The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry: Perbedaan antara revisi

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{{Infobox television
| show_name = 아직도The 결혼하고Woman 싶은Who 여자<brStill />AjikdoWants Gyeolhonhagoto Shipeun YeojaMarry
| image =
| caption = Poster The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry
| show_name_2 = Still, Marry Me<br />City Lovers
| genre = Romantis
| num_episodes = 16
| network = MBC
| first_aired = {{Start date|2010|01|20}}
| last_aired = {{End date|2010|03|11}}
| air_time = Rabu & Kamis 21:55
| preceded_by = [[The Woman Who Wants to Marry]]
| related = [[The Man Who Can't Get Married]]
| image = <!-- include ALT text per [[WP:ALT]] guideline -->
| caption =
| formatshow_name_2 = Still, Marry = Me
| writergenre = Kim[[Film roman|Romansa]], [[Film Inkomedi|Komedi]], Young[[Drama]]
| directorstarring = [[Park Jin-hee]] <br /> [[Kim MinBum]]<br />[[Uhm Ji-won]] Shik<br />Lee Sang[[Wang Bit-na]] Yeob
| genre writer = RomantisKim In-young
| executive_producer = Go Dong Sun
| director = Kim Min-shik<ref>{{cite web|last=Han|first=Sang-hee|title=Younger Men, Power, Money Fill Dramas|url=|work=[[The Korea Times]]|accessdate=2012-11-19|date=30 March 2010}}</ref> <br />Lee Sang-yeob
| producer = Park Chang Shik
| executive_producer = Go Dong Sun-sun
| starring =
| network producer = MBCPark Chang-shik
| company = [ Kim Jong-hak Hak ProductionProductions]
| num_episodesdistributor = 16
| country = [[Korea Selatan]]
| language = [[Bahasa Korea|Korea]]
| runtime =
| company = Kim Jong Hak Production
| distributor =
| picture_format =
| audio_format =
| status num_episodes = 16
| websitenetwork = [[Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation]]
| website_titlefirst_aired = {{Start date|2010|1|20}}
| first_airedlast_aired = {{StartEnd date|2010|013|2011}}
| production_website =
| runtime = 60 minutes <br/> Rabu dan Kamis pukul 21:55 ([[Waktu Standar Korea|WSK]])
| preceded_by = ''[[TheHero Woman(serial WhoTV Wants to Marry2009)|Hero]]''
| followed_by = ''[[Personal Taste]]''
| captionrelated = Poster ''The Woman Who Still Wants Toto Marry'' (MBC, 2004)
| website =
'''''The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry''''' adalah drama romantis [[Korea Selatan]] yang berfokus kepada kehidupan tiga wanita lajang berusia 34 tahun, Lee Shin Young, Jung Da Jung, and Kim Boo Ki. Serial ini pertama tayang pada tanggal [[20 Januari]] [[2010]] dan berakhir pada tanggal [[11 Maret]] [[2010]].