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Baris 66:
=== Perhitungan Paskah ===
<!--{{main article|Easter controversy|computus}}--><!--
[[Easter]] was originally dated according to [[Hebrew calendar]], which [[Hebrew calendar#New year|tried to place Passover]] on the first full moon following the [[Spring equinox]] but did not always succeed. In his ''[[Life of Constantine]]'', [[Eusebius]] records that the [[First Council of Nicaea]] (325) decided that all Christians should observe a common date for Easter separate from the Jewish calculations, according to the practice of the [[bishops of Rome]] and [[bishop of Alexandria|Alexandria]].<ref name=conlet>{{Citation| author = Constantine| author-link = Constantine the Great| chapter = Letter on the Keeping of Easter to those not present at Nicaea| date = 325| editor = Eusebius of Caesaria| editor-link = Eusebius of Caesaria| title = The Life of Constantine| volume = III| at = §18–20| publication-date = 1996| isbn = 1-56085-072-8|url=}}</ref> Calculating the proper date of Easter (''[[computus]]'') then became a complicated process involving a [[lunisolar calendar]], finding the first Sunday after an idealized Passover on the first full moon after the equinox.