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Baris 1:
'''Umar di rumah Fatimah''' merujuk kepada peristiwa dimana [[Umar]] dan para pendukungnya datang ke rumah [[Fatimah]], putri nabi [[Muhammad]], tak lama setelah kematian Muhammad dalam rangka meraih persekutuan dari [[Ali]] dan para pengikutnya. Peristiwa tersebut, yang disebutkan dalam buku-buku akademisi [[Syiah]], [[Sunni]],<ref>{{cite book |last1=al-Tabari |first1=Muhammad ibn Jarir |title=History of the Prophets and Kings}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last1=Ibn Abed Rabboh |title=Al-Iqd ul-Fareed}}</ref> dan barat,<ref>{{cite book |last1=El-Hibri |first1=Tayeb |title=Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History: The Rashidun Caliphs |date=2010 |publisher=Columbia University Press |page=44}}</ref> membuat Fatimah menggugurkan [[Muhsin bin Ali]],<ref>{{cite book |last1=Al-Masudi |title=Isbaat al-Wilaayah |page=142 |quote=They attacked Fatimah’s (s.a.) house. They crushed the Chief of All Women behind the door so violently that it resulted in the miscarriage of Mohsin.}}</ref><ref name="al-Shahrastaani">{{cite book |last1=al-Shahrastaani |first1=Muhammad |title=Al-Milal wa al-Nehal, Volume 1 |page=57}}</ref> serta kematian Fatimah tak lama setelahnya.<ref>{{cite book |title=Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 43 |page=171 |quote=‘Fatimah’s (s.a.) death resulted from being pierced by the sword which claimed (the unborn) Mohsin’s life. The perpetrator of this crime was Qunfuz, who was acting on his master – Umar’s explicit command…’}}</ref>
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Baris 11:
<ref name="Rabboh">{{cite book |author=[[Ibn Abed Rabboh]] |title=Al-Iqd al-Farīd |url= |script-title=كتاب: العقد الفريد **&#124;نداء الإيمان |language=ar | |accessdate=4 March 2012 |quote=As for Ali, [[Al-Abbas ibn Ali|Abbas]] and Zubair, they stayed in the house of Fatima until Abu Bakr sent Umar to get them out of Fatima's house and told him: if they refuse, fight them. He took a torch to burn the house and Fatima met him and told him: are you here to burn our house? He said: yes, or you enter what the Ummah has entered (i.e swear allegiance).}}</ref>
<ref name="Baladhuri">{{cite book |author=[[Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri|al-Baladhuri]] (297 AH / 892 CE) |title=Ansab al-Ashraf |volume=1 |place=Cairo |publisher=Dar al-Ma'arif |year=1959 |page=586 |quote=Abu Bakr sent for Ali so that he can give allegiance but he didn't. So Umar came [to the house] and Fatima met him at the door. She said: 'ibn Khattab you want to burn my door down?' Umar replied: 'Yes, in order to strengthen the religion your father brought.'}}</ref>
<ref name= "Qutaybah">{{cite book |author=[[Ibn Qutaybah]] (276 AH / 889 CE) |title=al-Imama wa al-Siyasa |place=Egypt |publisher=Maktabt al-Tijaria al-Kubra |page=13 |quote=Umar said: 'I swear by He who controls the life of Umar, either you come out or I will burn this house down!' The people said: 'Abu'l Hafs, Fatima is also in this house'. Umar replied: 'Even if she is...}}</ref>
<ref name= "Shayba">{{cite book |author=[[Ibn Abi Shayba]] (235 AH / 849 CE) |title=al-Musanaf |volume=7 |place=Beirut |publisher=Dar al-Taj |year=1989 |page=432 |quote=Umar came to the house of Fatima and said: "O' Daughter of the Prophet of God! I swear by God that we love no one more than your father, and after him we love no one more than you. Yet I swear by God that that won't stop me from gathering these people and commanding them to burn this house down!}}</ref>
<ref name="Yaqoubi">{{cite book |title=Tarikh al-Ya’qoubi |volume=2 |page=199 |publisher=Nafees Academy |place=Karachi, Pakistan |language=Urdu |quote=When Abu Bakr and Umar heard the news that a party of the Ansar and the Muhajirin have gathered with ‘Ali at the house of the daughter of the Prophet, they went with a group of people and attacked the house...}}</ref>
<ref name="Tabari">{{cite book |author=[[Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari]] |title=History of the Prophets and Kings |url= |publisher={{lang|ar|مكتبة مشكاة الاسلامية}} - |accessdate=4 March 2012 |quote=Umar Ibn al-Khattab came to the house of Ali. [[Talhah]] and [[Zubayr]] and some of the [[Muhajirun|immigrants]] were also in the house. Umar cried out: "By God, either you come out to render the oath of allegiance, or I will set the house on fire." al-Zubair came out with his sword drawn. As he stumbled (upon something), the sword fell from his hand so they jumped over him and seized him.}}</ref>
Baris 18:
{{DEFAULTSORT:Umar Di Rumah Fatimah}}