Konversi skala suhu: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
Berikut ini adalah kumpulan rumus '''konversi skala [[suhu]]''' dan perbandingan di antara delapan skala suhu yang berbeda, beberapa di antaranya telah lama usang.
== Ringkasan ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:right;"
|+ '''Perbandingan skala suhu'''
! [[Kelvin]]
! [[Celsius]]
! [[Fahrenheit]]
! [[Skala Rankine|Rankine]]
! [[Skala Delisle|Delisle]]
! [[Skala Newton|Newton]]
! [[Skala Réaumur|Réaumur]]
! [[Skala Rømer|Rømer]]
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Nol mutlak]]
| 0.00
| −273.15
| −459.67
| 0.00
| 559.73
| −90.14
| −218.52
| −135.90
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Suhu terendah yang tercatat di Bumi|Suhu permukaan terendah yang tercatat di Bumi]]<ref name="VS">[https://www.expertsure.com/2008/12/14/the-coldest-inhabited-places-on-earth/ The Coldest Inhabited Places on Earth]; researchers of the [[Vostok Station]] recorded the coldest known temperature on Earth on July 21st 1983: −89.2&nbsp;°C (−128.6&nbsp;°F).</ref>
| 184
| −89.2<ref name="VS" />
| −128.6<ref name="VS" />
| 331
| 284
| −29
| −71
| −39
| style="text-align:left;" | Campuran es / garam Fahrenheit
| 255.37
| −17.78
| 0.00
| 459.67
| 176.67
| −5.87
| −14.22
| −1.83
| style="text-align:left;" | Es mencair (pada [[kondisi standar untuk suhu dan tekanan|tekanan standar]])
| 273.15
| 0.00
| 32.00
| 491.67
| 150.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 7.50
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Tiga titik]] air
| 273.16
| 0.01
| 32.018
| 491.688
| 149.985
| 0.0033
| 0.008
| 7.50525
| style="text-align:left;" | Suhu permukaan rata-rata di Bumi
| 288
| 15
| 59
| 519
| 128
| 5
| 12
| 15
| style="text-align:left;" | Rata-rata [[suhu tubuh manusia]]*
| 310
| 37
| 98
| 558
| 95
| 12
| 29
| 27
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Suhu tertinggi yang terekam di Bumi|Suhu permukaan tertinggi yang terekam di Bumi]]<ref name="ASU">[http://wmo.asu.edu/world-highest-temperature World: Highest Temperature] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130104143844/http://wmo.asu.edu/world-highest-temperature |date=January 4, 2013 }}; an Italian weather station in [[al 'Aziziyah]] ([[Libya]]) measured a temperature of 58&nbsp;°C (136.4&nbsp;°F) on September 13th 1922. ''"Although this record has gained general acceptance as the world's highest temperature recorded under standard conditions, the validity of the extreme has been [[‘Aziziya#Geography and climate|questioned]]."''</ref>
| 331
| 58<ref name="ASU" />
| 136.4<ref name="ASU" />
| 596
| 63
| 19
| 46
| 38
| style="text-align:left;" | Air mendidih (pada [[kondisi standar untuk suhu dan tekanan|tekanan standar]])
| 373.1339
| 99.9839
| 211.97102<ref name="TAM">http://www.tampile.com/scales.php {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190613010901/http://www.tampile.com/scales.php |date=2019-06-13 }} Tampile – Temperature Conversion Scales</ref>
| 671.64102<ref name="TAM"/>
| 0.00
| 33.00
| 80.00
| 60.00
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Titanium]] meleleh
| 1941
| 1668
| 3034
| 3494
| −2352
| 550
| 1334
| 883
| style="text-align:left;" | [[fotosfer|Permukaan Matahari]]
| 5800
| 5500
| 9900
| 10400
| −8100
| 1800
| 4400
| 2900
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Suhu tubuh manusia normal adalah 36,8&nbsp;°C ±0,7&nbsp;°C, atau 98,2&nbsp;°F ±1,3&nbsp;°F. Nilai yang biasa diberikan (98,6&nbsp;°F) hanyalah konversi tepat standar Jerman abad kesembilan belas dari 37&nbsp;°C. Karena tidak mencantumkan rentang yang dapat diterima, maka dapat dikatakan memiliki kelebihan presisi (tidak valid).<ref>{{cite web |url=https://hypertextbook.com/facts/1997/LenaWong.shtml |title=Temperature of a Healthy Human (Body Temperature) |publisher=Hypertextbook.com |accessdate=2018-06-07}}</ref>
Beberapa angka dalam tabel ini telah dibulatkan.
