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Baris 1:
{{hapus:kelayakan}}= Inactive bot on ru.wikipedia ==
Dear botowner!
From behalf of bureaucrats of Russian Wikipedia I want to notify you, that we are discussing removal of bot flag from your bot in local ru.wikipedia: [[:ru:Википедия:Заявки на статус бота/неактивные боты 2015|link]]. We nominated for removal all bots that were inactive for the latest year: if you have any future plans for bot running or want to keep this flag for some other reasons, please, tell us: [[:ru:Википедия:Заявки на статус бота/неактивные боты 2015|discussion]]. You can also contact me directly via my user talk - [[:ru:User talk:Rubin16]].
If you have no objections or we won't receive any response for a week, we will remove bot flag. Thanks a lot for your previous contributions! [[User:Rubin16|rubin16]] ([[User talk:Rubin16|talk]]) 10 Januari 2015 10.28 (UTC)
Sent via [[m:MassMessage|MassMessage]]. For opt-out, edit [[m:User:Rubin16/list|delivery list]].
[[Pengguna:MediaWiki message delivery|MediaWiki message delivery]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:MediaWiki message delivery|bicara]]) 10 Januari 2015 10.28 (UTC)
<!-- Message sent by User:-revi@metawiki using the list at http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Rubin16/list&oldid=10925277 -->
==[[:gl:Wikipedia:Bots/Peticións de aprobación]]==
Ola Tjmoel.