Biawak tanpa telinga: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{infobox spesies
| image = Kadal.jpg
| name = Biawak tanpa telinga
| regnum = [[Animalia]]
| phylum = [[Chordata]]
| classis = [[Reptilia]]
| ordo = [[Squamata]]
| subordo = [[Kadal|Lacertilia/Sauria]]
| familia = '''Lanthanotidae'''
| genus = '''''Lanthanotus'''''
| genus_authority = [[Franz Steindachner|Steindachner]], 1878
| binomial = ''Lanthanotus borneensis''
| binomial_authority = [[Franz Steindachner|Steindachner]], 1878<ref name="A">{{cite web|url=|accessdate=9 Mei 2014|title=First record of the Borneo Earless Monitor Lanthanotus borneensis|publisher=Jott Short Communication}}</ref>}}
Baris 33 ⟶ 22:
== Daftar pustaka ==
{{Wikispecies|Lanthanotus borneensis|''Lanthanotus borneensis''}}
{{Commons category}}