Pada September 1968 dibentuk Pasukan Pembela Wilayah (PPW) untuk membantu [[Tentara Rakyat Yugoslavia (TRY)]] dalam hal penjagaan perbatasan.
There were 17 Corps (both named and numbered), they consist of the following:
* Serbian (x 5) – 12th, 21st, 24th, 37th, and 52nd
* Croatian (x 4) – 9th, 10th, 13th, and 32nd
* Bosnia-Herzegovinian (x 3) – 4th, 5th, and 17th
* Macedonian (x 2) – 41st and 42nd
* Slovene (x 2) – 14th and 31st
* Montenegrin (x 1) – 2nd
Each Corps contained the following:
* Corps Headquarters Troops,
* Corps combat Support – three artillery regiments (one mixed artillery, one mixed anti-tank, one light anti-aircraft), and six battalions (engineers, signals, military police, NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical), medical, and replacement).
* Corps combat forces consisted of four armoured/mechanized/motorized brigades, plus infantry, light infantry, and mountain brigades.
During the course of the ten-year-long Yugoslav wars, corps were modified by being reinforced with extra units from out of theatre; battalions then became regiments and regiments became brigades. However many units were also disbanded when their non-Serbian/Montenegrin personnel deserted.