Evo Morales: Perbedaan antara revisi

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nol koka." <sup>[http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000086&sid=a6A2zvEBAlLs&refer=news_index]</sup>
==Kunjungan kenegaraanKenegaraan==
[[Image:Moraleslula 20060113 01.jpg|thumb|right|Morales dan Presiden Brasil [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva]]]]
Eva Morales sebelumSebelum dilantik sebagai presiden, ia sudah mengadakan kunjungan internasional di negeri-negeri penting di 4 benua. Antara lain ia telah mengunjungi [[Spanyol]], [[Prancis]], [[Belgia]], [[Afrika Selatan]], [[Cina]] dan [[Brasil]], untuk bertemu dengan berbagai kepala negara dan tokoh-tokoh dunia. Ia telah bertemu dengan presiden Prancis [[Jacques Chirac]], pimpinan Uni Eropa [[Javier Solana]], menteri luarnegeri Belanda [[Ben Bot]], presiden Cina [[Hu Jintao]], dan presiden [[Lula]] dari Brasil.
Pers internasional banyak memberitakan tentang kunjungan kilatnya ini, termasuk keistimewaan Evo Morales mengenai pakaiannya selama pertemuan dengan berbagai tokoh terkemuka di banyak negeri itu. Sebab, dalam kunjungannya ini ia selalu memakai pakaian yang sederhana, yaitu jaket kulit atau pakaian semacam ''sweater'' yang dibuat dengan alpaca (bahan pakaian tradisional yang banyak dibuat orang-orang Indian). Begitu sederhananya, sehingga soal pakaian Evo Morales disoroti oleh sebagian media massa berbagai negeri lebih banyak daripada politiknya. Ada yang menganggap bahwa pakaiannya yang sederhana ini, bahkan tanpa memakai dasi, kurang menghormati protokol.
Pada [[29 Desember]] [[2005]], Evo Morales undertook an international tour described by Latin American media as exceptional [http://actualidad.terra.es/nacional/articulo/empresarios_morales_consideran_excepcional_estrategia_674993.htm]. For two weeks, Morales visited several countries in search of political and economic support for his agenda for the transformation of Bolivia.
This tour is said to have constituted a break with decades of tradition in which the first international destination visited by a president-elect in Bolivia was the United States.
'''Timeline of Morales World tour'''
* [[December 30]], [[2005]]: Evo Morales visits [[Cuba]] after celebrating his democratic victory in his base town of [[Orinoca]]. In [[Havana]] Morales is extended the [[red carpet]] and receives full honors from Cuban president [[Fidel Castro]]. Morales signs a cooperation agreement between Bolivia and Cuba whereby Castro promises assistance to Bolivia in issues such as health and education. During his speech Morales describes Castro and Chávez as “''the commanders of the forces for the liberation of the Americas and the world''”. [http://eltiempo.terra.com.co/inte/latin/noticias/ARTICULO-WEB-_NOTA_INTERIOR-2676419.html]
[[Image:CastroChavezMorales.jpg|thumb|right|275px|Presiden Cuba [[Fidel Castro]] bersama Presiden Venezuela [[Hugo Chávez]] (kiri) dan Presiden Bolivia Evo Morales (kanan)]]
* [[January 3]], [[2006]]: He meets [[Hugo Chávez]] in [[Caracas]]. Chávez offers Bolivia 150&nbsp;000 barrels of diesel per month in order to substitute the current imports made from other countries. In exchange Bolivia will pay [[Venezuela]] with agriculture products from Bolivia. [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/exterior/nota.asp?nota_id=769496].
* [[January 4]], [[2006]]: Spanish Prime Minister [[José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero]] receives Morales in the palace of [[Palacio de la Moncloa|La Moncloa]]. Zapatero announces the writing-off of Bolivia’s debt with Spain, a sum of 120 million euros.
* [[January 5]], [[2006]]: [[King Juan Carlos]] receives Morales in his palace at [[Palacio de la Zarzuela|La Zarzuela]]. The Spanish media criticizes Morales for dressing informally, wearing a sweater made of [[alpaca]] wool with [[Amerindian]] motifs and colors during his encounter with the king. [http://www.la-razon.com/versiones/20060106_005413/nota_249_235691.htm]. At the same time [[José María Aznar]] announces that he will use [[FAES|his private fund-raising organization]] to fight against Castro, Morales and Chávez. [http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=25127]
* [[January 6]], [[2006]]: Morales meets [[France|French]] President [[Jacques Chirac]] in [[Paris]]. Chirac promises economic and political support as long as French investments in Bolivia are protected. [http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2006/01/08/023n1mun.php]. The same day he meets [[Netherlands|Dutch]] Foreign Minister [[Ben Bot]] who promises aid of €15 million a year.
* [[January 7]], [[2006]]: Morales meets [[Javier Solana]] in [[Brussels]], who also promises economic support for Bolivia in return for protection of [[Europea]]n investments in Bolivia. [http://servicios.laverdad.es/alicante/pg060106/prensa/noticias/Mundo/200601/06/MUR-MUN-102.html]
* [[January 9]] [[2006]]: Morales meets [[Hu Jintao]] and the [[China|Chinese]] Minister of Commerce [[Bo Xilai]]. Morales invites entrepreneurs and the government of China to invest in projects of exploration and exploitation of gas, and to participate in the construction of gas refineries in Bolivia. [http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2006/01/10/027n1mun.php]
*[[January 10]], [[2006]]: Morales is received in [[Pretoria]] by [[South Africa]]n President [[Thabo Mbeki]]. Morales compares the struggle of Black Africans during the [[Apartheid]] with the struggle of the Amerindians in the Americas. [http://www.clarin.com/diario/2006/01/10/um/m-01122025.htm]
*[[January 11]], [[2006]]: Morales meets with archbishop [[Desmond Tutu]], who describes him as a man of 'remarkable humility and warmth', as well as former president [[Frederik Willem de Klerk|F.W. de Klerk]]. [http://capeargus.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=49&fArticleId=3064651].
*[[January 13]], [[2006]]: Morales visits [[Brazil]] and meets with President [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva]], describing him as "comrade and brother." Morales and Lula agree to work together on a program of cooperation to end poverty. [http://www.lanacion.com.ar/edicionimpresa/exterior/nota.asp?nota_id=772307]
==Pranala luar==