Papirus 49: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 66:
In Ephesians 5:9, it has the textual reading φωτος (''light''), supported by Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, Bezae, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, minuscule 6, 33, 81, 629, 1175<sup>c</sup>, 1739, 1881, 2464, some Old-Latin manuscripts, Peshitta and Coptic manuscripts. The reading πνευματος (''spirit'') is found in the manuscripts <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, D<sup>2</sup>, Ψ, majority of the Byzantine manuscripts and syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref name = NA511/>
== Sejarah ==
TheGaya handwritingtulisan oftangan thenaskah manuscriptini displaysmenunjukkan manybanyak third-centuryciri featuresabad ke-3. Comfort datedmemberi thetarikh manuscriptpertengahan toabad the middle of the third centuryke-3.<ref name = Comfort/> ItSekarang isdiberi presentlytarikh assignedabad toke-3 the third century onberdasarkan [[palaeography|palaeographicpaleografi]] grounds by theoleh [[Institute for New Testament Textual Research]] (INTF).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF/> ItKemungkinan wasdibuat probablydi written in EgyptMesir, but it cannot be assignedtetapi totidak anydapat particulardipastikan localitytempatnya.<ref name = Hatch>W. H. P. Hatch & C. B. Welles, [ ''A Hitherto Unpublished Fragment of the Epistle to the Ephesians''], HTR 51 (1958), 33-37.</ref>
TheNaskah manuscriptini wasdibeli purchased indi [[CairoKairo]] foruntuk [[Yale University]] inpada Februarybulan Februari 1931. ItsAsal provenancemulanya priorsebelum toKairo Cairotidak is not knowndiketahui.<ref name = Comfort/> Currently it isSaat housedini atdisimpan thepada [[Yale University Library]] (P. Yale 415) indi [[New Haven]].<ref name = Aland/>
The text of theTeks codex was publisheddipublikasikan byoleh [[William Hatch]] anddan Bradford Welles inpada tahun 1958 (''editio princeps'').<ref name = Hatch/> Kurt Aland cataloguedmemasukkan thenaskah manuscriptini onke thedalam listdaftar ofkatalog thePapirus New[[Perjanjian Testament papyri underBaru]] thedengan numbernomor 49.<ref>{{Cite book