Surah Hud: Perbedaan antara revisi

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RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
RaFaDa20631 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 47:
=== 69–84 Kisah Nabi Lut ===
Kisah Alkitab [[Sodom dan Gomora]] versi Al-Qur'an muncul pada ayat 69–84. [[Ibrahim]] dan [[Sara|Sarah]] memperoleh kabar gembira dari para malaikat tentang kelahiran anak dan cucu mereka, [[Ishak (tokoh Al-Qur'an)|Ishak]] dan beberapa tahun kemudian, [[Yakub (tokoh Al-Qur'an)|Yakub]], setelah malaikat mengatakan bahwa mereka telah diutus kepada nabi [[Lut]] beserta kaumnya. Allah memerintahkan Ibrahim untuk meninggalkan perbincangan karena kaum Lut akan segera diazab.
The Quranic version of the Biblical story of [[Sodom and Gomorrah]] is in Verses 11:69-84. [[Abraham in Islam|Abraham]] and [[Sarah]] are given the news of their son and grandson's forthcoming birth ([[Isaac in Islam|Isaac]] and [[Jacob in Islam|Jacob]]), after which they plead for mercy for Lot's people. God refuses the request, saying that the punishment cannot be averted. [[Lot in Islam|Lot]] offers his daughters( for marriage )to the men of Sodom, but they respond with disinterest and say "you know what we want."
Verses 11:80-84 confirms the Biblical account of [[Homosexuality and Islam|homosexuality]] as being the crime of Lot's people. Angels descend to protect Lot and his daughters, and the city is destroyed by a stone rain. Lot's wife perishes as well.
=== 85–95 Kisah Nabi Syuaib ===
Verse 11:85-95 deal with the prophet [[Shuaib|Shu'aib]] sent to [[Midian]]. Once more, the people ignore the prophet's warnings; this time, Shu'aib reminds the people of the fate of the people of Noah, Hud, Saleh, and Lot. It doesn't work, and the people spare Shu'aib from death by stoning only because he comes from a powerful clan. Shu'aib and those who believe are rescued by God. Afterward, the unbelievers "[were] seized by a punishment from heaven, and lay overturned in their homes in the morning as though they had not dwelt there at all."
The remaining verses discuss the general theme once more, with occasional references to [[Moses in Islam|Moses]]. The harsh punishment is explained as "We did not wrong them; they wronged themselves." Other gods are decried as false, powerless, and useless. Believers are commanded to walk the straight path and follow God, and those who disbelieve will suffer in Hell.
== Referensi ==