Karangan: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
a beautiful morning
Baris 1:
A Beautiful Morning
'''Karangan''' merupakan karya tulis hasil dari kegiatan seseorang untuk mengungkapkan gagasan dan menyampaikanya melalui bahasa tulis kepada pembaca untuk dipahami. Lima jenis karangan yang umum dijumpai dalam keseharian adalah narasi, deskripsi, eksposisi, argumentasi, dan persuasi.
Promptly at 6:00 I woke up, accompanied by sounds of a crowing cock as he sang to wake the people who are still sleeping. and I can see the flying birds leave the nest to find food. From the east the sun greeted me shyly for the light show. I walked to the front page right in front of my house there is a great way to pass traffic from a distance looks rice fields owned by farmers who planted rice still green and looks very cool, beautiful, and peaceful. Also visible in the distance a farmer who was plowing his rice field that has not been planted vegetation, and there is also a farmer who is looking for grass to feed their pets such as goats, cows and buffaloes. The village is named NAMBAHDADI this is the most I visit during the holidays. In addition to seeing the grandparents I used to see the beautifully view.
== Narasi ==