Romeo dan Juliet: Adegan Makam: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 37:
== Penjelasan ==
TheLukisan ini paintingberukuran istinggi 70 inchesinci highdan andlebar 95 wideinci<ref name="modes"/> anddan menampilkan showskeahlian Wright's fameduntuk skillsuasana withmalam nocturnaldan andcahaya candlelitapi sceneslilin. ItMenggambarkan depictssatu themomen moment[[Romeo indan [[ShakespeareJuliet]]'s ''karya [[Romeo and JulietShakespeare]]'' at whichketika Juliet, kneelingberlutut besidedi samping tubuh Romeo's body, hearsmendengar alangkah footstepkaki anddan drawsmencabut belati Romeo's dagger.<ref name="artfund"/><ref name="europeana">{{en}} [ Romeo and Juliet by Joseph Wright of Derby], Europeana, accessed March 2011</ref> Perkataan Juliet's line isadalah "Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!" andyang isdikatakan saidJuliet justsesaat beforesebelum Julietbunuh kills herselfdiri.<ref name=shakespeare>{{en}} [[s:The_Tragedy_of_Romeo_and_Juliet#SCENE_III._A_churchyard.3B_in_it_a_tomb_belonging_to_the_Capulets.|Act 5 scene 3]], The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, [[William Shakespeare]]</ref> InSebagai additiontambahan tountuk thislukisan paintingini, Derby Museum alsoDerby ownjuga amemiliki preparatorysketsa sketchpersiapan bydari Wright. OnPada thesketsa sketchia hemelakukan proposesperubahan thepada changelukisan heyang mademana toia thememindahkan painting[[sarkofagus]] wherekedalam heceruk moveddi thesebelah sarcophagus and its niche to the rightkanan. Wright wasberusaha tryingmemperbesar togambaran increasedinding theyang sizeterkena of the image of the illuminated wallcahaya. TheSosok gladiatorial figure ofbesar Juliet withdengan hertangan outstretchedke armsatas attractssangat themenarik eyeperhatian anddan thekematian heroic death ofheroik Romeo havetelah beendibandingkan compareddengan to [[Michelangelo]]'s drawingketika ofmelukis [[Tityus]].<ref>NowSaat inini thedi [[Royal Collection]], [ Royal Collection]</ref><ref name=nicholson>{{cite book|last=[[Benedict Nicolson|Nicolson]]|first=Benedict|title=Joseph Wright of Derby: painter of light, Volume 1|year=1968|publisher=Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art|
The painting is 70 inches high and 95 wide<ref name="modes"/> and shows Wright's famed skill with nocturnal and candlelit scenes. It depicts the moment in [[Shakespeare]]'s ''[[Romeo and Juliet]]'' at which Juliet, kneeling beside Romeo's body, hears a footstep and draws Romeo's dagger.<ref name="artfund"/><ref name="europeana">[ Romeo and Juliet by Joseph Wright of Derby], Europeana, accessed March 2011</ref> Juliet's line is "Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!" and is said just before Juliet kills herself<ref name=shakespeare>[[s:The_Tragedy_of_Romeo_and_Juliet#SCENE_III._A_churchyard.3B_in_it_a_tomb_belonging_to_the_Capulets.|Act 5 scene 3]], The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, [[William Shakespeare]]</ref> In addition to this painting, Derby Museum also own a preparatory sketch by Wright. On the sketch he proposes the change he made to the painting where he moved the sarcophagus and its niche to the right. Wright was trying to increase the size of the image of the illuminated wall. The gladiatorial figure of Juliet with her outstretched arms attracts the eye and the heroic death of Romeo have been compared to [[Michelangelo]]'s drawing of [[Tityus]].<ref>Now in the [[Royal Collection]], [ Royal Collection]</ref><ref name=nicholson>{{cite book|last=[[Benedict Nicolson|Nicolson]]|first=Benedict|title=Joseph Wright of Derby: painter of light, Volume 1|year=1968|publisher=Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art|
pages=295|url=|accessdate=13 March 2011}}</ref>