Irlandia Bersatu: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 3:
'''Persatuan Irlandia''' atau '''Irlandia Bersatu''' adalah gagasan tentang sebuah [[negara|negara berdaulat]] yang meliputi seluruh wilayah Irlandia yang terdiri dari 32 [[county]] tradisional.<ref>[ CAIN: Politics - An Outline of the Main Political 'Solutions' to the Conflict], United Ireland Definition.</ref> [[Pulau Irlandia]] meliputi dua wilayah negara berdaulat, yakni: [[Republik Irlandia]], yang terdiri dari 26 county, dan [[Britania Raya|Persatuan Kerajaan Britania Raya dan Irlandia Utara]], yang terdiri dari 6 county.
Irlandia yang bersatu, yang merdeka sepenuhnya dari Britania Raya, didukung oleh [[republikanisme Irlandia|kaum republikan]] dan [[nasionalisme Irlandia|kaum nasionalis]].<ref>{{cite book|last=McGarry|first=John|coauthor=Brendan O'Leary|title=The Northern Ireland Conflict: Consociational Engagements|publisher=Oxford University Press|year=2004|page=243|isbn=978-0-19-926657-9}}</ref> Sebaliknya, [[unionisme di Irlandia|kaum unionis]] dan [[loyalisme Ulster|kaum loyalis]] menolak gagasan ini dan mendukung Irlandia Utara supaya tetap menjadi bagian dari Britania Raya, dan bahkan menghendaki Republik Irlandia ikut bergabung.<ref>{{cite book|last=Branscombe|first=Nyla R.|coauthor=Bertjan Doosje|title=Collective Guilt: International Perspectives|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2004|page=194|isbn=978-0-521-52083-6}}</ref> Pada tahun 2009, sebuah survey yang diselenggarakan oleh ''Northern Ireland Life and Times'' menunjukkan bahwa 21% orang yang ditanyai menyatakan dukungan akan terbentuknya sebuah Irlandia yang bersatu.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2009. "Do you think the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be for it ... to reunify with the rest of Ireland?" | |date=2010-06-06 |accessdate=2010-11-21}}</ref> InDi theRepublik Republic of IrelandIrlandia, aterwujudnya unitedPersatuan IrelandIrlandia wasdikehendaki favouredoleh by aroundkira-kira 80% ofpopulasi peoplepada intahun 2006.<ref name=iepoll2006>{{cite news|title = Majority want a nation once again|url =|publisher = Sunday Business Post|date = 2006-04-02|accessdate = 2008-01-26}}</ref> InDi [[GreatBritania BritainRaya]], surveyssurvey showmenunjukkan aboutkira-kira 40% supportdukungan abagi Irlandia unitedyang Irelandbersatu.<ref name="doop1" /><ref name="doop2" />
Several different models for [[reunification]] have been suggested including [[federalism]]<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=CAIN: Events: Abstention: Extract from Presidential Address by Gerry Adams on the Issue of Abstentionism, Dublin, (1 November 1986) | |date=1986-11-01 |accessdate=2012-09-02}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url= |title=&#201;ire Nua -- A new Ireland | |date= |accessdate=2012-09-02}}</ref> and [[Confederation|confederalism]], as well as a [[unitary state]]. Article 15.2 of the [[Constitution of Ireland]] (enacted in 1937) provides for the possibility of [[devolution]] within the Irish state,<ref>The Constitution of Ireland, Article 15, section 2, subsection 2. Retrieved from on August 18, 2010. Extract: "Provision may however be made by law for the creation or recognition of subordinate legislatures and for the powers and functions of these legislatures. " This theoretically provides that sub-national legislatures may be established by the Oireachtas.</ref> originally intended to absorb the old [[Parliament of Northern Ireland|Stormont]] institutions of Northern Ireland. In 1999 [[Articles 2 and 3]] of the constitution were amended to abandon the territorial claim on the North.<ref>{{cite news| url= | location=London | work=The Independent | first=Marcus | last=Tanner | title=The devolution of Ulster: After a long struggle, Ireland's claim to the North passes peacefully away | date=1999-12-03}}</ref>
SeveralBeberapa differentmodel modelsyang forberbeda untuk [[reunificationreunifikasi]] havetelah been suggesteddisodorkan, includingtermasuk [[federalismfederalisme]]<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=CAIN: Events: Abstention: Extract from Presidential Address by Gerry Adams on the Issue of Abstentionism, Dublin, (1 November 1986) | |date=1986-11-01 |accessdate=2012-09-02}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url= |title=&#201;ire Nua -- A new Ireland | |date= |accessdate=2012-09-02}}</ref> anddan [[ConfederationKonfederasi|confederalismkonfederalisme]], as well as ajuga [[unitarynegara statekesatuan]]. ArticleArtikel 15.2 of thedalam [[ConstitutionKonstitusi of IrelandIrlandia]] (enacteddiberlakukan inpada tahun 1937) providesmenyediakan for the possibility ofkemungkinan [[devolutiondevolusi]] withindi thedalam Irishnegara stateIrlandia,<ref>The Constitution of Ireland, Article 15, section 2, subsection 2. Retrieved from on August 18, 2010. Extract: "Provision may however be made by law for the creation or recognition of subordinate legislatures and for the powers and functions of these legislatures. " This theoretically provides that sub-national legislatures may be established by the Oireachtas.</ref> originallyaslinya intendeddimaksudkan tountuk absorbmenyerap the oldinstitusi-institusi [[ParliamentParlemen ofIrlandia Northern IrelandUtara|Stormont]] institutionsdi ofIrlandia Northern IrelandUtara. InPada tahun 1999 [[ArticlesArtikel 2 anddan 3]] ofkonstitusi theini constitutiondiubah wereuntuk amendedmelepaskan toklaim abandonwilayah the territorial claim on thedi NorthUtara.<ref>{{cite news| url= | location=London | work=The Independent | first=Marcus | last=Tanner | title=The devolution of Ulster: After a long struggle, Ireland's claim to the North passes peacefully away | date=1999-12-03}}</ref>
The [[partition of Ireland]] in 1921 stemmed from demographic, economic, religious and political factors. In demographic terms, the six counties of Northern Ireland contain a unionist and mostly [[Protestantism|Protestant]] majority<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=CAIN: Background Information on Northern Ireland Society - Religion | |date= |accessdate=2012-09-02}}</ref> that favours continued union with Britain. The twenty-six counties of the Republic contain a very large [[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]] majority that rejected British rule and became independent in 1922. In political terms, the British government was reluctant in the 1920s to withdraw its jurisdiction from the whole of the island for strategic reasons; its policy since 1921 has been to agree to Irish unity by voluntary consent.