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Baris 58:
== Demografi ==
Awdal sebagian besar dihuni oleh orang-orang dari kelompok etnis Somalia, dengan subklan Gadabuursi dari Dir yang dianggap sebagai klan dominan di wilayah tersebut.<ref>Samatar, Abdi I. (2001) "Somali Reconstruction and Local Initiative: Amoud University," {{URL|1=|2=Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies: Vol. 1, Article 9}}, p. 132.</ref><ref>{{cite book |last1=Battera |first1=Federico |others=Walter Dostal, Wolfgang Kraus (ed.) |title=Shattering Tradition: Custom, Law and the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean |url=|access-date=2010-03-18 |year=2005 |publisher=I.B. Taurus |location=London |isbn=1-85043-634-7 |page=296 |chapter=Chapter 9: The Collapse of the State and the Resurgence of Customary Law in Northern Somalia |chapter-url= |quote=Awdal is mainly inhabited by the Gadabuursi confederation of clans.}}</ref> Menurut laporan PBB yang diterbitkan oleh Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (1999), menyatakan karena dominannya klan Gadabuursi, politik daerah Awdal hampir identik dengan urusan internal klan Gadabuursi.<ref>UN (1999) Somaliland: Update to SML26165.E of 14 February 1997 on the situation in Zeila, including who is controlling it, whether there is fighting in the area, and whether refugees are returning. "The Gadabuursi clan dominates Awdal region. As a result, regional politics in Awdal is almost synonymous with Gadabuursi internal clan affairs." p. 5.</ref>
Ada juga minoritas yang cukup besar dari subklan Issa dari Dir yang sebagian besar mendiami distrik Zeila.<ref name="Janzen von Vitzthum Somali Studies International Association 2001 p. 132">{{cite book| last1= Janzen| first1= J.| last2= von Vitzthum| first2= S.| author3= Somali Studies International Association| title= What are Somalia's Development Perspectives?: Science Between Resignation and Hope? : Proceedings of the 6th SSIA Congress, Berlin 6-9 December 1996| publisher= Das Arabische Buch| series= Proceedings of the ... SSIA-Congress| year= 2001| isbn= 978-3-86093-230-8| url=| access-date= 20 July 2018| page= 132| archive-url=| archive-date= 20 July 2018| url-status= live| df= dmy-all
== Referensi ==