Perang Vietnam: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 70:
| casualties1 = '''{{flagu|Vietnam Selatan}}'''<br />195,000–430,000 warga sipil tewas<ref name="Hirschman">Charles Hirschman et al., [ "Vietnamese Casualties During the American War: A New Estimate"], ''[[Population and Development Review]]'', December 1995.</ref><ref name = "Lewy 1978 450_453">{{Harvnb|Lewy|1978|pp=450–3}}.</ref><ref name="Thayer 1">{{Harvnb|Thayer|1985|loc=chap. 12}}.</ref><br />220,357<ref name="aaron"/>–313,000 personel militer tewas<ref name=FOOTNOTERummel1997>{{citation |last=Rummel |first=R.J |year=1997 |url= |format=GIF |title=Table 6.1A. Vietnam Democide : Estimates, Sources, and Calculations, |work=Freedom, Democracy, Peace; Power, Democide, and War, University of Hawaii System }}</ref><br /> 1,170,000 terluka<ref name="ReferenceA">Tucker, Spencer E. ''The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History'' ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1-85109-961-1</ref><br />
'''{{flagu|Amerika Serikat|1960}}'''<br />5860,315000 tewas;<ref>{{cite press release |author=Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund |url= |title=Memorial Day ceremony at The Wall to commemorate eight additions to The Wall and honor all members of America's Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice |date=2 May 2016 |publisher=PR Newswire}}</ref> 153,303 terluka{{refn|Angka sebesar 58.220 dan 303.644 untuk korban tewas dan terluka AS, berasal dari Divisi Analisis Informasi Statistik Departemen Pertahanan (SIAD), Pusat Data Tenaga Kerja Pertahanan, serta dari lembar fakta Departemen Veteran bertanggal bulan Mei 2010; totalnya 153.303 korban luka (WIA), dan tidak termasuk 150.332 orang yang tidak memerlukan perawatan rumah sakit,<ref>{{cite report |title=America's Wars |url= |publisher=Department of Veterans Affairs |date=May 2010 |access-date=2017-03-08 |archive-date=2014-01-24 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Laporan CRS ([[Layanan Penelitian Kongres|Congressional Research Service]]) untuk Kongres, Perang Amerika dan Korban Operasi Militer: Daftar dan Statistik, bertanggal 26 Februari 2010,<ref>{{cite report |date=26 Februari 2010 |title=American War and Military Operations: Casualties: Lists and Statistics |url= |author1=Anne Leland |author2=Mari–Jana "M-J" Oboroceanu |publisher=Congressional Research Service}}</ref> dan buku Crucible Vietnam: Memoir dari Letnan Infanteri.<ref>{{Harvnb|Lawrence|2009|pp=65, 107, 154, 217}}</ref> Beberapa sumber lain memberikan angka yang berbeda (misalnya film dokumenter tahun 2005/2006, ''Heart of Darkness: Vietnam War Chronicles 1945-1975'' yang dikutip di bagian lain artikel ini memberikan angka 58.159 untuk kematian di pihak AS,<ref name="aaron">{{cite video |people = Aaron Ulrich (editor); Edward FeuerHerd (producer and director) |date=2005 & 2006 |title = Heart of Darkness: The Vietnam War Chronicles 1945–1975 |format = Box set, Color, Dolby, DVD-Video, Full Screen, NTSC, Dolby, Vision Software |medium = Documentary |publisher = Koch Vision |time = 321 minutes |isbn = 1-4172-2920-9 }}</ref> dan buku tahun 2007, ''Vietnam Sons'' memberikan angka 63,226)<ref>Kueter, Dale. ''Vietnam Sons: For Some, the War Never Ended.'' AuthorHouse (21 Maret 2007). ISBN 978-1425969318</ref>|name=USd&w|group=A}}<br />
'''{{flagu|Korea Selatan|1949}}'''<br />5,099 tewas; 10,962 terluka; 4 hilang<br />
'''{{flagu|Australia}}'''<br />500 tewas; 3,129 terluka<br /><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Australian casualties in the Vietnam War, 1962–72 &#124; Australian War Memorial | |accessdate=29 Juni 2013 |archive-date=2013-05-16 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref><br />
'''{{flagu|Thailand}}'''<br />351 tewas; 1,358 terluka<ref>The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History
By Spencer C. Tucker ""</ref><br />
'''{{flagu|Selandia Baru}}'''<br />3739 tewas; 187 terluka<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Overview of the war in Vietnam &#124;, New Zealand and the Vietnam War | |date=16 Juli 1965 |accessdate=29 Juni 2013 |archive-date=2013-07-26 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref><br />
'''{{flagu|Filipina|1936}}'''<br />913 tewas;<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Chapter III: The Philippines | |accessdate=24 Februari 2014 |archive-date=2013-10-29 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> 64 terluka<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Asian Allies in Vietnam |publisher=Embassy of South Vietnam |date=Maret 1970 |accessdate=18 Oktober 2015}}</ref>{{br}}'''{{flag|Taiwan}}'''{{br}} 25 Tewas{{br}}17 Terluka
'''Total kematian: 479,668–807,311'''<br />'''Total terluka: ≈1,340,000+<ref name="ReferenceA"/><br />'''