1904: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 19:
== Peristiwa ==
* Tahun 1904 Tengku Zainal Abidin, Raja XVIXV Kerajaan Tambusai Riau ditangkap oleh Belanda (Controleur Quast) dan dibuang ke Madiun, Jawa Timur. Makamnya ditemukan oleh cicitnya di Desa Toyo Resmi, Kec. Gamping Rejo (ditepi jalan raya) pada tanggal 16 Desember 2002.
Tengku Zainal Abidin adalah putera dari Tambusai, Riau. Beliau berjuang bukan saja untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan wiilayahnya kerajaan Tambusai.Beliau tetap dengan gigih berjuang melawan penjajah kolonial Belanda dimanapun beliau berada.
Pada tanggal 13 Maret 2003 diperoleh informasi melalui email dari Mr. Sven Aalten, KITLV Library di Leiden-Belanda cuplikan tulisan yang terdapat dalam “The Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch (Oost) Indie“ tahun 1921 pada halaman 253-254 mengenai Tamboesei yang diterjemahkan dari bahasa Belanda ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan tulisan mengenai Dzain Oel Abidin (Zainal Abidin).
“ Tamboesei on the Rokan River in Mid Sumatera, in the south bordering on Kepenoehan, and since 1906, like Kepenoehan, forming part of the onderaft deeling (sub-division) Rokan, afdeeling (division) of Bengkalis, of the government (Province) of Oostkust van Sumatera
Founded by the padri from Bondjol and administered in their laws and spirit, Tamboesei was still a padri-stronghold long after the padri had been driven from their fortresses in the Padang high countries
The Toenkoe of Tamboesei, Hadji Muhammad Saleh, who was under their influence also took up arms against the Dutch and was a threat to the government’s territories of Mandailing and Ankola but on 28 December 1833 his main settlement Daloe-Daloe was taken by the Dutch and he fled to Tanah Poetih.
After having left the post in 1843 the Dutch did not have many dealings with Tmboesei [etc] … although it was always as restless as neighbouring small states
According to the Koloniaal Verslag (Colonial Report) of 1901, the ruler of Tamboesei Zainoel Abidin, after a journey to Mecca and Turkey, stayed in Perak (Malacca) and was kept from returning to his country by the Gouvernement. In November 1902 he returned secretly, but the Gouvernement contented itself with supervising his doings because he kept rather calmly.
Because, later he provoked the Gouvernement, he was arrested in his kampoeng and his country annexed. Zainoel Abidin himself was interned in Madioen. In 1905 the chiefs of his country took the “ Short Pledge “ (De Korte Verklaring) wish, a.o.things, stated that their territory was part of the Dutch in Indies and was under Dutch sovereignity “
Tulisan akan dilanjutkan................
Tengku Wahidin Amir, Ir
== Lahir ==