=== Representasi grafis ===
{| width="10px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| colspan="10" rowspan="5" style="vertical-align: top;" |
:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|845x580px|
circle 40 330 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 K / 0 °R (−273.15 °C)]]
circle 504 330 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 °F (−17.78 °C)]]
circle 537 270 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|150 °D]]
circle 537 317 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|32 °F]]
circle 537 325 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|7.5 °Rø]]
circle 537 332 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 °C / 0 °Ré / 0 °N]]
circle 718 245 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|212 °F]]
circle 718 290 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|100 °C]]
circle 718 298 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|80 °Ré]]
circle 718 306 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|60 °Rø]]
circle 718 317 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|33 °N]]
circle 718 330 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 °D]]
rect 0 0 845 580 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg]]
desc none
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 142px;" | [[Skala Rankine|Rankine]] (°R)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 42px;" | [[Kelvin]] (K)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 68px; white-space: nowrap;" | [[Fahrenheit]] (°F)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 108px; line-height: 16px; white-space: nowrap;" | [[Celsius]] (°C)<br />[[Skala Réaumur|Réaumur]] (°Ré)<br />[[Skala Rømer|Rømer]] (°Rø)<br />[[skala Newton|Newton]] (°N)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 220px;" | [[Skala Delisle|Delisle]] (°D)
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="width: 10px;" |  
| style="width: 60px; text-align: center;" | [[Nol mutlak]]
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Suhu terendah yang dicatat di Bumi|Suhu permukaan terendah yang tercatat di Bumi]]<ref name="VS" />
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Fahrenheit#Sejarah|Campuran es / air / garam Fahrenheit]]
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Titik lebur]] es (pada [[kondisi standar untuk suhu dan tekanan|tekanan standar]])
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | Suhu permukaan rata-rata di Bumi (15&nbsp;°C)
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | Rata-rata [[suhu tubuh manusia]] (37&nbsp;°C)
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Suhu tertinggi tercatat di Bumi|Suhu permukaan tertinggi yang direkam di Bumi]]<ref name="ASU" />
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Titik didih]] air (pada tekanan standar)
| style="width: 5px;" |  
| &nbsp;
== [[Kelvin]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| Celsius
| °C = K − 273,15
| Fahrenheit
| °F = K × 1,8 − 459,67
| Rankine
| °Ra = K × 1,8
| Delisle
| °De = (373,15 − K) × 1,5
| Newton
| °N = (K − 273,15) × 33/100
| Réaumur
| °Ré = (K − 273,15) × 0,8
| Rømer
| °Rø = (K − 273,15) × 21/40 + 7,5
== [[Celsius]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| kelvin
| K = °C + 273,15
| Fahrenheit
| °F = °C × 1,8 + 32
| Rankine
| °Ra = 1,8 × (°C + 491,67)
| Delisle
| °De = (100 − °C) × 1,5
| Newton
| °N = °C × 33/100
| Réaumur
| °Ré = °C × 0,8
| Rømer
| °Rø = °C × 21/40 + 7,5
== [[Fahrenheit]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang dinginkan
! Rumus
| K = (°F + 459,67) / 1,8
| Celsius
| °C = (°F − 32) / 1,8
| Rankine
| °Ra = °F + 459,67
| Delisle
| °De = (212 − °F) × 5/6
| Newton
| °N = (°F − 32) × 11/60
| Réaumur
| °Ré = (°F − 32) x 0,44
| Rømer
| °Rø = (°F − 32) × 7/24 + 7,5
== [[Rankine]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| kelvin
| K = °Ra / 1,8
| Celsius
| °C = °Ra / 1,8 + 273,15
| Fahrenheit
| °F = °Ra - 459,67
| Delisle
| °De = (671,67 − °Ra) × 5/6
| Newton
| °N = (°Ra − 491,67) × 11/60
| Réaumur
