Han Ye-seul: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox person
| name = Han Ye-seul
| image = Han Ye Seul.jpg
| birth_name = Kim Ye Seul Yi
| other_names = Leslie Kim
| birth_date = {{birth date and age|1982|9|18|df=yes}}
| birth_place = [[Los Angeles, California]], [[Amerika Serikat]]
| nationality = [[Korea Selatan]]
| occupation = [[Aktris]], [[model]], [[penyanyi]]
| years_active = 2001–sekarang
| height = {{height|m=1.68}}
| module = {{Infobox Korean name|child=yes|color=transparent
| hangulborn = 김예슬이
| hanjaborn = None
| rrborn = Gim Yeseuri
| mrborn = Kim Yesŭri
| hangul = 한예슬
| hanja = {{linktext|韓|藝|瑟|}}
| rr = Han Ye-seul
| mr = Han Yesŭl}}
'''Han Ye-seul''' ({{lahirmati||18|9|1981}}) adalah [[aktris]], [[penyanyi]] dan model asal [[Korea Selatan]].
Baris 24:
*2014, SBS: ''Birth of a Beauty''
*2011, KBS2: ''[[Spy Myung-wol]]''
Baris 35 ⟶ 36:
*2011: Many a Little Romance
*2007: [[Miss Gold Digger]]
== Pranala luar ==
* {{IMDb name|id=2075130|title=Han Ye Seul}}
* {{Hancinema person|Han_Ye-seul}}
Baris 45 ⟶ 48:
{{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]]. -->
| NAME = Han, Ye-seul
| ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Kim, Leslie; Kim Ye Seul Yi
| SHORT DESCRIPTION = Korean actress, singer and model
| DATE OF BIRTH = 18 September 1981
| PLACE OF BIRTH = [[Los Angeles, California]], U.S.
{{DEFAULTSORT:Han, Yeseul}}