Herman Robert Woltjer: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox Officeholder
| office = [[Daftar Rektor Institut Teknologi Bandung|Rektor TH Bandung]]
| order = 11
| term_start = [[18 Juli]] [[1938]]
| term_end = [[28 Juli]] [[1939]]
| predecessor = {{nowrap|Prof. Ir. [[J. J. I. Sprenger]]}}
| successor = {{nowrap|Prof. Dr. [[Willem Boomstra]]}}
| name = {{nowrap|Prof. Dr. Herman Robert Woltjer}}
| image = Herman Robert Woltjer.jpg
| caption = Rektor TH Bandung 1938-1939
| birth_name = Herman Robert Woltjer
| birth_date = {{Birth date|1887|2|16}}
| birth_place = {{flagicon|Belanda}} [[Amsterdam]], [[Belanda]]
| death_date = {{death date and age|1974|9|18|1887|2|16}}
| death_place = {{flagicon|Belanda}} [[:en:Zutphen|Zutphen]], [[Belanda]]
| nationality = {{flagicon|Belanda}} [[Belanda]]
| alma_mater = Drs. & Dr. - [[Universiteit van Amsterdam]]</br>Prof. - [[TH Bandung]]
Baris 49:
== Pendidikan ==
* ''Gereformeerd Gymnasium'' (sekolah setingkat [[HBS]] program 5 tahun) di [[Amsterdam]] lulus bulan Juni 1904
* ''Doktorandus'' (Drs.) fisika dari ''[[Universitas Amsterdam]]'' lulus bulan Juni 1911
Baris 54 ⟶ 55:
== Karier ==
* Asisten ''Natuurkundig Laboratorium'' [[Rijksuniversiteit Leiden]] - 1910
* Konservator ''Natuurkundig Laboratorium'' [[Rijksuniversiteit Leiden]] - 1919
Baris 63 ⟶ 65:
== Publikasi ==
* [http://books.google.co.id/books?id=JC0VHAAACAAJ "The Red Lithium Line and the Spectroscopic Determination of Atomic Weights"], 1913 (bersama Pieter Zeeman).
* [http://books.google.co.id/books?id=ZPSbHAAACAAJ "Natuurkunde en natuurphilosophie"], 1926.
Baris 72 ⟶ 75:
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.itb.ac.id/ Situs resmi ITB.]
* [http://www.itb.ac.id/about-itb/timeline Timeline TH Bandung - ITB.]