| °Ré = (°Ra / 1,8 + 273,15) × 0,8
| Rømer
| °Rø = (°Ra − 491,67) × 7/24 + 7,5
== [[Delisle]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| kelvin
| K = 373,15 − °De × 2/3
| Celsius
| °C = 100 − °De × 2/3
| Fahrenheit
| °F = 212 − °De × 1,2
| Rankine
| °Ra = 671,67 − °De × 1,2
| Newton
| °N = 33 − °De × 0,22
| Réaumur
| °Ré = 80 − °De × 8/15
| Rømer
| °Rø = 60 − °De × 0,35
== [[Skala Newton|Newton]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| kelvin
| K = °N × 100/33 + 273,15
| Celsius
| °C = °N × 100/33
| Fahrenheit
| °F = °N x 60/11 + 32
| Rankine
| °Ra = °N × 60/11 + 491,67
| Delisle
| °De = (33 − °N) × 50/11
| Réaumur
| °Ré = °N × 80/33
| Rømer
| °Rø = °N × 35/22 + 7,5
== [[Skala Réaumur|Réaumur]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| kelvin
| K = °Ré / 0,8 + 273,15
| Celsius
| °C = °Ré / 0,8
| Fahrenheit
| °F = °Ré × 2,25 + 32
| Rankine
| °Ra = °Ré × 2,25 + 491,67
| Delisle
| °De = (80 − °Ré) × 1,875
| Newton
| °N = °Ré × 33/80
| Rømer
| °Rø = °Ré × 21/32 + 7,5
== [[Skala Rømer|Rømer]] ==
{| cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"
|- bgcolor="#f0f0f0"
! Skala yang diinginkan
! Rumus
| kelvin
| K = (°Rø − 7,5) × 40/21 + 273.15
| Celsius
| °C = (°Rø − 7,5) × 40/21
| Fahrenheit
| °F = (°Rø − 7,5) × 24/7 + 32
| Rankine
| °Ra = (°Rø − 7,5) × 24/7 + 491,67
| Delisle
| °De = (60 − °Rø) × 20/7
| Newton
| °N = (°Rø − 7,5) × 22/35
| Réaumur
| °Ré = (°Rø − 7,5) × 32/21
== Perbandingan ==
Baris 574 ⟶ 190:
! Celsius !! Fahrenheit !! Kelvin !! Rankine !! Delisle !! Newton !! Réaumur !! Rømer
== Perbandingan skala suhu ==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:right;"
|+ '''Perbandingan skala suhu'''
! [[Kelvin]]
! [[Celsius]]
! [[Fahrenheit]]
! [[Skala Rankine|Rankine]]
! [[Skala Delisle|Delisle]]
! [[Skala Newton|Newton]]
! [[Skala Réaumur|Réaumur]]
! [[Skala Rømer|Rømer]]
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Nol mutlak]]
| 0.00
| −273.15
| −459.67
| 0.00
| 559.73
| −90.14
| −218.52
| −135.90
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Suhu terendah yang tercatat di Bumi|Suhu permukaan terendah yang tercatat di Bumi]]<ref name="VS">[https://www.expertsure.com/2008/12/14/the-coldest-inhabited-places-on-earth/ The Coldest Inhabited Places on Earth]; researchers of the [[Vostok Station]] recorded the coldest known temperature on Earth on July 21st 1983: −89.2&nbsp;°C (−128.6&nbsp;°F).</ref>
| 184
| −89.2<ref name="VS" />
| −128.6<ref name="VS" />
| 331
| 284
| −29
| −71
| −39
| style="text-align:left;" | Campuran es / garam Fahrenheit
| 255.37
| −17.78
| 0.00
| 459.67
| 176.67
| −5.87
| −14.22
| −1.83
| style="text-align:left;" | Es mencair (pada [[kondisi standar untuk suhu dan tekanan|tekanan standar]])
| 273.15
| 0.00
| 32.00
| 491.67
| 150.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 7.50
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Tiga titik]] air
| 273.16
| 0.01
| 32.018
| 491.688
| 149.985
| 0.0033
| 0.008
| 7.50525
| style="text-align:left;" | Suhu permukaan rata-rata di Bumi
| 288
| 15
| 59
| 519
| 128
| 5
| 12
| 15
| style="text-align:left;" | Rata-rata [[suhu tubuh manusia]]*
| 310
| 37
| 98
| 558
| 95
| 12
| 29
| 27
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Suhu tertinggi yang terekam di Bumi|Suhu permukaan tertinggi yang terekam di Bumi]]<ref name="ASU">[http://wmo.asu.edu/world-highest-temperature World: Highest Temperature] {{webarchive |url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130104143844/http://wmo.asu.edu/world-highest-temperature |date=January 4, 2013 }}; an Italian weather station in [[al 'Aziziyah]] ([[Libya]]) measured a temperature of 58&nbsp;°C (136.4&nbsp;°F) on September 13th 1922. ''"Although this record has gained general acceptance as the world's highest temperature recorded under standard conditions, the validity of the extreme has been [[‘Aziziya#Geography and climate|questioned]]."''</ref>
| 331
| 58<ref name="ASU" />
| 136.4<ref name="ASU" />
| 596
| 63
| 19
| 46
| 38
| style="text-align:left;" | Air mendidih (pada [[kondisi standar untuk suhu dan tekanan|tekanan standar]])
