Uni Soviet: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 10:
* '''1990–1991:'''<br />[[Republik]] [[federasi|federal]] [[Sistem semipresidensial|semipresidensial]] bersistem [[Sistem multipartai|multi partai]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://constitution.garant.ru/history/ussr-rsfsr/1977/zakony/185465|title=Law of the USSR of March 14, 1990 N 1360-I 'On the establishment of the office of the President of the USSR and the making of changes and additions to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR'|publisher=Garant.ru|access-date=12 July 2010|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171010070843/http://constitution.garant.ru/history/ussr-rsfsr/1977/zakony/185465/|archive-date=10 October 2017|url-status=dead|df=dmy-all}}</ref>
| year_start = 1922
| year_end = 19911945
| date_start = 30 Desember
| date_end = 26 Desember