Finsler, Georg; Zwingli-Verein, Georg; Zürich|title=Huldreich Zwinglis sämtliche Werke|publisher=C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn|year=1905|volume=1|pages=p. 385|chapter=Eini Predigt von der ewig reinen Magd Maria.|url=|accessdate=2008-07-01|language=[[German language|German]]}}</ref>
[[John Calvin]] rejected arguments, based on the mention in Scripture of brothers of Jesus, that Mary had other children.<ref>Harmony of Matthew, Mark & Luke, sec. 39 (Geneva, 1562), / From Calvin's Commentaries, tr. William Pringle, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1949: “Helvidius displayed excessive ignorance in concluding that Mary must have had many sons, because Christ's 'brothers' are sometimes mentioned” (vol. 2, p. 215); “[On Matt 1:25:] The inference he [Helvidius] drew from it was, that Mary remained a virgin no longer than till her first birth, and that afterwards she had other children by her husband . . . No just and well-grounded inference can be drawn from these words . . . as to what took place after the birth of Christ. He is called 'first-born'; but it is for the sole purpose of informing us that he was born of a virgin . . . What took place afterwards the historian does not inform us . . . No man will obstinately keep up the argument, except from an extreme fondness for disputation.“ (vol. I, p. 107)</ref>
[[John Wesley]] wrote: "I believe that He was made man, joining the human nature with the divine in one person; being conceived by the singular operation of the Holy Ghost, and born of the blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as before she brought Him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin."<ref>[ ''Letter to a Roman Catholic'', July 18, 1749] []</ref>
[[Diarmaid MacCulloch]], a historian of the Reformation, wrote that the reason why the magisterial reformers upheld Mary’s perpetual virginity, and why they had a "genuinely deep reverence and affection" toward Mary, was that she was "the guarantee of the Incarnation of Christ", a teaching that was being denied by the same radicals that were denying Mary’s perpetual virginity.<ref>D. MacCulloch, ''The Reformation: a History'' (Penguin Books, 2003) pp. 613-614; cf. Robert Schihl, ''[ The Perpetual Virginity of Mary]'' for an extended list and quotations.</ref> However, the absence of clear Biblical statements expressing the doctrine, in combination with the principle of ''[[sola scriptura]]'', kept references to the doctrine out of the Reformation creeds and, together with the tendency to associate veneration of Mary with idolatry<ref>D. MacCulloch, ''The Reformation: a History'' (Penguin Books, 2003) pp. 558-63</ref> and the rejection of [[clerical celibacy]]<ref>see John Calvin's [ ''Institutes of the Christian Religion IV,12,27-28'']</ref> led to the eventual denial of this doctrine amongst Protestants, who consider that the "brothers" (ἀδελφοί) οf Jesus mentioned in the New Testament were children of Mary (and thus his half brothers), rather than of Joseph by another marriage (and thus his stepbrothers) or his cousins, a view not shared by the magisterial Protestant reformers themselves.