| 373.1339
| 99.9839
| 211.97102<ref name="TAM">http://www.tampile.com/scales.php {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190613010901/http://www.tampile.com/scales.php |date=2019-06-13 }} Tampile – Temperature Conversion Scales</ref>
| 671.64102<ref name="TAM"/>
| 0.00
| 33.00
| 80.00
| 60.00
| style="text-align:left;" | [[Titanium]] meleleh
| 1941
| 1668
| 3034
| 3494
| −2352
| 550
| 1334
| 883
| style="text-align:left;" | [[fotosfer|Permukaan Matahari]]
| 5800
| 5500
| 9900
| 10400
| −8100
| 1800
| 4400
| 2900
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Suhu tubuh manusia normal adalah 36,8&nbsp;°C ±0,7&nbsp;°C, atau 98,2&nbsp;°F ±1,3&nbsp;°F. Nilai yang biasa diberikan (98,6&nbsp;°F) hanyalah konversi tepat standar Jerman abad kesembilan belas dari 37&nbsp;°C. Karena tidak mencantumkan rentang yang dapat diterima, maka dapat dikatakan memiliki kelebihan presisi (tidak valid).<ref>{{cite web |url=https://hypertextbook.com/facts/1997/LenaWong.shtml |title=Temperature of a Healthy Human (Body Temperature) |publisher=Hypertextbook.com |accessdate=2018-06-07}}</ref>
Beberapa angka dalam tabel ini telah dibulatkan.
=== Representasi grafis ===
{| width="10px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| colspan="10" rowspan="5" style="vertical-align: top;" |
:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|845x580px|
circle 40 330 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 K / 0 °R (−273.15 °C)]]
circle 504 330 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 °F (−17.78 °C)]]
circle 537 270 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|150 °D]]
circle 537 317 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|32 °F]]
circle 537 325 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|7.5 °Rø]]
circle 537 332 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 °C / 0 °Ré / 0 °N]]
circle 718 245 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|212 °F]]
circle 718 290 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|100 °C]]
circle 718 298 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|80 °Ré]]
circle 718 306 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|60 °Rø]]
circle 718 317 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|33 °N]]
circle 718 330 4 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg|0 °D]]
rect 0 0 845 580 [[:File:Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg]]
desc none
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 142px;" | [[Skala Rankine|Rankine]] (°R)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 42px;" | [[Kelvin]] (K)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 68px; white-space: nowrap;" | [[Fahrenheit]] (°F)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 108px; line-height: 16px; white-space: nowrap;" | [[Celsius]] (°C)<br />[[Skala Réaumur|Réaumur]] (°Ré)<br />[[Skala Rømer|Rømer]] (°Rø)<br />[[skala Newton|Newton]] (°N)
| style="vertical-align: top; height: 220px;" | [[Skala Delisle|Delisle]] (°D)
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
| style="width: 10px;" |  
| style="width: 60px; text-align: center;" | [[Nol mutlak]]
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Suhu terendah yang dicatat di Bumi|Suhu permukaan terendah yang tercatat di Bumi]]<ref name="VS" />
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Fahrenheit#Sejarah|Campuran es / air / garam Fahrenheit]]
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Titik lebur]] es (pada [[kondisi standar untuk suhu dan tekanan|tekanan standar]])
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | Suhu permukaan rata-rata di Bumi (15&nbsp;°C)
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | Rata-rata [[suhu tubuh manusia]] (37&nbsp;°C)
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Suhu tertinggi tercatat di Bumi|Suhu permukaan tertinggi yang direkam di Bumi]]<ref name="ASU" />
| style="width: 110px; text-align: center;" | [[Titik didih]] air (pada tekanan standar)
| style="width: 5px;" |  
| &nbsp;