InSebagai theakibat aftermathdari ofpengeboman the bombingsini, the [[UnitedPerserikatan NationsBangsa-Bangasa|PBB]] temporarilyuntuk suspendedsementara operationswaktu assistingmenghentikan refugeeskegiatan inmembantu thepara Kohatpengungsi regiondi wilayah Kohat.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Suicide bombers kill 41 at Pakistani refugee camp|last=Khan|first=Riaz|date=17 April 2010|publisher=The Associated Press|accessdate=17 April 2010}}</ref> ThereAda arelebih more thandari 200,.000 internallyorang displacedterlantar personsdi indaerah theinsiden. area of the incident.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=2 suicide bombers kill at least 40 at Pakistani refugee camp|last=Brulliard|first=Karin|date=18 April 2010|work=The Washington Post|accessdate=18 April 2010}}</ref> ▼
▲In the aftermath of the bombings, the [[United Nations]] temporarily suspended operations assisting refugees in the Kohat region.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Suicide bombers kill 41 at Pakistani refugee camp|last=Khan|first=Riaz|date=17 April 2010|publisher=The Associated Press|accessdate=17 April 2010}}</ref> There are more than 200,000 internally displaced persons in the area of the incident.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=2 suicide bombers kill at least 40 at Pakistani refugee camp|last=Brulliard|first=Karin|date=18 April 2010|work=The Washington Post|accessdate=18 April 2010}}</ref>
Pakistan'sMenteri defencepertahanan ministerPakistan, [[Ahmad Mukhtar]] calledmenyebutkan bahwa theserangan attacksini "highlysangat barbaricbiadab anddan cowardlypengecut."<ref name="BBC">{{cite news|url=|title= Pakistan twin bomb attack targets refugees|date=17 April 2010|work=BBC News|publisher=BBC|accessdate=18 April 2010}}</ref>